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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wikipedia's now deleted page on Thought terminating cliché —

Thought-terminating cliché
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A thought-terminating cliché is a commonly used phrase, sometimes passing as folk wisdom, used to propagate cognitive dissonance (discomfort experienced when one simultaneously holds two or more conflicting cognitions, e.g. ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions). Though the phrase in and of itself may be valid in certain contexts, its application as a means of dismissing dissent or justifying fallacious logic is what makes it thought-terminating.

The term was popularized by Robert Jay Lifton in his 1956 book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. Lifton said, “The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. These become the start and finish of any ideological analysis.”

In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the fictional constructed language Newspeak is designed to reduce language entirely to a set of thought-terminating clichés. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World society uses thought-terminating clichés in a more conventional manner, most notably in regard to the drug soma as well as modified versions of real-life platitudes, such as, “A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away.”

Religious examples

Thought-terminating clichés are also present in religious discourse in order to define a clear border between good and evil, holiness and sacrilege, and other polar opposites. These are especially present in religious literature.

  • "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away." Job 1:21
  • "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" (opposing same-sex marriage)
  • "That's not Biblical."
  • "God moves/works in mysterious ways."
  • "God never gives you more suffering than you can bear.”
  • "Only God can judge."
  • "God has a plan."
  • "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
The religious or semi-religious ideas of cults, heretics, and infidels are also often used as thought-terminating clichés, e.g. "Do not listen to him, he is an infidel," (a guilt by association fallacy) or "That line of thought sounds like a cult" (also a guilt by association fallacy).

Fighting words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fighting words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Fighting words are written or spoken words, generally expressed to incite hatred or violence from their target. Specific definitions, freedoms, and limitations of fighting words vary by jurisdiction. It is also used in a general sense of words that when uttered tend to create (deliberately or not) a verbal or physical confrontation by their mere usage.

The difference between incitement and fighting words is subtle, focusing on the intent of the speaker. Inciting speech is characterized by the speaker's intent to make someone else the instrument of his or her unlawful will. Fighting words, by contrast, are intended to cause the hearer to react to the speaker.[4]

Monday, April 27, 2015


Glenn Memorial UMC: CONCLUSION..?



Glenn Memorial Church

Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church is committed to loving God and loving neighbor with our whole selves - heart, mind, soul, and strength. As Jesus loved those around him, we believe that all persons are of sacred worth and dignity as part of God’s creation. We welcome all persons into the full life and ministry of our congregation, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or socioeconomic status, education, politics, physical or mental ability, or faith history.

Congregational Care

Glenn Church cares about you. In the name and spirit of Jesus Christ, we seek to provide care through our Congregational Care Ministry to those facing life's spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges. Using church and community resources, we respond to real-life needs through pastoral staff as well as caring lay people.

Lay Ministry Team

The Lay Ministers nurture and care for individuals in the church community during times of illness, hospitalization, grief, and other challenging life situations. The Lay Ministers prepare for this ministry through an intensive ten-week training program and receive continuing instruction and supervision in monthly group sessions.

Care Team

A simple phone call, a card in the mail, or a short visit to share God's love with those who may be homebound or lonely. Care Team volunteers will be matched with one or two church members to stay in touch. Contact Carole Adams (404.377.1504).


Glenn has a cooperative agreement with Care and Counseling Center of Georgia. The Care and Counseling Center of Georgia is independent of Glenn Memorial Church, but the church has assistance funds available for persons seeking counseling. Persons seeking professional counseling may contact the Care and Counseling Center directly and apply for Glenn Memorial Assistance Funds. Based on a sliding scale, the funds reduce the per visit fee for eligible persons to an amount between $10 and $50.
The Care and Counseling Center staff includes Pastoral Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Professional Counselors, and a Clinical Psychologist (PhD). Medical staffing is provided through a contract relationship with a Psychiatrist (MD).

Care and Counseling Center of Georgia
1814 Clairmont Road
Decatur, GA 30033

To receive or be a part of any of these ministries,
please contact Minister for Children and Older Adults Rev. Susan Pinson.


Glenn offers service opportunities with Arrendale Women’s Prison, Kairos Ministry, and has begun a Prison Pen Pal Ministry.

Upcoming Event

3rd Annual Arts & Eats Fundraiser, May 3, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Atlanta History Center
Arts and Eats is an annual fundraiser benefiting Snack in a Backpack and Intown Collaborative Ministries. Join us to raise funds and awareness for these two important programs reducing hunger and homelessness in our neighborhoods. There will be food, silent and live auctions, entertainment and a wall of wine! $100/person. Purchase tickets.

Contact Dawn Francis-Chewning if you'd like to make donations for the auction and Deborah Marlowe if you'd like to be a sponsor, patron, or host.

Personal Writing and Memoir Workshop

Sundays, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., Jan 25 - April 26 in Room 401
Have you ever wanted to write your own story - for a wider audience, for your children or grandchildren, or simply for yourself? Join us as we explore elements of personal writing, journaling to spark ideas, share our writing and offer constructive feedback to others in an environment of support and trust. If you've never written a word about your life, or if you have written many, please join us - all levels are welcome! Come for one evening, or for every class. Contact Claire Asbury Lennox.

Methodism 101: A 4-week Sunday School Class

Join your pastoral staff for conversations on what it means to be United Methodist. Join us for all discussions including History of Methodism, Sacraments and Theology, Polity and Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. Stayed tuned for the next offering of Methodism 101.

Seasonal Options:

Men in Transitions Group

Sundays, March 8 - April 19 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Room 408 of the Church School Building. Glenn's own Rev. Dave Speno is conducting a six week class entitled "Stress in the Midst of Change: A Clinical and Theological Exploration." The group is for men who are experiencing stress brought about various changes in their life – changes in relationships, jobs, homes, and everything in between. Dave is a retired pastoral counselor who worked with the Care and Counseling Center of Georgia and is an active volunteer with Glenn’s Boy Scout Troop. To RSVP, contact Dave Speno or John Wiley.

Healing Hearts - A Six-Week Parental Grief Support Group for Parents Who Have Lost a Child to Drug Overdose

Tuesdays, April 14 - May 19, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Church School Building Parlor. Led by Karon Ferguson of Care & Counseling Center of Georgia.








Bob Gary

Th.D, Member AAPC
Specialties: Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups, Church/Organizational Consultant, Pastoral Consultant, Clergy Sexual Abuse, Grief, Transitions, Depression

Contact Information:
404-636-1457 ext. 425

Counseling Centers:
CCCG Main Office – Decatur (Decatur, GA)






[–]walkmypandaPoncey-Highland 1 point

this guy is the ultimate crankster


      I'm the crazy guy.

      Yes I do have a crystal meths addiction.

      This all started Thanksgiving 2010 when I attempted my own drug addiction intervention by confessing to everyone
      with the wife of nationally known pastoral
      George Robert Gary, Sr. ThD;
      retired from Emory's Candler School of Theology but still working
      Care and Counseling Center of Georgia
      just down the street on corner of Mason Mill and Clairmont.

      As experience is just nature cruel way of giving the exams first followed by their lessons,
      I've since learned:


      And the nonsensical signs:
      the one about Rosewood Massacre is just my crafty cow way of competing the only way I'm best able figuring out how up against all the experience backing up Dr. Gary's
      "thou artful dodger ways"
      as a pastor
      with his use of loaded emotive languages,
      and his connections with Emory University,
      calling his wife,
      who I wrongly belived to be my only friendly neighbor,
      just another
      pernicious prevaricating cunt!

      [–]BATHTUBSURFER 2 points  

      I am not a Tim Tebow fan at all but

       someone needs to tell Tim to get a 

      restraining order against this guy....

      not safe.


      For crying out loud. 


      I'm sure he's able defending himself, still, quite well against a hearing impaired fifty-three year old crackhead.

      The reason I'm so fixated on our Miracle Baby Tebow: 
      because there is nothing any more special about his mother than my mother except his mother getting 
      what she wanted; 
      a healthy baby football player more likely than another minister!

      "Is it wrong that I don't want my son to be gay," 
      said my mother crying years later as we drove from Prescott, Arkansas to Little Rock for a niece wedding; 
      having chanced for the second time getting arrested flying home with the crystal meths for these two weddings.

      "No Mother. It's not...WRONG... that you don't want your son to be gay. 
       you've known since I was twenty-three 
      (forty-seven at the time of this private mother/son conversation); 
      GET OVER IT!"

      Until our... 
      settles down and starts breeding more PRO-LIFE, 
      I'm not totally convinced that Tebow isn't gay..? 

      Can you just imagine what it might be like for a young gay man, 
      trying to come out of the closet,
      having a mother like his having publicly capitalized on 
      during "their" pregnancy 
      with our 

      Before the whole wide world..?

      Had Tim been born into a Catholic family instead of a Baptist family, 
      would not have surprised me Tim becoming a priest instead of a football player.

      Though the main purpose of the Westbore Baptist Church's Priests Rape Boys website is to criticize Catholicism, the WBC also criticizes several mainline Protestant churches on the website, including Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Baptists. The WBC states that: 
      ...their preachers have shirked their responsibility to tell people the truth about sin, and instead lie to them about what the Lord their God doth require of them. If these lying, false prophets told people the truth about what God says regarding those who suffer sin upon their neighbor (Lev. 19:17–18), there wouldn't be any butts in the seats when the plate got passed. These preachers are not preachers of righteousness, they are teachers having itching ears (2Tim 4:3), and they absolutely count on the abysmal bible illiteracy of their parishioners ... "Priests rape boys" is indeed an air-tight, three word case against all of the mainline "christian" churches – their preachers and members, without exception. They are all going to Hell!

      there is some truth to WBC's statement here about the Catholic Church.
      Personally know for a fact, our Methodists, definitely do have itching ears! 

      Due to having been raised as a Methodist first eighteen years of my life,  I now justifiably consider myself to be "Methodist Fag" as an adult because of my experiences with the family of Bob Gary, and by extension, secular Methodist Emory University; although,  radical atheist would be the label I consider to be a better fit.

      But in your worlds you will know me by other names; changing nothing.   

      With our "Miracle Baby" Tebow having been home-schooled by missionaries, 
      I'm sure if there's anything Tim knows well besides football, 
      it would be the lessons needing to be learned from our bible stories: 

      that his life has indeed been blessed;

      that there is far more to life than the game of football, 
      in fact, 
      life is the game itself; 

      that God does love playing this game, 
      his specialty being the curve ball; 

      that this curve ball could easily be his first child, his family owed a corrective with their inexcusable misuse of survivor's bias, confirmation bias, and congeniality bias.

      having never had vaginal intercourse with a woman myself, technically even I'm still a virgin at the age of fifty-three:

      pragmatic competence being the actual game here.

      You know what? 

      Seeing no end to this,
      and needing a break from this computer,
      maybe Tim Tebow should take out a restraining order against me..?

      "I can of my own self do nothing:
      as I sense, I judge: 
      and my judgement is just; 
      not Because I seek my own will but the will of thy
       collective unconsciousness which cometh before me." 
      ~JOHN 5:30 
      (Simply Jim's Revised Version)


      Emory Wesley Fellowship: Rev. Joseph McBrayer, Director and Campus Minister

      Rev. Joseph McBrayer,
      Director & Campus Minister

      I’m beginning my 6th year as the United Methodist Campus Minister at Emory University. I’m a provisional deacon in the North Ga UMC. I have a Forestry Degree from Auburn University, an MDiv from Candler School of Theology, and am working on a Doctor of Ministry at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. I enjoy playing guitar/singing, hiking, soccer, frisbee, Macintosh computers, technology, photography/video, asking questions, AND learning.

      My wife & I have lived near Emory for the past 8 years. She’s a social worker and does amazing work with Refugees here in Atlanta and we are proud parents to a beautiful baby girl. I write about Music, Media, Technology, & Theology at You can find me on Facebook, follow me on twitter @jmcbray, email me at, call 404.727.6278 (office), or drop by my office.



      Retirement Reception for Betty Jo Copelan BJ has faithfully served Glenn for sixteen years as the Church Business Administrator. She will retire on April 30 and the Staff Parish Relations Committee would like to provide members an opportunity to show their gratitude and appreciation for BJ’s service. A reception will be held on Wednesday, April 29, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Parlor. All are welcome to drop-in with well wishes. If you would like to make a Love Offering to BJ, please send your gifts to Mary Paris by April 25 with “Gift for BJ” on the “for” line of your check.                        

      Saturday, April 25, 2015

      The Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics: The Economics of Morality, By Dillon Bowen | Practical Ethics

      The Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics: The Economics of Morality, By Dillon Bowen | Practical Ethics: To illustrate this point, try adding these two groups of dots:

      Unless you’re an autistic savant, you probably can’t do it without counting each one individually. This is because the brain has limited capacity to represent quantity concretely. We can hold only about seven objects in working memory at a time. Now try the equivalent math problem where the dots are represented abstractly as Arabic numerals:

      100 + 100


      Just as symbolic representations of quantity allow us to do math with numbers greater than 7, learning to represent suffering and happiness symbolically will allow us to better care about people who live beyond our borders and beyond our lifetimes. We are probably all familiar with the received wisdom that people ought to be treated as individuals, not statistics. I think this ‘wisdom’ is fundamentally wrong. Our brains simply lack the capacity to empathize with every individual in the world. If we are to properly care about everyone, we need to think of human well-being as a statistical measure of happiness and suffering.

      We don’t need to be able to intuitively conceptualize large quantities of things in order to do math, and we don’t need to be able to empathize with the suffering of large quantities of people in order to care about them. Instead of understanding the pain of individuals, we should make an effort to understand abstractly the pain of the masses. This is the key to discovering and overcoming our moral biases. We need to recognize the immense amount of suffering in the world today, as well as the vast potential for happiness in the future, and take it as our mission to make the world as happy a place as it can possibly be.

      Friday, April 24, 2015

      Flagging dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

         Flagging dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The art of flagging dance, often called flag spinning, flag dancing, or rag spinning, but more commonly referred to as flagging, is the undulation, spinning and waving of flags in a rhythmic fashion to music. Practitioners of this form of performance art and dance are usually referred to as "flaggers" and "flag dancers".

      The added weights to the otherwise loose fabric made it possible for the new flaggers to spin and move the fabric through the air in ways similar to fan dancing, but with the added maneuverability of a very flexible material. Flags used by these new flaggers can be of almost any fabric, but silk, organza and lamé are preponderant, with silk being the most favored. Silk flags are usually dyed in vibrant, ultraviolet fluorescent colors, creating an almost hypnotic spectacle when waved rhythmically to music.

      Note that this type of flagging, while similar, is distinct from the waving of flags on poles or rods as one would encounter in a color guard unit of a high school or in the military.




      Creamed eggs on toast is a breakfast dish in the United States.[1] It consists of toast or biscuits covered in a gravy[2] made from bechamel sauce and chopped hard-boiled eggs. The gravy is often flavored with various seasonings, such as black pepper, garlic powder, celery salt, Worcestershire sauce, sherry, chopped parsley and/or chopped chives. The Joy of Cooking recommends making the bechamel with 12 cream and 12 chicken stock and adding capers or chopped pickle.[3] As with many other dishes covered in light-colored sauce, a sprinkle of paprika or cayenne is often added as decoration.

      The dish is often used as a way to use up leftovers, common additions include chopped ham, veal, chicken, lobster, cooked asparagus and peas.[4]

      Variations include Eggs Goldenrod, made by reserving the yolks and sprinkling them over the dish after the cream sauce has been poured on the toast,[5] and Eggs à la Bechamel, substituting croutons fried in butter for the toast and poached or soft boiled eggs for the hard-boiled eggs.[6] In this case, the cooked eggs are placed on the croutons and the sauce poured over both.

      In many families this dish has become a traditional Easter brunch fare. The tradition starts with everyone donating two eggs from their basket. Many times the white gravy will have remnants of pink or blue or green from the colored eggs which will add to this festive dish. The recipe was first discovered in Fanny Farmer's Boston Cooking-School Cook Book in 1896.

        Snowballing or snowdropping[1] is the human sexual practice in which one person takes someone else's semen into his or her mouth and then passes it to the mouth of the other, usually through kissing.[2][3][4][5]
      The term was originally used only by gay and bisexual men.[1] Researchers who surveyed over 1,200 gay or bisexual men at New York LGBT community events in 2004 found that around 20% said they had engaged in snowballing at least once.[6] In heterosexual couples, a woman who has performed fellatio may afterwards return the semen to her partner's mouth, mixed with saliva; the couple or other partners may then exchange the fluid several times, causing its volume to increase (hence "snowballing").[4][5] Many heterosexual men are uncomfortable with the practice.[4][5]

      A somewhat similar practice in heterosexual pornography is cum swapping, in which a woman passes semen from her mouth into that of another woman.

      Another Wagner swings into Emory
      Debbie Wagner owes her marriage to creamed eggs.

      That was part of the menu at Bob and Bernice Wagner's house on Easter Monday, 1970. Their middle son Jim, a high school junior, wasn't such a big fan of the dish, so he asked his older brother Rob if he could accompany him out to dinner that night. Rob had a date with the girl he was seeing, Kathy Kelley.

      Rob agreed, but on one condition: That he could invite Kathy's younger sister, Debbie, a sophomore. That double date at a Silver Spring, Md., pizza parlor was Jim Wagner and Debbie Kelley's first. They continued throughout high school--nights out after football games, junior and senior proms, and countless more.

      "Then I followed him to college," said the former Debbie Kelley, who married Jim on July 31, 1976, two months after she graduated from the University of Delaware. Jim graduated in 1975.

      "But if my children did something like that ...." She didn't finish the thought as her voice trailed off into laughter. Debbie laughs easily and positive energy permeates everything she says, especially when she discusses her family. Obviously the Wagners' marriage is based on more than creamed eggs--vibrant personalities, devotion to faith and family, and a strong sense of partnership--although every relationship needs a catalyst.



      When first time reading the Emory Report about the President of Emory's wife,
      I swear,
      though it sounded as if "Our Little Debbie Snack cakes" was snowballing our James!

      Wasn't until later, when coming across the same article again, that I learned it was his mother instead.

      That recipe sure sounds like an insider's joke our women are playing back on our menfolks;  same as I'm already thinking, when hearing, about the "seventy-two virgins" waiting for "nineteen dead pilots" soon to be arriving.

      The Muslim women have got to be in on this joke; maybe even the ones having thought it up...first?  

      Americans, as I now know them to be, certainly are stupid enough falling for it!  

      What Muslim man would be stupid...ENOUGH... risking losing their perpetual erections 
      the hands of a pissed off Muslim woman... 


      As an afterthought,  
      were these nineteen dead pilots actually to be met by seventy-two virgins waiting for them when arriving; 
      what if, even when in all her rejuvenated youthfulness, all seventy-two looks exactly like their...

      What does one do with a perpetual erection in a situation like this?

      Certainly can't be seen out in public with it..?

      Would you still do her?