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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

When is free speech disturbing the peace?


When is free speech disturbing the peace? 

DeKalb County neighbors want to know

Posted: Jul 21, 2017 11:46 PM EDT Updated: Jul 22, 2017 12:05 AM EDT

By Dante Renzulli

DeKalb County police seem to have convinced themselves that a man screaming offensive language to every person he sees, including children, is some kind of free speech issue. And yet there are others in Georgia who don't seem to enjoy those same protections.

Almost every day for the past seven years, people who live near Mason Mill Road say one of their neighbors has stood on the sidewalk outside his house and indiscriminately shouted at people of all ages.

"The vulgarities, and flipping off people, and yelling at people...the thing I hate about it is, I have to explain it to my grandchildren when I drive by there," explained a neighbor.

CBS46 reporter Kim Passoth confronted James Avery at his door, asking, "What about little kids on a school bus?" to which Avery replied, "They're going to learn these words anyway."

The neighbors who live closest to Avery gave up calling police because every time an officer arrived, they always concluded there was nothing they could do.

Recently, responding officers have taken to dismissing new complaints against Avery without going to the address, presuming that no crime is being committed.

I asked police if a double standard is being applied. For example, if the same behavior was occurring right across the street from the DeKalb County Chief Executive Officer's house, how long would that last?

We know actor Shia Labeouf was recently arrested in Savannah for doing something very similar. In the police report, officers said LaBeouf committed disorderly conduct when he shouted the F-word around children.

I asked a police spokesperson if there is a difference between that and what Avery is doing.

Police sent a copy of the state law and it essentially reads in part: "Anyone who uses obscene, vulgar, or profane language around a child under 14-years-old, and who is also disturbing the peace, can be arrested for disorderly conduct."

There is no special exception for people who are sober, or people who are standing on the edge of their property addressing the public.

However, someone has to be a witness to it, and police claim no one is ever willing to do that.

Many of the recipients of Avery's language are passing by in cars at rush hour and likely don't have the motivation to wait for a police officer to arrive for an official report.

But several people who live nearby expressed to CBS46 they would definitely be witnesses if given the chance.
So either all those neighbors are lying, or the police have it wrong.

CBS46 will return to DeKalb County police with these community responses and will continue to demand answers on their behalf.

Copyright 2017 Meredith Corporation (WGCL-TV) All rights reserved.

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In philosophy and rhetoric, the principle of charity requires interpreting a speaker's statements to be rational and, in the case of any argument, considering its best, strongest possible interpretation. In its narrowest sense, the goal of this methodological principle is to avoid attributing irrationality, logical fallacies or falsehoods to the others' statements, when a coherent, rational interpretation of the statements is available. "It constrains the interpreter to maximize the truth or rationality in the subject's sayings." 
Willard Van Orman Quine and Donald Davidson provide other formulations of the principle of charity. Davidson sometimes referred to it as the principle of rational accommodation. He summarized it: We make maximum sense of the words and thoughts of others when we interpret in a way that optimises agreement. The principle may be invoked to make sense of a speaker's utterances when one is unsure of their meaning. In particular, Quine's use of the principle gives it this latter, wide domain. 
Philosophers have formulated at least four versions of the principle of charity. These alternatives may conflict with one another, so which principle to use may depend on the goal of the conversation.  
The four principles are: 
1. The other uses words in the ordinary way;
 2. The other makes true statements;                
 3. The other makes valid arguments;               
4. The other says something interesting.              
A related principle is the principle of humanity, which states that we must assume that another speaker's beliefs and desires are connected to each other and to reality in some way, and attribute to him or her "the propositional attitudes one supposes one would have oneself in those circumstances" 



William Kaplan 1 week ago 
Highlighted comment

Hey Jim, you seem like an interesting guy. I hope you can keep your cool so we can all hear more from you. What does your signs mean, "21,000 dollar death of a salesman" and the stopwatch one? Also the ghost writer one.


Jim Ed Avery 1 second ago

Hey William, sorry took so long getting back to you with an answer to your question.  To be honest with you, I'm not sure I quite know how to answer your question.  Although I've always known what I'm wanting the answer to be, it's still more of a concept in my head that I haven't been able finding the right words explaining.  I guess you could say I have a Expressive Language Disorder. 

So, in an attempt answering your question I've started a blog entry which is still a work in progress.  The above link will take you to blog article.  Click on the pictures and they will enlarge.

You will notice that the two signs are always (at least in these pics) in an odd number set.  Try reading them following the same pattern as the arrows on the "Trinity's Time Warp Dance" sign.  As Jesus lived and died during Mary's lifetime, I've simply twisted her life circle into a figure eight; the infinity symbol.  What should have been the eye of the needle for Jesus:   actually turns out to be the eye of the hurricane, instead, for Mary...TWICE!

Basically, I'm trying to do the same with two thousand years as Nelly Harper Lee did with her two books; To Kill A Mockingbird and Go Set A Watchman.  If you are not familiar with how these two books relate to each other, read what Wikipedia has to say about the relationship between Harper Lee and her publisher as it relates to the creation of her first book.  

Jonathan Mahler of the New York Times compared the two books and praised Hohoff's large role "in reconceiving the story from a dark tale of a young woman's disillusionment with her father's racist views, to a redemptive one of moral courage and human decency".  Mark Lawson of The Guardian found Go Set a Watchman more complex but less compelling than To Kill A Mockingbird, saying that "it is hard not to feel some awe at the literary midwives who spotted, in the original conception, the greater literary sibling that existed in embryo. If the text now published had been the one released in 1960, it would almost certainly not have achieved the same greatness." Todd Leopold of CNN wrote that "Lee's graceful, drily witty voice, at once childlike and knowing [...] isn't lost in "Watchman," but one can see the impact of having a strong editor." He concluded that "The value of a good editor cannot be overstated."

Very interesting read.  

It would also help to know that the title of her first book, Go Set A Watchman,  is based on Ezekiel 33 from the old Testament.  Should read Ezekiel 33 as well.

Back to the "Trinity's Time Warp Dance" sign.  

If Jesus the Carpenter died becoming Christ going one way, then I'm able seeing no reason why James Edward Avery, D.V.M., having a midlife crisis as well, cannot ... LIVE ... becoming the Anti-Christ going the other way?

In other words,  Anti-Christ nothing more than my understanding of what W.W.J.D. would be this day and age.

When I read the bible, I hear a clock;  
as in Pit and the Pendulum!

And so the story goes...





When is free speech disturbing the peace? 

DeKalb County neighbors want to know

Posted: Jul 21, 2017 11:46 PM EDT Updated: Jul 22, 2017 12:05 AM EDT

By Dante Renzulli

James Avery · 

I just do not understand why it would be so wrong of us trying something different for a change? Like, maybe, interviewing me along side all these others calling in all these complaints against me to the police? At least have the courage answering this one question directly to my face: 

What's the difference between all these policemen and policewomen having been called out to our "lovely" neighborhood because of me and all these next door/not so next door NEXTDOOR.COM neighbors of mine? 

One door, and only one; yet their sides are two. Inside and outside; which side choose you?! 

As God's house is middle of our street, I would rather not go there...THAT'S ROADKILL! But there is a sidewalk running down my side of the street. Come proselytize with me good neighbors. PROSELYTIZE! Let's get our money's worth out of these sidewalks...god damn it! Walk/Work with me; let us talk:

Jesus loves me! This I know, 

For the Bible tells me so;

Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! He who died,
Heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! loves me still,
When I'm very weak and ill;
From His shining throne on high,
Comes to watch me where I lie.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! He will stay,
Close beside me all the way;
He's prepared a home for me,
And some day His face I'll see.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so. It ain't gossip if true!

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