Hello Officer Davis,
Today I am scheduled for another drug screening.
To: Donna Devine
Here goes another attempt from a different angle. Although mother wrote the $14,000.00 check from her account, the money still came from a trust fund 100% money we allowed our workaholic father working himself...HARD...into an early grave providing for his family. I consider that $14,000.00 also half dad's money; not mothers. Remember now! It was the DEA having busted our father for his drug abuse addiction! Not his sons! Not his daughter! Most certainly not his wife! Now I understand why dad had the will split evenly between the three of us. You two need understanding, now that dad's gone; you two, most especially mother, my
bitches now! And before you two able my consent believing...
March 18, 2018 6:40 pm
To: Donna Devine
Able my consent believing in God, we gotta get dad out of purgatory first! Like I tried saying before, "Me living a county voted 80% for Clinton! My bills are different!" The reason the Meths addiction!
March 18, 2018 6:45 pm
From: Donna Devine
Have Sseb call mom and she will probably write him the check!!
March 18, 2018 6:49 pm
To: Donna Devine
I will ask if Sseb willing speaking with you from my phone.
March 18, 2108 6:53 pm
From: Donna Devine
March 18, 2018 7:00 pm
To: Donna Devine
He's hard at work right now; bathing dogs. It will have to wait until he's up to it. In addition to last round of bills, he's even loaned me some money. One more thing! Keep in mind that it's you two having the surplus compared to Sseb! And us four compared to our African-Americans! I will hear you! So be careful with your words...
March 18, 2018 7:14 pm
To: Donna Devine
What is mother's phone #? The only one I know is the one growing up Prescott, Arkansas (870)887-3415? Which one does she prefer?
March 18, 2018 8:01 pm
From: Donna Devine
The house number!! You have to let it ring a long time to give her time to answer!
March 18, 2018 8:49 pm
From: Donna Devine
We r not the reason you have no money!!!!! We have been trying to send you money!!!!!
March 18, 2018 9:00 pm
Police Department
1784 N. Decatur Rd., Suite G-01, Atlanta, GA, 30322
PHONE: 404-727-6115 FAX: 404-727-8039
Location of Occurrence / Address
Date and Time Reported
11/27/2017 13:09
Case No.
11/26/2017 17:00
11/27/2017 13:09
HT [ ] WT [ ] HAIR [ ] EYE [ ]
SUITE NUMBER [ ] CITY [Decatur] STATE [GA] ZIP [30033]
On Monday, November 27, 2017 at approximately 1313 hours I met with COMPLAINANT, the pastor of the Glenn Memorial Church, in reference to feeling threatened by James Avery. I met with COMPLAINANT in her office, where she advised me that she is feeling unsafe and threatened by the attendance of James Avery at her services.
COMPLAINANT stated that beginning in August of last year she allowed Mr. Avery to attend services. She stated that she was aware of Mr. Avery’s consistently atypical behavior, and always had other parishioners with him to make sure he did not create a problem.
COMPLAINANT stated that recently he has been emailing both her and other church members often, and becomes angered when he does not receive an answer, or does not receive
COMPLAINANT stated that recently he has been emailing both her and other church members often, and becomes angered when he does not receive an answer, or does not receive
the answer he desires. COMPLAINANT provided me with a couple of emails which I scanned and submitted with this report.
COMPLAINANT also informed me that WITNESS at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church criminally trespassed James Avery from that church for concerning behavior. I contacted WITNESS via email and she summarized her church’s dealings with Avery. I scanned and submitted my conversation with WITNESS, as well as a copy of the criminal trespass warning they issued to Avery.
COMPLAINANT informed me that last night, November 26, 2017, she was holding a five o’clock service at Glenn Church. She stated that Mr. Avery stood in the middle of the aisle near the rear of the church filming her as she delivered her sermon.
COMPLAINANT also stated that Mr. Avery has recently come to believe that COMPLAINANT and the church are responsible for the county ordinance violations he received for the signage in his yard on Mason Mill Rd.
COMPLAINANT stated that she is aware that Mr. Avery uses methamphetamine, due to his own admission. COMPLAINANT also stated that he cornered a youth in church the other morning while speaking to the juvenile.
COMPLAINANT stated that the youth informed her that Mr. Avery did not say anything inappropriate, but COMPLAINANT no longer feels comfortable having Mr. Avery at the church around youth.
COMPLAINANT made it clear that she feels that her safety is threaten by his being on the property.
COMPLAINANT stated that she had someone walk her to her car after last night’s service because she believed Mr. Avery would have followed her to her vehicle.
Sgt. Randall was also present for the meeting, and informed COMPLAINANT that we would show a greater police presence at any time she requested. I provided COMPLAINANT with a card and case number
11/27/2017 18:39
12/05/2017 15:04
PAGE NO. 1&2 of 2
Police Department
Supplement Case Report
1784 N. Decatur Rd., Suite G-01, Atlanta, GA, 30322
PHONE: 404-727-6115 FAX: 404-727-8039
Location of Occurrence / Address
Case No.
Date and Time Reported
11/27/2017 13:09
Cad No.
Supplement Narrative
I spoke with the complainant on 11/28/2017 at 1610 hours. She advised she was concerned with the recent behavior of James Avery when he is attending church at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. She had detailed her concerns in this report to Ofc. Massee on 11/27/2017.
She advised Ofc. Massee that another Metro Atlanta Methodist Church, St. Mark, has issued a criminal trespass warning to Avery in the past. COMPLAINANT and I discussed the possibility of a criminal trespass warning prohibiting Avery from attending services at Glenn Memorial. I asked that she send me an email detailing her concerns and expressing her wishes to pursue a criminal trespass warning.
I received that email on 11/29/2017 at 0950 hours. I discussed the email and COMPLAINANT'S request with Capt. B. Buchtinec and he advised me to meet with Avery and issue an Emory-wide criminal trespass warning.
On 11/29/2017 at 1444 hours, Lt. J.Schmahl and I met with James Edward Avery at his home at 1840 Mason Mill Rd., Decatur, GA. Avery was presented with a written criminal trespass warning for all Emory properties.
Avery acknowledged receipt of and signed the warning. He was given a copy of the document. The interaction with Avery was documented via mine and Lt. Schmahl's body cameras. Avery also video recorded the contact with him.
A copy of the criminal trespass warning was uploaded into the other media folder and the original was placed in the criminal trespass warning files in the communications division.
This case is CLOSED.
Reporting Officer Supplement Date and Time Reported Reviewed By Approval Date and Time Signatures Print Date and Time Printed By Page No. 1 of 1
User Files:Forms:A-C/Criminal Trespass 10/04/2005 9:34: a.m.(jbr) v.1.1 Rev. 07-24-14 (re)
Emory Police
1784 North Decatur Road, G01 • Atlanta, Ga. 30322
Criminal Trespass Warning
This is to confirm that you (print name) JAMES EDWARD AVERY, have received the following
instructions from (print rank/name/badge number) DET. M. D. MEEKS, #32 an authorized
representative of Emory University:
You are forbidden from entering Emory University property. You are subject to arrest for Criminal Trespass (O.G.C.A. 16-7-21) if you enter Emory University property.
The property of Emory University includes, but is not limited to: Emory University, Emory University Hospital, Emory University Hospital Midtown, the Emory Clinics, the Center for Rehabilitation, the Yerkes Primate Center and Field Station, Wesley Woods, the Briarcliff property, and the Clairmont Campus.
If you have any questions, or to request permission to enter Emory University property for a specific purpose, you should contact the Emory University Police Department at (404) 727-6115, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This Criminal Trespass Warning remains in effect unless it is specifically withdrawn in writing by the Emory Police.
Refusal to sign does not invalidate this warning.
Subject's Signature: Jim Ed Avery Date: 11-29-2017
Officer's Signature: MDMeeks #32 Date: 11/29/17
Subject's Address: 1840 Mason Mill Rd., Decatur, GA. 30033
DOB: 01/14/1962 OLN/State: 042290976 Case # 1703922
Photo: Y X N Race W Sex M Hgt 5'11" Wgt 175 Hair BRO/BLD Eyes BLU
User Files:Forms:A-C/Criminal Trespass 10/04/2005 9:34: a.m.(jbr) v.1.1 Rev. 07-24-14 (re)
To: Donna Devine
Hello Donna. Told mother to "GO TO HELL!" And I'm wasting no more of the precious little time I have left on either of you. You're on your own from this point on as to learning what is happening with me here in Georgia.
Don't contact me anymore.
March 18, 2018 10:15 pm
From: Donna Devine
Mother would se(n&a)m sure
March 18, 2018 10:23 pm
From: Donna Devine
Can I(rectangle) sen yo(u&!) Especially
March 19, 2018 1:22 pm
From: Donna Devine
R you really not going to text me anymore?
March 20, 2018 8:42 am
To: Donna Devine
$51.77 was due March 10th.
March 20, 2018 8:45 am
To: Donna Devine
It's not the final velocity equals initial velocity plus rate of acceleration times Time that kills you; it's the Force equals mass times change in velocity divided by change in time.
March 20, 2018 8:53 am
From: Donna Devine
What does that mean???
March 20, 2018 8:59 am
To: Donna Devine
Shop it around then you tell me...
March 20, 2018 9:00 am
To: Sseb
Vanilla extract?
March 20, 2018 8:39 pm
From: Sseb
March 20, 2018 8:40 pm
From: Sseb
Are you baking cookies for Donna?
March 20, 2018 8:41 pm
To: Sseb
Butter and sugar also! Think I have a nugget somewhere made of gold pulled from teeth!
March 20, 2018 8:43 pm
To: Sseb
Still have a good way to go with that bag of rice from Sam's
March 20, 2018 8:45 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(rectangle) am sending Sseb
March 21, 2018 11:35 am
To: Donna Devine
Please resend this text and future correspondence by email or airmail...please.
March 21, 2018 11:40 am
From: 900-090-005502
VZW FreeMsg:
Important - your payment is now due.
Please make a payment
by dialing #PMT (#768) from your handset
or call 888-821-0284
CB: 888-821-0284
March 21, 2018 12:04 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(rectangle) jus mailed Sseb ash
March 21, 2018 2:37 pm
To: Donna Devine
I'm scheduled to report for testing today. Need of you doing two things:
call 888-973-0198 or dekalbscprobation.com and pay the cost of today's testing plus the baseline?testing (hair sample can test positive up to 3 months!!!) done after my 21 days in jail for a total of $44.24 or nonpayment of the cost of these testing by the consumer (that's me?) can also result in another probation revocation hearing!!! Also tell them that my auto insurance has lapsed and I've no money for the cab fare either! But I do have enough gas getting there! Ask them if they prefer me driving myself there (breaking the law and immediately arrested for violating terms of probation) or coming here to my place for the sample or picking me up and
dropping me off our Camp Circle Courthouse Complex if unable trusting me telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that this test will also test positive the same as a hair sample would have the first day getting out of jail!!! What part of crystal meths addiction...is it...they do not understand!!!!!
March 22, 2108 12:16 pm
To: Donna Devine
Case #: CE026200
March 22, 2018 12:34 pm
To: Donna Devine
Trust me...Donna!!! Our white Emory Methodist professors... lawyers, insurance salespeople, bankers, entrepreneurs, doctors, their pastors/counselors (Care and Counseling Center of Georgia), politicians (Mike Ross) and their Realtors know exactly what they are doing!!!! And so do you!!! Obviously I've unwittingly stumbled myself upon something diabolical?? The Confirmation Service!!!
March 22, 2108 12:55 pm
From: Donna Devine
Just talked to Officer Smith! Officer Davis was not in the office! Smith left Davis a note and will make sure it gets it!!
March 22, 2018 1:29 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) explained ever
March 22, 2018 1:29 pm
To: Donna Devine
I would have preferred you only read to him what I had texted to you and nothing more.
March 22, 2018 1:32 pm
To: Donna Devine
Did you pay the $44.24?
March 22, 2018 1:33 pm
From: Donna Devine
They r saying you owe $1350.00
March 22, 2018 1:34 pm
To: Donna Devine
Oh how funny!!! That was supposed to be the fine amount but the last thing Ingrid said to me before going to jail was there would be no fine resulting from that trial..? Why don't they just send me a bill having a due date?
Anyway! What about the $44.24?
March 22, 2018 1:43 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) will try again
March 22, 2108 1:46 pm
To: Donna Devine
And read my texts to them too!!! I'm not comfortable with thought of your explaining anything on my behalf!!
March 22, 2018 1:50 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) am just tryin ting
March 22, 2018 1:51 pm
To: Donna Devine
Texts are breaking up.
March 22, 2018 2:04 pm
From: Donna Devine
Paid the $44.50 !!!
March 22, 2108 2:15 pm
To: Donna Devine
Thank you. Now! In your own words, email, do not texts, just email to me word for word, best your can remember, how you explained everything to this Officer Smith on my behalf?
March 22, 2018 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: Meeting
From: donna.devine@sbcglobal.net (donna.devine@sbcglobal.net)
To: jeaverydvm87@att.net;
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:10 PM
I only read what you texted!!
Sent from my iPhone
To: Donna Devine
This has to be emailed! Although not able getting my pc working today. Can always use library's computers. And so can you when it comes to reading emails from me. There's absolutely no good excuse for you not already knowing exactly what going on with me here in Atlanta without the need me telling you if truly needing me bringing you up to date!!!
March 22, 2018 3:16 pm
From: Donna Devine
E-mail won(box)t go throu
March 22, 2108 3:17 pm
To: Donna Devine
What's mothers number again? State Farm is trying to call her on my behalf and phone's not ringing?
March 22, 2018 4:02 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) am in Presco[t&n]ot
March 22, 2018 4:10 pm
From: Donna Devine
Take third party check to Mark Bibs and he will cash it! You will need to go with Sseb!!!!
March 22, 2018 4:12 pm
From: Donna Devine
Did text come through?
March 22, 2018 4:14 pm
To: Donna Devine
Why with Sseb?
March 22, 2018 4:14 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) don(box)
March 22, 2018 4:19 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) guess since y Mark Bibs andd see what h
March 22, 2018 4:21 pm
From: Donna Devine
And for all I(box) k fir
March 22, 2018 4:23 pm
To: Donna Devine
Ask Mr. Vasser if he would helped you and David negotiate a compromise between the two of you taking ownership of my share of this land/timber having in Arkansas. Willing just signing it over to you letting you two fighting it out on your own. But don't go forgetting....David owns a Bushmaster now!!! I strongly suggest asking Mr. Vasser's help. Obviously, same as our father, not going to offer this service for nothing. So make it worth his while, an agreement between the three of you, the percentage that would be his share of the deal.
March 22, 2108 5:25 pm
To: Donna Devine
Left a message for Mr. Bips. How nice that a Catholic would be willing coming to the aid of SON of x + y(Methodist Pi) - Wtf? I suppose it would be St. Joseph my parton saint were I to choose Catholism as my religion..?
March 22, 2018 5:40 pm
To: Donna Devine
Haven't heard from Officer Davis? You did tell them it would be positive?
March 22, 2018 6:03 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) told him eve[r&e]ll Davis as so
March 22, 2018 7:52 pm
From: Donna Devine
No word to me yet either!!!
March 22, 2018 7:53 pm
To: Donna Devine
Well I'd showed up about 6:30 for drug testing only to find the cutoff time for drug screening was 5:30 although both the card and automated voice message said 7:00! The showed the card given me by our Jumaane to
Officer LaCroix and he said I was supposed to be tested by the Probation Division downtown Decatur.
"So what is this place then?" I asked.
"This is D.U.I. Court Treatment Supervision," he explains to me.
"What's the difference," I asked. "Why am I not being treated?"
Didn't get an answer.
And I even drove there and back D.U.I.!!!
March 22, 2018 8:14 pm
From: Donna Devine
Well they knew why
March 22, 2108 8:16 pm
To: Donna Devine
You are aware that I'm having to guess/assume/sense what most of your texts are saying. Same as it's always been with conversations anywhere. Mostly it was just best not interrupting, asking them repeating themselve, as
little as possible or just moving on; checking out a different crowd.
"Jim.., you realize I always say things twice?"
~(Our Mother)~
"Wouldn't surprise me."
~(Simply Jim)~
March 22, 2018 9:41 pm
Subject: Re: Meeting
From: donna.devine@sbcglobal.net (donna.devine@sbcglobal.net)
To: jeaverydvm87@att.net;
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 9:46 PM
I said that I told officer smith just what you texted me and he said he wrote it down and would make sure officer Davis got it and that he would personally call me! I? have been waiting all afternoon for Davis to call !!!
Sent from my iPhone
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Hello Officer Davis,
I managed StateFarm doing an electronic funds transfer for the auto insurance premiums from my mother's account and my sister paying for two test over the phone.
Not hearing back from you or my sister, I decided no choice but to drive myself D.U.I. there and back. Now I'm confused?! Email said Traffic Court? But the cutoff time for drug screening was 5:30 pm instead of 7:00 pm
per card and notification service..? And the Officer allows me driving home D.U.I..?
March 23, 2018 1:35 am
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Officer Davis,
Not scheduled for testing today, but would like doing a test today. And it will test positive. But would rather a warrant for my arrest for a positive screening test for the meths addiction than for non-compliance with Terms
and Condition of Probation. Is it fair calling someone's mental health issues a crime when the triggers for his meths addiction are the congeniallity bias both survivors and confirmation by others that's preventing/blocking
me from sharing with...ALL...the lessons having learned from my life's experiences. "The Key to Good Parenting" 1...2... x + y(Methodist Pi) - Wtf?
I'm needing the help of our Emory Methodists not only as the support group/attention I'm needing (as apposed to Crystal Meths Anonyous) helping me getting off the meths before able staying off the meths. But hear my
They don't want me exposing how their it's their mental illnesses....unipolar depression...actually more of a "learned helplessness" used by our Methodist Women. Think...Rev. Dr. Carol Pitts, clinical director Care and
Counseling Center of Georgia. They tEACH how to cry by smiling: INDIFFERENCE!
March 23, 2018 12:17 pm
To: Donna Devine
Hello Officer Davis,
I managed StateFarm doing an electronic funds transfer for the auto insurance premiums from my mother's account and my sister paying for two test over the phone.
Not hearing back from you or my sister, I decided no choice but to drive myself D.U.I. there and back. Now I'm confused?! Email said Traffic Court? But the cutoff time for drug screening was 5:30 pm instead of 7:00 pm
per card and notification service..? And the Officer allows me driving home D.U.I..?
March 23, 2018 12:42 pm
To: Donna Devine
Officer Davis,
Not scheduled for testing today, but would like doing a test today. And it will test positive. But would rather a warrant for my arrest for a positive screening test for the meths addiction than for non-compliance with Terms
and Condition of Probation. Is it fair calling someone's mental health issues a crime when the triggers for his meths addiction are the congeniallity bias both survivors and confirmation by others that's preventing/blocking
me from sharing with...ALL...the lessons having learned from my life's experiences. "The Key to Good Parenting" 1...2... x + y(Methodist Pi) - Wtf?
I'm needing the help of our Emory Methodists not only as the support group/attention I'm needing (as apposed to Crystal Meths Anonyous) helping me getting off the meths before able staying off the meths. But hear my
They don't want me exposing how their it's their mental illnesses....unipolar depression...actually more of a "learned helplessness" used by our Methodist Women. Think...Rev. Dr. Carol Pitts, clinical director Care and
Counseling Center of Georgia. They tEACH how to cry by smiling: INDIFFERENCE!
March 23, 2018 12:44 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
You are aware that I'm having to guess/assume/sense what most of your texts are saying. Same as it's always been with conversations anywhere. Mostly it was just best not interrupting, asking them repeating themselve, as
little as possible or just moving on; checking out a different crowd.
"Jim.., you realize I always say things twice?"
~(Our Mother)~
"Wouldn't surprise me."
~(Simply Jim)~
March 23, 2018 12:46 pm
From: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Mr. Avery,
Report to the Probation Dept at Traffic Court at 2 pm to be escorted to the testing sight...
Thano you sir...
March 23, 2018 12:50 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Ask Mr. Vasser if he would helped you and David negotiate a compromise between the two of you taking ownership of my share of this land/timber having in Arkansas. Willing just signing it over to you letting you two fight
it out on your own. But dont go forgetting....David owns a Bushmaster now!!! I strongly suggest asking Mr. Vasser's help. Obviously, same as our father, not going to offer this service for nothing. So make it worth his while,
an agreement between the three of you, the percentage that would be his share of the deal.
March 23, 2108 12:53 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
I'm scheduled to report for testing today. Need of you doing two things:
call 888-973-0198 or dekalbscprobation.com and pay the cost of today's testing plus the baseline?testing (hair sample can test positive up to 3 months!!!) done afater my 21 days in jail for a total of $44.24 or nonpayment of
the cost of these testing by the consumer (that's me?) can also result in another probation revocation hearing!!! Also tell them that my auto insurance has lasped and I've no money for the cab fare either! But I do have
enough gas getting there! Ask them if they prefer me driving myself there (breaking the law and immediately arrested for violating terms of probation) or coming here to my place for the sample or picking me up and
dropping me off our Campcircle Courthouse Complex if unable trusting me telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that this test will also test positive the same as a hair sample would have the first day
getting out of jail!!! What part of crystal meths addiction...is it...they do not understand!!!!!
March 23, 2108 12:55 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Trust me...Donna!!! Our white Emory Methodist professors... lawyers, insurance salespeople, bankers, entrepreneurs, doctors, their pastors/counselors (Care and Counseling Center of Georgia), politicians (Mike Ross) and
their realtors know exactly whawt they are doing!!!! And so do you!!! Obviously I've unwittingly stumbled myself upon something diabolical?? The Confirmation Service!!!
March 23, 2108 12:59 pm
From: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Word of cautio, do not send forwards of convos to this phone... if you have something pertinent you need to ask, that is okay. Other than that do not send these forwards..
Thank you
March 23, 2108 1:03 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Yes sir! On my way. But if machine doesn't accept 8 quarters and 10 dimes...I Pray to God you will at least take care of the ticket instead of a warrant for non-compliance of Terms and Condition of Probation. But will
understand if...
"You couldn't! You just couldn't!"
March 23, 2018 1:54 pm
From: Donna Devine
Mark Bips left you a message but his phone has been out all morning!!! He called me and he will cash that check for you!!! Did you get this?
March 23, 2018 1:47 pm
From: Donna Devine
He will be in office until 4:00!
March 23, 2018 1:47 pm
From: Donna Devine
Did you get the message? Answer me please!!
March 23, 2018 3:49 pm
To: Donna Devine
Just getting home from drug screening. Did you get texts to Offficer Davis FWD to you? About to call Mr. Bips. May haved missed him for today.
March 23, 2018 3:52 pm
From: Donna Devine
Got text from you to Officer Davis!
March 23, 2018 3:54 pm
From: 900-080-006205
Free Message - Too many failed dial in attempts were made to your voice mailbox. Dial in is locked for 30 min. We suggest changing your PIN.
March 23, 2018 3:58 pm
To: Donna Devine
Not able getting through...# not available..?
March 23, 2018 4:06 pm
To: Donna Devine
Word of cautio, do not send forwards of convos to this phone... if you have something pertinent you need to ask, that is okay. Other than that do not send these forwards..
Thank you
March 23, 2018 4:07 pm
To: Donna Devine
Yes sir! On my way. But if machine doesn't accept 8 quarters and 10 dimes...I Pray to God you will at least take care of the ticket instead of a warrant for non-compliance of Terms and Condition of Probation. But will
understand if...
"You couldn't! You just couldn't!"
March 23, 2018 4:08 pm
To: Donna Devine
Mr. Avery,
Report to the Probation Dept at Traffic Court at 2 pm to be escorted to the testing sight...
Thano you sir...
March 23, 2018 4:09 pm
From: Donna Devine
Is this today or tomorrow you r to report! It is already 3:20 here so there it is 4:20!!!
March 23, 2018 4:14 pm
To: Donna Devine
Just got back from drug screening done at Dekalb County's D.U.I. Court Treatment Supervision. Was escorted by Probation Officer Davenport from Traffic Division over to Bobby Burgess Public Safety building for this test.
"Why am I not being treatedx here," I asked?
"You're not D.U.I.," the answer I got..?
March 23, 2018 4:25 pm
To: Donna Devine
I'm serious about turning over my ownership of this land I share with David to the two of you....for whatever price you two believing it's worth? Again, also willing just signing it over to one and/or the other as a gift.
in the first place..?
March 23, 2018 6:02 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) can(box)t do an(y&t)t
March 23, 2018 8:49 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Hello Officer Davis,
Now that we have a urine sample tested Positive for meths usage, or at least it should have tested Positive, what happens now? Warrant for the arrest of my neighborhood's known self-avowed multicultural identity deviant
sigma having done his own intervention for a crystal meths addiction...telling everyone...starting with th e Methodist Church (Janet Gary day before Thanksgiving 2010), followed by my profession (the Friday after
Thanksgiving the first of three clinics working as a relief veterinarian Beaver Crossing Animal Hospital, eventurally Medlock Bridge A.H. and The People's Pets), then, and only then informing his family!!! From what I've told
you about my family in Arkansas, does it not make sense that I would turn to the Church having helped raised me up until High School? And the only window I had into Emory was the only friendly neighbor I thought I had:
"Oh we're not that kind of Christian!"
~(Janet Gary: The day she crossed over to my side of street first!)~
March 24, 2018 1:48 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
And all I said, after listening to her having cross over to my side of the street first, all excited having been offered twice the value their lot to sell:
"My name is James Avery. The veterinarian who lives in this house. Not only am I gay, atheist as well."
March 24, 2018 1:55 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Why did the Rev. Pervert, Doctor of Ministry cross the road?
"My name is Janet; Bob."
His Dick was stuck in that chicken!!!
March 24, 2018 1:59 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Have we gotten the results back yet? Do we go to jail immediately? Take it up my code compliance hearing April 12th? Another petition for probation revocation? or just more or less the same procrastination/stalling/
manipulation/deception/ prevarication/perniciousness, etc., etc, etc...PRAYING!!!! For me selling my property and relocating someone else neighborhood...AGAIN...the same as Charles Butts! But this too will be
non-compliance with Terms and Conditions of Probation Agreement! Ain't I right, Officer Davis? While I've yet to have been served any hard copy evidence of that one lone box having been marked the day having me
signing DeKalb County's Probation Agreement! Why is that? I've already said this to Jacques K. (CEO of American Alternative?Accountability Court Services)...
"Although technically a suicide, it's still a crime scene."
Are you aware that he sent me an email telling me to remove him from emailing list?
"You are not a client nor have you ever been a client our agency."
a(alternative)cs vs. A(accountibiliity)cs?
March 24, 2018 5:06 pm
To: Donna Devine
Hello Officer Davis,
Now that we have a urine sample tested Positive for meths usage, or at least it should have tested Positive, what happens now? Warrant for the arrest of my neighborhood's known self-avowed multicultural identity deviant
sigma having done his own intervention for a crystal meths addiction...telling everyone...starting with th e Methodist Church (Janet Gary day before Thanksgiving 2010), followed by my profession (the Friday after
Thanksgiving the first of three clinics working as a relief veterinarian Beaver Crossing Animal Hospital, eventurally Medlock Bridge A.H. and The People's Pets), then, and only then informing his family!!! From what I've told
you about my family in Arkansas, does it not make sense that I would turn to the Church having helped raised me up until High School? And the only window I had into Emory was the only friendly neighbor I thought I had:
"Oh we're not that kind of Christian!" ~Janet Gary: The day she crossed over to my side of street first!
March 24, 2018 9:02 pm
To: Donna Devine
And all I said, after listening to her having cross over to my side of the street first, all excited having been offered twice the value their lot to sell:
"My name is James Avery. The veterinarian who lives in this house. Not only am I gay, atheist as well."
March 24, 2018 9:03 pm
To: Donna Devine
Why did the Rev. Pervert, Doctor of Ministry cross the road?
"My name is Janet; Bob."
His Dick was stuck in that chicken!!!
March 24, 2018 9:04 pm
To: Donna Devine
Have we gotten the results back yet? Do we go to jail immediately? Take it up my code compliance hearing April 12th? Another petition for probation revocation? or just more or less the same procrastination/stalling/
manipulation/deception/ prevarication/perniciousness, etc., etc, etc...PRAYING!!!! For me selling my property and relocating someone else neighborhood...AGAIN...the same as Charles Butts! But this too will be
non-compliance with Terms and Conditions of Probation Agreement! Ain't I right, Officer Davis? While I've yet to have been served any hard copy evidence of that one lone box having been marked the day having me
signing DeKalb County's Probation Agreement! Why is that? I've already said this to Jacques K. (CEO of American Alternative?Accountability Court Services)...
"Although technically a suicide, it's still a crime scene."
Are you aware that he sent me an email telling me to remove him from emailing list?
"You are not a client nor have you ever been a client our agency."
a(alternative)cs vs. A(accountibiliity)cs?
March 24, 2018 9:05 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
One more thing before I forget! Would it be too much asking of you explaining why, once escorted from Probation our Traffic Division over to Bobby Burgess Public Safety D.U.I. Court Treatment Supervision Program,
Probation Officer Davenport called into office for private conversation with Officer LaCroix when (accidentally hit send key)
March 24, 2018 9:59 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Okay! I lied! Sue me! When asking on the way out after pissing into a little plastic cup:
"Why am I not being treated here?"
~(Simply Jim)~
"You're not D.U.I,"
~(Officer Davenport)~
What that suppose to mean?!
March 24, 2018 10:07
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Hello Officer Davis,
Having in mind:
"Those with a surplus are better able controlling their circumstances. Those without a surplus are controlled by those with that surplus. One is not always able exercising good judgement."
Since having discovered myself an understanding of life more in term of physics (F=ma) and math (if a=b and b=c, then c=a), then it's seeming to me the rest ought to be quite easy figuring out; straight forward:
If true, ...WE... are all sinners; then for ...ALL....to be sinners there should be no difference between a wise man and a fool..?
So...seeming to me (being that we should now have pretty good idea just how hearing imipaired....I AM) this would be a good time inquiring as to the need of us continuing with these daily calls for drug screening?
Penny for your thoughts?
Then we go from here...Quantum Cognition!!!!
March 25, 2018 2:46 pm
To: Donna Devine
Hello Officer Davis,
Having in mind:
"Those with a surplus are better able controlling their circumstances. Those without a surplus are controlled by those with that surplus. One is not always able exercising good judgement."
Since having discovered myself an understanding of life more in term of physics (F=ma) and math (if a=b and b=c, then c=a), then it's seeming to me the rest ought to be quite easy figuring out; straight forward:
If true, ...WE... are all sinners; then for ...ALL....to be sinners there should be no difference between a wise man and a fool..?
So...seeming to me (being that we should now have pretty good idea just how hearing imipaired....I AM) this would be a good time inquiring as to the need of us continuing with these daily calls for drug screening?
Penny for your thoughts?
Then we go from here...Quantum Cognition!!!!
March 25, 2018 9:38 pm
To: Donna Devine
Good Morning Donna,
You've been powerfully quiet this past weekend. Have you been receiving your copies of texts I've been sending our Officer "Red Donkey" (Jumaane Davis)? Since the text from Officer Davis telling me not to FWD
conversations with others to his his phone, haven't heard from him? We should have had the results of a sample testing positive the following day..? Apparently driving under the influence of the crystal meths is not
considered a D.U.I...? Isn't that funny! Your daughters can drink all they want to as long as they don't drink and drive. Actually that's...as long as they don't get caught driving D.U.I. over the legal amount. But volunteer you
have a crystal meths addiction, and suddenly you're either a criminal or mentally ill or both!!! Until you stop volunteering you have a crystal meths addiction!!! Yet it's okay to drive D.U.I. up to a certain point. Donna, not
only are there more white people than blacks who drink, there are more white lawyers than black lawyers too! Of cours it makes sense we've lots of D.U.I. lawyers!
May 26, 2018 10:16 am
From: Donna Devine
Mom has been [(si)&a]ck with me th[i &b]usy
March 26, 2018 11:03 am
To: Donna Devine
"There's nothing anything more special about Timothy Tebow's mother than my mother, except his mother getting exactly what she was wanting!"
I've already told mother this, to which she reacted as if I had punched her in the stomach. Would you read this to her, only this time finish telling the rest: "A healthy baby football star more likely than just another minister!
Ther story of our Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca-Pitts from St. Joseph (Catholic) to St. Mark (UMC 80% LGBT) with that of our miracle baby Tebow:
"Too bad they ain't Catholic.. HE would have made a great Priest!"
Compared to Beth and Alice as the senior pastors of St. Mark and Glenn Memorial respectively, I will have to say this to Tebow's defense...At least Tebow has work ethics! I swear!!! These two are nothing more than a pair of
High Priced Ecumenical Call Girls!
March 26, 2018 11:38 am
From: 900-090-005639
VZW FreeMsg:
Important - your payment is now due. Please make a payment by dialing #PMT (#768) from your handset or call 888-821-0284
CB: 888-821-0284
March 26, 2018 12:05 pm
To: Donna Devine
Just came from Attorney Bips' office. He didn't feel comfortable accepting mother's check because already endorsed first to Sseb then StateFarm. Would rather mother write a new check; even out to him. I'm just going to
tear this check up and see how much the gold nugget (made from teeth fillings) given me by the Ristoff bunch my LSU-SVM '87 graduation will fetch instead.
March 26, 2018 2:04 pm
From: Donna Devine
Why can(box)t mot[(her)&(don)]
March 26, 2018 3:39 pm
From: Donna Devine
Waiting to hear answer!!
March 26, 2018 3:44 pm
To: Donna Devine
Question was incoherent? Besides both Verizon and ATT.net about to inactivate my account.
March 26, 2018 3:47 pm
Donna Devine
3:48 pm
March 26, 2018
0m 3s
Donna Devine
3:48 pm
March 26, 2018
0m 4s
Donna Devine
3:48 pm
March 26, 2018
0m 3s
Donna Devine
3:49 pm
March 26, 2018
0m 2s
To: Donna Devine
Not about to answer that. You two just too easily set off triggers o mine.
March 26, 2018 3:50 pm
From: Donna Devine
Mom will make new check to Sseb
March 26, 2018 3:51 pm
To: Donna Devine
Isn't he suppposed to be getting one already?
March 26, 2018 March 26, 3:57 pm
From: Donna Devine
Did he get mine[?&b]ut can(box)t get t
March 26, 2018 4:03 pm
To: Probation Supervisor Officer Davis
Hello Officer Davis,
So what happens now? Are we still on for our date April 4th? Should we have a meeting between now and then, how about giving me some heads up first? Also, my sister was told that I'm having an outstanding $1350.00
fine needing to pay..? Ingrid told me there was no fine resulting from our recent trial?
March 26, 2018 4:08 pm
To: Donna Devine
Another incoherent text! But he has not received a check yet. Honestly know nothing about this check Sseb is suppose to be getting other than...getting one? It's his money and he can spend it however he wants to?
March 26, 2018 4:15 pm
To: Donna Devine
Son's a son until he gets him a wife. Daughter's a daughter all her life.
March 26, 2018 4:17 pm
To: Donna Devine
Check just arrived. Thought this check was coming from mother's account? You've already sent one.
March 26, 2018 5:11 pm
From: Donna Devine
I(box) have sent tw[o&t] y
March 26, 2018 6:23 pm
From: Donna Devine
Has Sseb paid any of your bills with that check!!! He better pay your phone bill if he wants anymore from me!!!
March 26, 2018 6:28 pm
To: Donna Devine
He hasn't gotten the check yet. He's at work...bathing dogs...Sweetheart.
March 26, 2108 7:08 pm
From: Donna Devine
What did he spend the first check on!
March 26, 2018 7:09 pm
To: Donna Devine
You've sent me one. And one came today.
March 26, 2018 7:11 pm
From: Donna Devine
So what did the first one go to?
March 26, 2018 7:11 pm
To: Donna Devine
I don't remember other than the roughly $200.00 per week meths habit.
March 26, 2018 7:15 pm
To: Donna Devine
And the occasional $20.00 I still give to beggars.
March 26, 2018 7:18 pm
To: Donna Devine
Almost $500 went to paying bills February 8th.
A $300.00 cash withdrawal February 12th.
Jailed thru March 5th.
Withdrew last $19.87 and closed account March 8th.
Borrowed $200.00 from Sseb on top of him having paid this monthly gas, electricity, and sewer bill already.
Anything else you wanting to know, Sweetheart?
March 26, 2018 7:32 pm
From: Donna Devine
Quit calling me sweetheart!!
March 26, 2018 7:35 pm
To: Donna Devine
Sseb owes you nothing!!!
March 26, 2018 7:36 pm
From: Donna Devine
He owes you for taking him in!!!
March 26, 2018 7:37 pm
To: Donna Devine
Would you like for me tearing this check up?
March 26, 2018 7:37 pm
From: Donna Devine
No don(box)t tear
March 26, 2018 7:39 pm
Stored :
March 26 , 2018 9:26 pm
From: Donna Devine
Hope he will pay some bills with it! Especially the phone!!!!
March 26, 2018 7:40 pm
Stored :
March 26, 2018 9:26 pm
To: Donna Devine
Answer this question honestly:
The money claiming mother has set aside for me (the money just need me asking for it), is this the $14,000.00 gift check I sent back?
March 26, 2108 9:37 pm
From: Donna Devine
Yes plus another one from two years ago!
March 26, 2018 9:38 pm
To: Donna Devine
Does mother write gift checks to Richard and the girls?
March 26, 2018 9:41 pm
From: Donna Devine
Not to Richard or girls or me but to the great grandchildren ! She has given gift to Landon $5,000.00 since he was two and each great grandchild as they were born!!
March 26, 2018 9:44 pm
To: Donna Devine
So you are saying there's $28,000.00 set aside that mother considers mine that you and David did not get?
March 26, 2018 9:49 pm
From: Donna Devine
David gets his but I(box) told Mom
March 26, 2018 9:52 pm
To: Donna Devine
This is the way I see then:
If that money is mine [(gift) check(s)], then there should be no need of me asking for it.
As my Arkansas family still not a clue as to the life I've lived up until it was me the one having put into action his own addiction intervention, believe I've a right expecting of others giving me the benefit of the doubt that only
I know how best spending this money. And I'm wanting the balance of my money, should it outlive me, going to SSeb!
March 26, 2018 10:27 pm
To: Donna Devine
March 26, 2018 10:28 pm
To: Donna Devine
Since I haven't heard back from you, going to pick up our conversation where we left off -- Matthews 19:16-30 (treasues in heaven?wealth) !?!
Again...I'm wanting Sseb having (should it happens) the rest of this gifted?money supposedly mine.
Now the rest of my assets!
These acres of land/timber I'm sharing ownership with our brother; with this $1000.00 check from you and Richard I'm cashing today...
You've just purchased my shares of these acres of woods.
Seeing no potential of me earning an income; being indebted to anyone not acceptable to me.
March 27, 2018 2:18 pm
From: Donna Devine
You r not indebted to me for anything !
March 27, 2018 4:22 pm
To: Donna Devine
My share of this land in both mine and David's name is yours to do with as you please. I strongly advise you asking of our Attorney at Law member of First United Methodist Church Prescott, Arkansas, Glenn Vasser, helping
you making this legally binding. Will just be a big mess if having to be settled in probate court...
March 27, 2108 4:48 pm
From: Donna Devine
David and I(box) don(box)t even speak! I(box) c
March 27, 2018 4:50 pm
To: Donna Devine
Well then have mother asking of David (when visiting on his time share our mother) giving $1,000.00 to her to give to you!
Then letting David and Nina doing with this land as they please. However I strongly advise they also asking of our Attorney at Law member of First United Methodist Church Prescott, Arkansas, Glenn Vasser, helping them
getting this legally binding.
March 27, 2018 5:03 pm
From: Donna Devine
How do you know what the land is worth?
March 27, 2018 5:14 pm
To: Donna Devine
I don't know what the land is worth. But $1,000.00? That's got to be a steal!!!!
I'm practically giving (gifting) it to you free while at the same time avoiding a messy probate court becoming involved. Or just continue doing absolutely nothing when it comes to helping me tell/share our story.
Then deal with probate court (David) later..?
March 27, 2018 6:24 pm
I'm informing you up front ..."in a truthful manner" ... (what ever the fuck...THAT'S ...suppose to mean) ...this sample today should also be testing ...POSITIVE... the same as the previous sample should have tested...POSITIVE...for the crystal meths usage and nothing else.
I have been up front about the crystal meths addiction from the very beginning of these court hearings when informing the clerk my first appearance...THE COURT ARRAIGNMENT...why unable signing the Record of the Defendant Prior to Entering Plea form having handed me as the first order of business for these court hearings.
Is it really necessary for me having to, not only submit to these testings, but also having to waste my limited cash paying for these drug screening tests as well?
I rather be arrested for being the self-avowed crystal meths addict...I...AM...than arrested for violating the terms and conditions of probation agreement.
Everything That We See is a Shadow Cast by That Which We Do Not See. Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see. ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Within each of us is a world of light and sound that responds to the pulses and energy of the past, the present and the future.
Long story short...
What I'm needing to happen before I'm enabled even a chance being ...CURED....of my crystal meths addiction (resolving and moving beyond this neighborhood conflict) ...
A Non-Criminal-Fact-Finding-Hearing- Justice!
"Do you have any other addictions?"
~(Wynn Way Mental Health Services)~
"Lots of other addictions: sugar, money, food, air, water, warmth, friendship,-- whole bunch of things actually! And it pisses me off that we are referred to...AS...consumers! We are all...CONSUMERS...from the very first day we're borne!"
As the crystal meths addiction is nothing more than the addiction all other addictions looking down; why don't we all just gut it up and do our interventions together?
You have reached the office of DeKalb County Commissioner Jeff Rader. Commissioner Rader and Caroline Enloe will be away from the office April 2-6th. If you have an emergency, please leave a message at 404-371-2863.


Thank you for contacting me.
I will be out of the office until Wednesday, April 4.
If you are a new client seeking services, please contact intake@cccgeorgia.org if you haven't already done so. (If you did, the intake team will receive your message even in my absence).
For all other matters, I will be happy to get back to you when I return to the office.
Carol Pitts, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT
Director of Counseling
Clinical Director
I am currently out of the office and will not return until Monday 4/9/2018. If you would like information about the Intensive Outpatient Program or Drug and Alcohol Assessments, please contact Sania Tildon at STildon@CCCGeorgia.org or (404) 363- 1457 ext. 450. Otherwise, I will check email periodically as I am able.
Thank you,
Kristy Aspinwall, LPC, MAC, CCTP, CPCS, NCC
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