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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Saturday, April 30, 2016



Sec. 21-13. - Restrictions in residential zoning districts.The following regulations shall pertain to lots located in single family residential zoning districts and R-DT, TND, RA5, RA8, RCH, MHP, NCD and RM zoning districts:

Lots used for residential purposes other than for apartments, condominium, mobile home, or townhouse developments shall not have an aggregate sign area greater than twenty-four (24) square feet per lot. Flags and banners shall not be included in the calculation of aggregate sign area. Subdivision and entrance signs shall not be included in the calculation of aggregate sign area;

Sec. 27-1584. - Temporary outdoor retail sales displays.

Temporary outdoor retail sales displays and related outdoor storage activities include the exhibition or representation of goods, merchandise, materials, or other items sold or bought at a retail establishment in which the items are displayed or sold outside the confines of a wholly enclosed building, and which are associated with the principal use of an existing business. Temporary outdoor retail sales displays shall not include events for which no business license is required (e.g. cookie sales). Temporary outdoor retail sales displays shall be subject to the following regulations.
Use regulations.(1)
A special administrative permit must be approved in accordance with the provisions of article VII.
Temporary outdoor retail sales displays shall include the display and sale of retail merchandise associated only with the principal use of the primary business on the property for a limited period of time.
Any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service or event, shall also be considered part of the temporary outdoor retail sales display.
Sales transactions associated with the temporary outdoor retail sales display shall be conducted by employees of the principal use, and goods shall be owned by the owner or tenant of the principal use, not a consignment operation or temporary arrangement with a transient merchant/vendor.
Sales transactions associated with the temporary outdoor retail sales display must be consummated inside the building housing the principal use located on the site.
Lot and parcel restrictions.(1)
Goods and merchandise may be displayed on public sidewalks only when a sidewalk abuts the store or building. Displays on public or private sidewalks shall not interfere with pedestrian travel, and the minimum ADA-required sidewalk width clearance shall be maintained.
Temporary outdoor retail sales display activities are prohibited on a vacant parcel.
Temporary outdoor retail sales display activities shall be conducted only on a paved surface, unless approved by the director.
Temporary outdoor retail sales display activities shall be permitted only on property where such activities shall not disrupt controlled vehicular ingress and egress and are not permitted within areas required, set aside or designated for loading and maneuvering areas, emergency access ways, driving aisles and driveways.
Property zoned M (Light Industrial) and M2 (Heavy Industrial) are exempt from (b)(1) and (b)(2) and the duration limits (Table 4.3). An administrative use permit is required, and duration of use is subject to the approval of the director.
Setback and display requirements.(1)
All temporary outdoor retail sales display activities, including installation or erection of associated temporary display and sales structures, and stand-alone merchandise, display tables, or display racks, must be set back at least ten (10) feet from a county or state right-of-way.

A temporary shade structure, tent, tilt-up, umbrella or covering may be erected as a part of the temporary outdoor retail sales display activity. Mobile buildings are prohibited. Tents over one hundred (100) square feet shall require issuance of a building permit.
Display tables, racks or shelves may be used as part of a temporary outdoor retail sales display activity.
Temporary outdoor retail sales display items, excluding shade structures, tents, tilt-ups, umbrellas or coverings, shall not exceed six (6) feet above grade.
A sign may be erected on the property in accordance with chapter 21, sign ordinance, for the duration approved by the administrative permit.

Sec. 27-1583. - Temporary outdoor seasonal activities.

Temporary outdoor seasonal activities include the sale of retail merchandise associated only with recognized seasonal and federal holidays, the sale of farm produce, Mother's Day, Easter, and Valentine's Day, subject to the following regulations:
Use regulations.(1)
A special administrative permit shall be required, for all temporary outdoor seasonal activities.
Events or sales of retail merchandise not customarily associated with seasonal or federal holidays or farm produce is prohibited.

Produce stands in residential areas shall only be located on property of nonresidential uses such as churches, schools, or recreational areas.
Lot and parcel restrictions.(1)
A temporary outdoor seasonal activity may be held on a vacant parcel if within a non-residential zoning district.
A temporary outdoor seasonal activity may be held on parcels where the temporary outdoor seasonal activity is not associated with the principal use of the property.
Temporary outdoor seasonal activities shall be permitted only on property where such activities shall not disrupt controlled vehicular ingress and egress.
All exterior lighting utilized in conjunction with temporary outdoor seasonal activities shall be directed downward to minimize glare on adjacent properties.
Spotlights and high-temperature process lighting for temporary outdoor seasonal activities are prohibited.
Setback and structure requirements.(1)
All temporary outdoor seasonal activities, including installation or erection of associated temporary display and sales structures, shall not be within any public right-of-way, and no display or sales area shall be located within twenty-five (25) feet of the street.
Tents over two hundred (200) square feet and canopies over four hundred (400) square feet shall require issuance of a building permit and approval by the fire marshall.
A sign may be erected on the property in accordance with chapter 21, sign ordinance, for the duration approved by the administrative permit.
(Ord. No. 15-06, § 4.3.3, 8-25-2015)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

JAMES W. WAGNER: Good question AnitaCock!

Published on Mar 19, 2016


Dr. James Avery, D.V.M.
1840 Mason Mill Road
Decatur, GA 30033

I received your public records request for four Emory Police reports. The relevant statute, O.c.G.A. 20-8-7, which governs "public disclosure of campus police records," provides that:

"Law enforcement records created, received, or maintained by campus policemen [sic] that relate to the investigation of criminal conduct and crimes as defmed under Georgia law and which are not subject to protection from disclosure by any other Georgia law shall be made available within a reasonable time after request for public inspection and copying."

One of the reports you requested, regarding case number 1102044, documents an investigation into a crime as defined under Georgia law. A copy of that report is enclosed.

Since the other three reports you requested do not document allegations of criminal conduct, they are not subject to release under the statute.

Edward M. Shoemaker
Records Manager

Emory Police Department
1784 North Decatur Road, Suite G-01
Atlanta, Ceorgia 30322


On 5/17/2011 at 1335 hours, I met with Stephen Sencer, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, in reference to a stalking report. Sencer said that on 5/16/11 at 1610 hours he was asked by Audrey
Turner, Business Manager for the President's Office, to speak to a male subject who wanted to see President Jim Wagner. Sencer said that the male subject, later identified as James Avery, told him that
he wanted to see President Wagner. Sencer said he asked Avery, "What do you want from Jim Wagner?" Sencer said the subject started rambling that the president had not responded to the earlier
package he left. See case number 1102003

Sencer said at that time he advised Avery that he was not going to be able to see President Wagner. Sencer said Avery gave him an envelope to give to President Wagner. He escorted Avery down the
stairs and out of the building. Sencer said that he did not feel threatened by Avery, but did say Avery appeared to be confused.

Detective Meeks retrieved the paperwork that Avery left with Stephen Sencer for investigation.

WTF did that COWARD JAMES WAGNER EXIT THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF HIS CAR?? WTF IS HE TRYING TO HIDE???!! Dr. Avery, please oh please tell us what he said about your yard & what ever else. Did President James Wagner did any thing when Black Lives matter was written ever were because I am sure some student did not like that but oh sorry they was conservative Republican and they just have to except it as free speech. Or how about when B Sanders name was written on side walks or how about when remarks about Conservatives was written as well have a feeling if the Republicans Student went to his office and cry about it he would have told them to leave and not come back. Yes President James Wagner is a Left Wing Nuts LibTARD Progressive DemocRAT who will protect the Left Wing Nuts Liberals Progressive student but he will not protect the right to Free Speech of a Conservative. Goes to show you that their's is a two sided one for the Democrats and one for Republican and the Republican get shafted by the DemoCRAPS and they take away their Freedom of Speech. Time to take away their Freedom of Speech and see how they like it . Plus the name of Trump upsetting some one is hard to believe , unless they are pussy and cry babies . P.S. Dosn't that PHUCK TARD WAGNER KNOW THAT ANTIQUE CARS POLLUTE THE AIR MORE THAN CAR'S FROM THE 60'S, 70'S & 80'S??? Typical Lib'TARD' for ya; no concern for clean air or the environment. Sure they 'talk the talk but sure in hell don't WALK THE WALK! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!

+AnitaCock Good question AnitaCock! Maybe I approached him too fast...blocking his exit left side of automobile? Or maybe even violating his personal space too quickly; him reflextively backing himself out of my personal space the only direction he could finding himself in my personal space again? I really don't know the anwer to your question?
However, I'm finding it amusing, one of the inaudible things remember saying to James Wagner while we were talking far side of vehicle away from the camrea;

"I once had someone telling me, 

'If you go too far to the left, you end up back on the right.' "  

To which James reacted by shrugging his shoulders at the same time turning both palms ups along with a smile I'm interpreting as...

"I don't know what to tell you?" or "No comment."
Poor guy. Had me all over him no matter which direction he tried going until finally backing himself out of my driveway the same way he pulled in. LOL
The above is a link to an anticle uploaded to my blog. Among this long chain of me responding to postings uploaded to the Internet by other neighborhood Nextdoor members of mine before becoming a Nextdoor member myself only in an attempt calling them out on their perniciousness and prevarications before eventually having my account suspended, more about this encounter of mine with our Emory University President James Wagner.

"I think all the rookies had a good time with it," 
Tebow said.

"It was something to give everybody a laugh, something 
also to build chemistry.".

Having a comment in mind I came across among postings by readers reacting to an article written about our Miracle Baby's tonsure haircut:

"We laugh and enjoy the moment. Liberals scream and 


'bring on the media!'"
Although Tebow was good natured about his "hazing," it was painlfully obvious, many others, unable reading this same article the same way. What follows was my reply to this one comment I saw as being both dismissive and indifferent of the many testimonials having already been posted; 

zero degrees of empathy::

"There's a big difference between someone able stopping
but instead chooses going along with his hazing and 
someone having had their personal spaces violated 
their heads not bashed in with a rock. In both cases, I do 
believe it is you who laughs and enjoys the moments."

Tell me some about youself AnitaCock. For some reason I'm wanting to believe you to be more likely a "Log Cabin Drag Queen" even if truly one of Emory's Conservative students? Which next door neighbor of mine you be? 


Subject: AnitaCock has subscribed to you on YouTube! From: YouTube ( To:; Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:50 PM

AnitaCock has subscribed to you on YouTube
13 subscribers
No videos


  YouTube (
  Friday, April 29, 2016 3:07 AM

AnitaCock replied to AnitaCock's comment
Jim, i can't send you a private response; big brother GOOGLE must of got rid of that option.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Picture of James Avery

Theseus and the Minotaur5d ago

James Avery from Mason Mill
Photo from James Avery
Was hoping one of my Emory or not so Emory neighbors might be able answering a question of mine? Why did Theseus need a ball of thread to kill the Minotaur when, by definition, there is only one way in and out of a labyrinth? I've asked this question of THE REV. WM MCCORD THIGPEN “Mac” the rector of nearby St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church. "I don't know," was all he had to say about it.Before they upload to the Internet another picture of him standing on their labyrinth, I'm thinking this is an answer he ought to know?
Picture of Stephen Fazio
Stephen Fazio from Tuxworth5d ago

The thread was to find his way back to the exit. A labyrinth has many paths and dead ends.
You, Sherry, and Meghan thanked Stephen
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill5d ago

Although early Cretan coins occasionally exhibit branching (multicursal) patterns, the single-path (unicursal) seven-course "Classical" design without branching or dead ends became associated with the Labyrinth on coins as early as 430 BC, and similar non-branching patterns became widely used as visual representations of the Labyrinth – even though both logic and literary descriptions make it clear that the Minotaur was trapped in a complex branching maze. Even as the designs became more elaborate, visual depictions of the mythological Labyrinth from Roman times until the Renaissance are almost invariably unicursal. Branching mazes were reintroduced only when garden mazes became popular during the Renaissance.

In English, the term labyrinth is generally synonymous with maze. As a result of the long history of unicursal representation of the mythological Labyrinth, however, many contemporary scholars and enthusiasts observe a distinction between the two. In this specialized usage maze refers to a complex branching multicursal puzzle with choices of path and direction, while a unicursal labyrinth has only a single path to the center. A labyrinth in this sense has an unambiguous route to the center and back and is not difficult to navigate.

Unicursal labyrinths appeared as designs on pottery or basketry, as body art, and in etchings on walls of caves or churches. The Romans created many primarily decorative unicursal designs on walls and floors in tile or mosaic. Many labyrinths set in floors or on the ground are large enough that the path can be walked. Unicursal patterns have been used historically both in group ritual and for private meditation, and are increasingly found for therapeutic use in hospitals and hospices.
-Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia

"even though both logic and literary descriptions make it clear that the Minotaur was trapped in a complex branching maze."

Ball of thread to me sounds too easy. Any moron should have been able figuring this out long before Theseus..? Wasn't it a woman giving Theseus this ball of thread?
Picture of Mary Eugeno
Mary Eugeno from Hampton Glen-Cambridge Commons5d ago

Did he use the string to kill the beast, or save himself? I think the latter.
You thanked Mary
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

I'm currently thinking neither. Maybe a metaphor for something else..?
Photo from James Avery
Picture of Stephen Fazio
Stephen Fazio from Tuxworth4d ago

This should get you up to speed. It's part of an hour-long program called "Clash of the Gods". Really good production value.
Edited 4d ago
You thanked Stephen
Picture of Sherry Baker
Sherry Baker from Druid Hills4d ago

My go to source on all things mythological is still Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, which I was first introduced to in the ancient times when I was in elementary school. Bulfinch's take on the myth in the first paragraphs here:
You thanked Sherry
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

Haven't checked out Stephen's hour long reference yet but did take a look at Sherry's. He'd managed to kill the Minotaur. I'm believing this would have ended the sacrifices even if Theseus unable to escape with his life... eventually? Hummm? Something still doesn't seem right to me? Doesn't sound right to me what he did to Ariadne? Sad what happened to his father...
Photo from James Avery
Sherry thanked you
Cantey Mills has no photo
Cantey Mills from Druid Hills4d ago

A labyrinth is a maze, i.e. there are many paths that lead to dead-ends.
Going in there's no guarantee you'll be able to retrace your steps, unless you've marked your path. Theseus unwound a ball of string. Similar to Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail of bread crumbs (but that didn't work so well.) Ever gotten lost in a maze? It's frustrating to say the least.
Edited 4d ago
You and Sherry thanked Cantey
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

Someone's flagged this posting I've started. Any ideas what their complaint might be?
Picture of Sherry Baker
Sherry Baker from Druid Hills4d ago

Oh, good grief.. perhaps we aren't allowed to discuss anything related to ancient culture and mythology? Perhaps this post belongs under "general" instead of "crime and safety"... that's the only thing I can think of , James, that might have gotten someone's toga in a bunch.
You and Lauren thanked Sherry
Picture of Stephen Fazio
Stephen Fazio from Tuxworth4d ago

The clip is only 15 min
You thanked Stephen
Picture of Alan Schulman
Alan Schulman from Toco Hills4d ago

This thread is long and of extremely limited interest, but that is no reason to flag it. I think that items should be flagged only if they directly attack someone, attack any affiliated group of people, are unnecessarily profane or violate the basic ground rules. Necessarily profane posts should open with a warning. Just to start something, let me be on record that if I had to choose between the first or 2nd Amendment, I would always choose the first.
You, LaurenSherry, and 2 others thanked Alan
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

But that is the problem with having a choice between 1st and 2nd Amendment Alan. The way it is right now, you can always give up on the first choice and go straight to the second choice at any time. Of course this would be the end of having the second choice...eventually...should one choose to go this route?! But not necessarily the end of the daydreaming..?

Alan, ever had a woman tell you, "I'm not going to hear it?" Twice!

These days, I can't help but wonder how many people have had their first Amendment rights suddenly come to an end all because of a woman having said this...twice?
Photo from James Avery
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

"Ever gotten lost in a maze? It's frustrating to say the least."

To answer your question Cantey, not permanently; so far anyway.
Edited 4d ago
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

But I can imagine the panic; unicursal or not?
Photo from James Avery
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

Thanks Stephen for your link. Like it as well as helpful. One guy's interpretation come pretty close to the one I'm thinking. I'm believing Theseus and the Minotaur are one and the same person; overcoming fight or flight.. Rational thinking takes practise. So does empathy. And both require a surplus of time in order to develop these skills. Although we generally think of both these terms as positive traits; not necessarily.

"Those with a surplus are better able controlling their circumstances. Those without a surplus are controlled by those with the surplus. One is not always able exercising good judgment."

Theseus volunteered. He put thought into it. This gave him an advantage over the others. She saw the difference. And the string frees up more time to focus on what was ahead...the Minotaur. I think the string represents time travel; forward and back. Adumbration.
Photo from James Avery
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

I'm wanting to believe women where the first to develop this skill of adumbration. And they can be quite manipulative at it too! Then was surviving.
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

John 12:32
King James Version (KJV)

32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

Ah! Well a-day! What evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the albatross
About my neck was hung.
Photo from James Avery
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

Keep calm...
Photo from James Avery
Picture of Sherry Baker
Sherry Baker from Druid Hills4d ago

Actually, I suspect there's more than a grain of history within the tale of the Minotaur and the maze (and many myths). Certainly, ancient underground mazes have been found. See one article on the subject in the link below. "But I think Knossos really has a better claim because it is based on the classical tradition rather than the later tradition of travellers," Dr Shapland said. "Knossos is mentioned in Homer. If the Labyrinth is a real thing, it was the way in which a site such as Knossos was transmitted into later Greek myth."
You thanked Sherry
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill4d ago

But !!!LIVE!!! The Four Dimension.

Can there ever be such a thing as a "collective" free will?
Photo from James Avery
Picture of Perry Frost
Perry Frost from Clairmont Heights3d ago

Big fan of driving past your house. Local celebrity!
You thanked Perry
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill2d ago

People can drive by my house and complain about signs in my yard but I can't complain about a sign in a car driving by my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about the drive-by hits and runs yelling...."F**K
 Y**!" "F*GG*T!" "P*SS*!" "*SSH*L*!" Etc. Etc. Etc.


Thank YOU Perry! Will definitely take this as a compliment!

p.s. This posting is not actually aimed at you. It's the first one...DELETED...responding to your compliment(?) having my toga in a bunch!
Photo from James Avery
Perry thanked you
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill2d ago

Photo from James Avery
Picture of Steiph Zargon
Steiph Zargon from Medlock Park1d ago

Way to go James!!! I'm on YOUR SIDE!!! Besides... there is WAY to much "Selective P.C. " crap on these one sided forums. And really...??? Who gets to decide that, just because they may not agree with someone else's opinion, that they have the right to "Censor, Call Names, Make Threats and ridicule & Slander the person who is exercising their right to FREE SPEECH".

Can you say: "First Amendment!" ???

Keep up the good fight and get that hag with the superiority complex who is hiding behind that sign.

Sure wish there was a "Public" database where WE could look up Lic. Plates!

But hey, ... enough about me!

Back to you Walter!
You thanked Steiph
Picture of Gordon Ely-Kelso
Gordon Ely-Kelso from Leafmore Creek Park Hills17h ago

I'm enjoying the posts. I love having random stuff to read.
You thanked Gordon
Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason MillJust now

I'm going to try posting...THESEUS... one deleted...TRICE... again. As this is a "thread" I've started, I really do believe I should have the rights insisting on NO FLAGGING, NO CENSORING OF LANGUAGE, DEFINITELY NO DELETIONS within this discussion. This...IS... a political discussion. And the title alone (with or without the mugshot) should having been warning... ENOUGH.... there may be contents unsuitable for some viewers. To try so, and succeeding, would be manipulation and deception eliminating consent...


the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
"they were accused of complicity in the attempt to overthrow the government"
synonyms: collusion, involvement, collaboration, connivance; conspiracy

Just think of me as a negative copy of Theseus and the Minotaur.

And the roads and sidewalks as the Labyrinth. Although stretch along my front yard not a dead end; it can be..?


Thank you Perry. I will take this as a compliment? Truth is, been doing this quite a while now and still hardly any feedback I'm able working much with..?

If anyone knows the woman who's license plate matches the one the eight foot Rudolf Inflatable in my front yard is holding up belongs to, tell her I would very much like to know more about the reason for the "NOSY" sign she hides behind as she drive by every weekday with the afternoon traffic leaving Emory? I have no idea who she is? Or for sure, although could probably get lucky with a guess, why she's doing this? And she won't let me take her picture holding the sign either when catching up with her stopped at the light?

Then sing her a telegram for me:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
(Beep! Beep!)
Had a very shiny nose
(Beep! Beep!)
And if you ever saw it
(Beep! Beep!)
You would even say it glows
(Beep! Beep!)

All of the other reindeer
(Beep! Beep!)
Used to laugh and call him names
(Beep! Beep!)
They never let poor Rudolph
(Beep! Beep!)
Join in any reindeer games
(Beep! Beep!)

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
(Beep! Beep!)
Santa came to say,
(Beep! Beep!)
Rudolph with your nose so bright,
(Beep! Beep!)
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight
(Beep! Beep!)

Then how all the reindeer loved him,
(Beep! Beep!)
As they shouted out with glee,
(Beep! Beep!)
Rudolph the red-nose Reindeer
(Beep! Beep!)
You'll go down in history
(Beep! Beep!).


In her own ways, she'd volunteered herself into this political discussion!

Subject:Your message has been removed from Nextdoor Mason Mill
From:Nextdoor (;
Date:Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:56 PM

Hello James,

Your neighborhood Lead Patrick Noonan has removed your content from Nextdoor Mason Mill.

Posted on Apr 20, 2016
"I'm going to try posting...THESEUS... one deleted...TRICE... again. As this is a "thread" I've started, I really do believe I should have..."

Patrick Noonan marked this post as being Inappropriate with the following message:
"Jim Ed, please remove the profanity from this post, and it will be spared future deletions. Your "rights" on this public forum do not extend as far as you appear to believe; specifically, the Community Standards you agreed to when you signed up for your NextDoor account prohibit profanity."

If you would like to contact your neighborhood Lead(s) for clarification, you can contact them by clicking the “Message” button next to their name in the Leads Directory. You may also contact contact Nextdoor support.

To learn more about what types of posts are appropriate on Nextdoor, please see the Guidelines for Neighborly Behavior and our Guidelines FAQ.

Thank you,
The Nextdoor Team



  • Professor in the Practice of Decision & Information Analysis


Professor Noonan came to Goizueta in 1993 from the faculty of the Harvard Business School, where he earned his Ph.D. in Decision Sciences. He also holds a BS in Engineering & Applied Science and an MBA, both from Yale University.

He served as Goizueta's first Associate Dean for Management Practice Initiatives from 2012-2015, and as Assistant Dean and Director of MBA Programs from 1996-2000. He has been a Visiting Professor

at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, and he has taught short courses at Aalto University (Helsinki), Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá), ESAN (Lima), and Universidad ORT (Montevideo).

Patrick's field is "decision analysis," which draws on both the wisdom and the analytical methodologies of economics, psychology, statistics, sociology and engineering to provide prescriptions for

improving decision making in business, in the professions, in health sciences, in politics and in life. The objective of decision analysis has been described as "facilitating a high-quality conversation about a

decision situation," thus marrying rigorous analytical thinking with the native human strengths of judgment and intuition, embedded in the interactivity of decision making in real world organizations.

His analytics coursework at Emory – which included decision modeling, game theory and data analysis –earned the Distinguished Educator award 13 times and “Last Lecture” speaker role six times. In

2001 he received the Adler Prize for Teaching Excellence. He has been honored by inclusion in Emory’s “Great Teacher Lecture Series” and earned the Keough Award for Excellence. In 2005 he was

awarded a Fulbright grant to serve as a Senior Specialist to a university in Uruguay.

Patrick's research and teaching in the area of managerial decision making combines his academic training with his real-world experience as a management consultant. He learned the profession at

McKinsey & Company in the 1980s, and later as a Director at Planning Technologies Group (which he co-founded in 1990 and sold to Knowledge Universe in 1998), and offers workshops in the "craft skills"

of consulting and problem-solving. He also is an expert on teaching & learning, especially in the business school context, and is a frequent facilitator of workshops for B-school and engineering faculty in

the techniques of case teaching and other active learning techniques. Noonan’s consulting and executive education clients have included such diverse organizations as Microsoft, Bertelsmann, NewsCorp,

The New York Daily News, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merrill Lynch, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Sea-Land, Accenture, the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Economics Institute, Johns Hopkins

University and Greenpeace USA.

Prof. Noonan retired from his fulltime faculty role at Emory in 2015.

Decision making, data analysis, game theory, and the economics of negotiation & bidding
Production, distribution, and consumer behavior in the media & entertainment industries
Improving communication about risks and uncertainties
Strategic planning and executive decision processes
Management education and professional development

Ph.D. Decision Science , Harvard University , Cambridge, MA 1992
Master's SM Engineering Sciences , Harvard University , Cambridge, MA 1989
Master's Public & Private Management , Yale School of Management , New Haven, CT 1984

Bachelor's BS (magna cum laude) Engineering & Applied Science (distinction in major) , Yale College , New Haven, CT 1977



From: Bugge, John M
Sent: Thursday, October 18,20129:23 AM
To: Lorena, Barbara

Subject: Code violations at 1840 Mason Mill Road

Dear Ms. Lorena,

I am writing as the President of the Mason Mill Civic Association, whose membership is made up of residents who live on, or on streets adjoining, Mason Mill Road in DeKalb County. Our hundreds of members are essentially unanimous in hoping that something can be done about the deplorable situation at 1840 Mason Mill Road, a property where the owner has filled his front yard with huge inflatable balloon characters, hung tasteless and offensive signs from large trees, and erected crosses with toy monkeys hung in nooses from the horizontal members.

This ongoing display -- it only seems to get more flagrant as time goes on -- is a clear safety hazard for motorists passing along Mason Mill, as many drivers will come to an abrupt halt in front of the property to look at the weird figures and signs. Drivers following behind down the steep hill at this point are in danger of rear-ending the stopped cars.

Of even more concern to our civic association, the bizarre display at 1840 Mason Mill has made the immediate area less attractive to prospective home buyers and renters. The elderly couple directly across the street (at 1841 Mason Mill) have moved to a retirement home, but still cannot sell or rent their house because whenever people come to look at their property they cannot fail to see what is just across the road. And they have invariably said that, no thanks, they wanted no part of what they saw there.

The owner of the property, Mr. James Edward Avery, should at the very least be legally enjoined from continuing with these displays, and immediately.

More important, perhaps, he should be required to submit to psychological or psychiatric therapy. There is ample eVidence, which I won't go into here, that he is severely mentally disturbed and(apparently by his own admission before a DeKalb County judge) a user of illegal drugs. His internet blog, which is available for anyone to read, contains disturbing suggestions about his possibly violent intentions toward his neighbors and the community at large. And his behavior to some of those same neighbors has seemed at times borderline psychotic.

It is the duty of the County government to take action in this case for the common good, and before the situation escalates.

Yours sincerely,

John Bugge
Professor Emeritus of English


From: Noonan, Patrick S.

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:40 AM

To: Lorena, Barbara

Subject: RE: Code violations at 1840 Mason Mill Road

As Immediate Past President of the Mason Mill Civic Association, and as a 14-year resident of that neighborhood, I want to weigh in with my solid support for what John has said in his note to you.

We have tolerated this situation for a long time, and our association does not take lightly the issue of infringing upon neighbors' rights to free expression and free speech. However, as these expressions have become steadily and increasingly offensive and intrusive to others' equally-important rights, and as evidence mounts that the resident in question has become a potential danger for hurtful actions and not just hurtful speech, we must insist that the County take steps necessary to right the situation.

I ask you to please expedite the appropriate actions to end the most visible affronts to the neighborhood, and to ensure the safety and well-being of the people of the County by addressing the competence of and risks posed by the neighbor in question.

Thank you most sincerely for your urgent attention to this matter.

Patrick S. Noonan, PhD

Professor in the Practice of Decision & Info. Analysis

Associate Dean, Management Practice Initiatives

Goizueta Business School, Emory University


From:  Gary, G Robert []
Sent:  Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:07 PM
To:  Lorena, Barbara
Cc:  Gary, Janet S.

SUbject:  Complain against Jim Ed Avery

Dear Officer Lorena,

I am George Robert Gary Sr. my spouse, Janet S. Gary, own the house at 1841 Mason Mill Rd. Decatur, Ga. 30033. My phone # is 404-634-9865.

I want to present some important information to you regarding Mr. Avery. Is it more effective to speak with you by phone or email to you a number of concerns that are detrimental to the property value of our house. We are trying to rent 1841 for almost a year. At least ten families have loved our house but the subject of the weird house across the street always comes up. We tell them the truth of the situation and answer their questions.

DeKalb County Court granted us a Protective Order against stalking against Jim Ed Avery. He continues to stalk through all the signs and inflated animals. He has been seen in his yard with his rabbit ears on when people come to see ourhouse. People with children were afraid of him.

Please give us some direction on how best to get our concerns before the appropriate people.

Thank you,

Robert Gary

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub,
And how do you think they got there?
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker,
They all jumped out of a rotten potato 
'Twas enough to make a man stare.


From:  Gary, G Robert []
Sent:  Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:29 PM

To: Lorena, Barbara

SUbject:  RE: Complain against Jim Ed Avery

I am Janet S. Gary, wife of George Robert (Bob) Gary, Sr. who wrote to you earlier in the day.

We own the house at 1841 Mason Mill Rd., directly across from Mr. Avery's 1840 Mason Mill I-louse.

My husband and I have been increasingly harassed by Mr. Avery ever since an incident when he came to our house during the Thanksgiving holidays, 2010. Bob was not home and I, not knowing Mr. Avery's mental state, let him in. He stayed and hour or more, rambling, saying he was a crackhead, wanting to establish a "Trinity" with me and my husband. I told him I couldn't understand him and that he needed help, which only increased his rambling, attempts to persuade me, etc. I told him I needed to go take my Parkinson's medications and he still wouldn't leave. I then just left the room, told him I was going upstairs to take my meds and couldn't listen anymore, He said "Okay, but I am leaving my stuff (a basket full of rubber duckies wirh names.)" I said no, to take them with him I was afraid to tell him directly that he should leave, because I did not know what kind of reaction he would have. I went upstairs and heard him leave then locked the door,

When my husband came hOlne, I told him about it .When Jim Ed came back, they had a confrontation and Bob and I followed up with an email telling him he should not return to our house again. He did not respect that, leading to our getting a protective order against him. He violated it with an email, and we had him arrested. He was let out on bail and that case is pending. Dec. 11 iis the date.

We feel that what Mr. Avery is doing now in his yard and on his blog are aimed directly at us and at his next-door neighbors with whom he is also angry. His blog has become threatening. We have moved out of our home into a retirement community and are trying to rent our house. When people who are initially enthusiastic see the yard across the street and ask us about it, we tell the truth and we believe it is the main deterrent for a number of people who looked at our house.

I will be happy to tell my story to the judge, if allowed to do so!

Sincerely and hopefully,

Janet S. Gary


Mary Hinkel, Director,  
Campaign Communications Services

Mary Hinkel is director of campaign communications services at Coxe Curry & Associates, helping clients develop effective campaign marketing materials and proposals. She has prepared campaign materials or
proposals for these clients: Atlanta Ballet, Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, Atlanta Community Food Bank, The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, Atlanta Habitat for Humanity, Piedmont Park Conservancy,The Salvation Army, Spelman College, The Whitefoord CommunityProgram, The Woodruff Arts Center and the YMCA.

On behalf of numerous Coxe Curry clients, Mary has written successful proposals to such national foundations as the GE Fund, Getty Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, The Wallace Foundation and
the National Endowment for the Arts.

Formerly, Mary was director of research and records at Coxe Curry, overseeing the team of researchers that provide in-depth research reports on corporate, foundation and individual prospects for fundraising campaigns conducted by the firm.

Prior to joining Coxe Curry, Mary was marketing coordinator and then director of marketing for the
Atlanta office of Touche Ross, an international accounting, tax and consulting firm. In those positions for nine years, she researched local industries, businesses and individuals; wrote business proposals and marketing newsletters; and developed the community relations and corporate contribution programs for the firm.

Mary earned a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude from Smith College where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Mary also earned a Master of Librarianship from Emory University. She remains involved in alumni fundraising for both institutions.

Active in the Atlanta community for over four decades, Mary has served on the boards of these organizations: Alliance Theatre, Arbor Montessori School, Arts Festival of Atlanta, Association of Emory Alumni, Friends of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, and Junior League of DeKalb County. She currently serves as a board member of VOX Teen Communications.

She is married to Dan Hinkel, vice president and legal counsel for ING Investment Management, and has one son, John Henry.


Picture of James Avery
James Avery from Mason Mill12h ago

Mary Hinkel, I'm going to address this posting to you.

Why are you encouraging Susie Scarr taking the lead on behalf of our neighborhood regarding my signs and behavior? Acting as if you didn't
already know all she's going to be able findiing out? I told you that first day we met as I was blowing off the sidewalks and you were passing out survey forms, that, I was allowed only four signs at most. To which you replied, "Well as long as you are aware."

In addition to some questions I had about an upcoming MMCA picnic, we even spoke some, or at least I did in my usual monologue rant way, about that large cross once having the words "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND"

To: Marcus Kellum, Code Compliance Manager
From: Jerry Silver, Jr., Code Compliance supervisor


On September 24,2012, resident, Bobby Rasulina, entered a compliant through our dynamic portal stating "The resident at 1840 Mason Mill Rd (Mr. Avery) has posted over 8 signs (spray painted on black plastic bags, 15 blowup holiday balloons, monkeys hanging by the neck on ropes, a larger than life cross with non-sensical writings, and other items, in his front yard. Mr. Avery has a history of arrests and mental health and/or drug abuse issues and these items in his yard are scaring the neighborhood. People are afraid to walk past his property. DeKalb commissioner's office is aware of his issues and the police are repeatedly out there due to his harassment towards neighbors. His balloons are also causing financial harm to property owners
trying to sell or rent homes in the neighborhood. He was putting signs up on Saturday with his face painted white. The cross sign is offensive to Christian believers in the area. His is hearing impaired. Please proceed with caution he can be verbally aggressive. We as a neighborhood need your assistance in protecting our property values, integrity of our personal believes, and safety of the families in the neighborhood."

About how flummoxed I was by Bobby's referring to the cross as "larger than life cross with non-sensical writings." About how that cross had been up for months before Bobby' entering this complaint with code enforcement.

[In 2010 a new rule for the next NCAA football season banned messages on eye paint. This rule was dubbed "The Tebow Rule" by media because it would have affected him.

During his college football career, he frequently wore references to biblical verses on his eye black. In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, he wore John 3:16 on his eye black; the verse was the highest-ranked Google search term over the next 24 hours, generating over 90 million searches. Tebow stated of the searches "It just goes to show you the influence and the platform that you have as a student-athlete and as a quarterback at Florida".]

Then I ranted about how our "Miracle Baby" Tebow having our Christians believing 90 million couch potatoe Christians exposed to the gosspel for the first time because of him when in actuallity it was nothing but one big collective yarn once they read it and realized they already heard it before.

Did Bobby and Charlie not once think to google this non-sensical writing first during all those months?

Then I attended my first MMCA picnic soon after this encounter of ours on Mr. Bliss's stretch of sidewalk I just happened to be blowing off when you coming along.

Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
James Avery (
Monday, November 24, 2014 12:13 AM

Hello Mary,

This is James "Jim Ed" Avery, the mentally disturbed resident at 1840 Mason Mill Road.

Just wanting to let you know that I enjoyed finally getting to meet you, having a chance chatting some with you that day we crossed path as you were passing out survey forms.

My first impression has me believing you to be a fair minded person.
Was hoping I could meet with you in person, anywhere of your choosing, asking a few questions about some of my observations during MMCA Fall Picnic. Would love to invite you into my home for this meeting; but understand if this would make you uncomfortable.

Also wanting to discuss my signs some and the DeKalb Recorders Court hearings over my signs; as well as, try explaining the reasons behind some of the even more so odd behavior of mine lately.

Well...hoping we can meet... discussing some of these concerns of mine. Would like both John Bugge and Patrick Noonan involved with this meeting; however expecting their association and/or loyalties with the Garys and Emory University more likely "discouraging" them from joining us.
But doing so... would probably be the first and only time I've been able witnessing so far... since this all started four years ago...a baby the direction of "balanced vision" as opposed to "tragic vision of humankind."
If you haven't Googled it already, please do so. No point in me volunteering to you the meaning behind this phrase when...still... coming back around to me... that the three monkeys hanging by their neck off one arm of this cross... "racially"... motivated?

Absolutely not!

And I've explained them to enough people... already.

Going to end here with two quotes as an explaination to my "negative" behavior:

"30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear(?)sense, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."
John 5:30 King James Version (KJV)

"His is hearing impaired. Be careful. He can be verbally aggressive."
~Bobby B. Rasulnia in complaint to DeKalb County Code Enforcers~"

Then we go from here.


James Edward Avery, DVM
1840 Mason Mill Road
Decatur, Ga 30033


Barrel of Monkeys: Genesis in Reverse



Re: Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
From: (
Monday, November 24, 2014 1:27 PM

Jim Ed: I appreciate your reaching out to me. If you don't mind, can we schedule something after the first week of December? I recently had surgery to remove a skin cancer on the top of my head and I'm having my stitches removed Dec 3rd. I'm keeping a low profile over the next few weeks, but I think I'll feel - and look - better after that. So, let me contact you in December about a meeting.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

Mary Hinkel

Re: Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
James Avery (
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 7:42 PM

Thank you for answering my email.

Most certainly do not mind waiting until December, discussing a possible meeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Jim Ed

p.s. Attached a few pics of wildlife taken from my backyard. I had been visited several times this summer by two eight point bucks. Wasn't aware there were two of them until both showed up the same day. One has a smaller rack of horns than the other.

Meeting Request
From: (
Thursday, December 11, 2014 4:08 PM

Jim Ed: Could we meet during the day next Thursday, Dec 18, at Einstein Bagel's? (I like their coffee better than a lot of places.) And, if you don't mind, just list a few of the things you want to talk about with regards to the neighborhood. I have about 30-45 minutes available and would be happy to meet you to discuss your concerns. Thanks, Mary Hinkel

Re: Meeting Request
James Avery (
Thursday, December 11, 2014 11:04 PM


Thank you for getting back to me.

Next Thursday is fine. My schedule is completely open, so anytime that is convenient for you. Meeting at Einstein Bagel's is fine with me as well. I can be kinda loud when I speak. Might want to keep this in mind.

Mostly just want to talk about my signs and the weird behavior; some of the reasons behind them.

Wanting to express my concerns how Mason Mill Civic Association made no attempt discussing the issue of these signs with me before both Patrick Noonan and John Bugge writing in complaints to DeKalb County code enforcers; these complaints appearing to have been coordinated efforts along with both Janet and Bob Gary's emailed complaints.

Was really hoping Patrick and John, most especially Patrick, joining us as I was wanting to hear their perspective on this court hearing; hear how Patrick was retelling his version of our story? Who were these people making up our audience we had that day? Why they did not look anything like your average stereotypical African-American criminals being herded into these other packed courtrooms as if they were nothing more than cattle?

Why it had to be Judge Nelly "FUCK THE LORAX" Withers hearing our case? Did you know she is DeKalb County Recorders Court first Hispanic judge as well as claiming a proud American believing she an inspiration to all first generation "legal" immigrants? That she received her law degree from Mercer University; same university from which General Robert E. Lee received a honorary degree?

Why not Judge Weintraub the Methodist who dismissed himself both of my two appearances? Why did he get so angry when I asked for the reason he was dismissing himself from hearing this case the first time I met the infamous Mrs. Withers soon after? etc. etc. etc...

Also, wanting to find out more as to how Charles Bliss got away with violating DeKalb County's Green laws. You seemed to know a good bit about it that day we first met and talked. Even about the property behind me. Why I was never contacted by anyone in the neighborhood about the uproar over these trees being removed? Wanting to tell you how I first found out what was going on with this property actually bordering mine (as opposed to these four neighbors Bobby confessed before even moving into this house they were considering restraining orders against) and the two phone conversations I had with the county agency when calling in my complaints and what I witness since those calls to the county.

Also curious if the picnic disbanded so quickly because of me having made an appearance this time?

Even Ann Hudson behavior was peculiar?

Genuinely hope we are able having this meeting,

Jim Ed

Re: Meeting Request
From: (
Friday, December 12, 2014 8:46 AM

Jim Ed, I can't answer these questions, except for the picnic one. The picnic was from 4-6, and I believe you came a little after 5, so, no the picnic did not disband b/c of your presence. I appreciate that you did not wear your scary hat (one with knife through it), that you brought a dessert, that you seemed genuinely interested in meeting people, and that you did not use the picnic as a forum to express your views. In other words, you were a good neighbor there. I would venture to say most people did not know who you were, and those that did were probably just surprised to see you.

As to the other questions, they are in the past and I have no knowledge of the how's and why's, only that they happened. I am not aware of anyone "retelling" the story of what happened. Our lives are all busy and there are a number of issues facing our neighborhood (cityhood, annexation, park work, development), so you are not an item of discussion. No one has brought your signs or inflatables to my attention so far.

I believe you did tell me some of what is behind your "weird behavior" (your words, not mine) when we talked in the fall, so there's no need to discuss this again.

If you would like to talk about how you can better connect to our community and be a better neighbor, I'm happy to talk with you.

You may want to keep in mind that I am a timid soul who does not like foul language or loud behavior, so if I feel embarrassed in public I will leave.

Shall we meet at 9:30 next Thursday?


Re: Meeting Request
James Avery (
Saturday, December 13, 2014 12:21 AM

Einstein Bagel Thursday Dec. 18th at 9:30 A.M. is fine.
Looking forward to this meeting.
Thank you,
Jim Ed

Re: Meeting Request
From: (
Saturday, December 13, 2014 8:24 AM

Ok, see you then.

Then we had our meeting at Einstein Bagel. Not in my home like I was hoping, Not with Patrick Noonan joining us like I was hoping. Not with John Bugge joining us like I was hoping. But you did bring along your next door neighbor Hilliary without informing me you would be bringing someone else with you.

We chatted some. Hilliary bristled some at me asking her if anyone ever called her "Hitlery?" You brisled some at me commenting how you "dressed" like a Liberal." Told you some about my family in Arkansas. Then I asked if you had looked up "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND?" To which you replied that you had not. Then I told you that I had brought it along with me and was going to read, from off the Internet, the meaing of "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND" to both you and Hilliary.

"I'm not going to hear it."
~(Mary Hinkel)~

After hearing you say this Mary, I shut down. I was done with that meeting.
I was able seeing nothing worthwhile resulting from this meeting with you helping me with my crystal meths addiction among other things.

Attended three more MMCA picnics I believe since this meeting of our at Einstein Bagel that morning. At the beginning of the picnic that eventually flooded while Elena Parent was there, I informed you I was there in case others may have questions about my signs and behavior. You took that opportunity telling me that one of my more recent sign, the "FUCK YOU!" sign, was inappropriate for the kids in the neighborhood.

I defended my sign by telling you to trust me that the kids already knew this word/phrase, most certainly were not going to be learning this word/phrase because of my sign, and that the word/phrase was only a word/phrase arbitrarily chosen to be slang; In other words, that the word/phrase did not have to be slang. Then I started to tell you the reason behind me making that sign?

"I'm not going to hear it."
~(Mary Hinkel: Emory Master of Librarianship)~

"Well then I'm just going to keep putting the sign out."
~(Simply Jim: Crack?head/Mental?Illness)~

"Jim. Look at this face."
~(Mary Hinkel: Sweet Approachable Cunt Face Elitist!)~

"Nope. Won't do it."
~(Simply Jim: Mark 1:25)~

"Alright then."
~(Mary Hinkel: ???)~

Mary, and I even told you that day we first met on the sidewalk:
"What's right about gays getting their civil rights if they are going to just drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about African-Americans getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about women getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about animals getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about trees getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights?

"I'm not going to hear it."

Mary! That's drifting to the right.



Sign Placement
From: (
Thursday, March 17, 2016 3:23 PM

Hey Jim Ed:

Hope you're enjoying this great spring weather. I know it makes it easier on you when you're out there during rush hour.
I wanted to point out that some of your signs are going beyond your property line. You may want to rethink where you place them.

Thanks, Mary Hinkel

Three signs Mary. Just three signs. One sign for each tree that has fallen onto my property, so far, since our "USELESS GREEN ACRE FAGGOT and HIS IRANIAN URANIUM ENRICHMENT CONCUBINE" moving next door to me!


The damage would have been much more had the Beech tree next to my house not caught the base of the much larger half broken off onto my house.

Barely! Almost didn't stop it!

From:Nextdoor Support (;
Date:Friday, April 22, 2016 3:09 AM

James Avery

APR 22, 2016  |  12:09AM PDT
Garrett replied:
Hi James,
Thanks for your email.
I’m not really sure I understand what your email is about. Your account was placed in suspended status for multiple violations of the Neighborhood Guidelines.
We received multiple reports on Wednesday from your neighbors about your post and successive comments.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


APR 20, 2016  |  10:03AM PDT 
Original message
James wrote:

Your neighborhood name: Mason Mill
Description of content:

I've been protesting religious issues for the past six years with signs place in my front yard along with a large cross nailed to a tree having three sock monkeys positioned in the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil position hanging by their necks. Everyone continues believing this is racially motivated, when in fact, it is not. And I have told many people walking the sidewalks front of my house, including the police the seveal times they have been called out to my place, the meaning behind these monkeys hanging by their necks. They generally mean being of sound mind, body, and action. They can also mean looking the other way, refusing to acknowledge, feigning ignorance. When combining the two perspectives into a single narrative, they end up cancelling each other out. You might as well hang them. And my neigborhood is proving this to be, unfortunately, true. Impossible haviing a truly geniune discussion having positive results, long term, about anything because of everyone tag teaming the two perspectives off each other; too easily having ones language censored/ negative postings flagged and deleted. And I'm suppecting just a select few in complicity with our neighborhood leads. Have another signs that says, GOD HAS GOT TO BE THE B*GG*ST M*TH*R F*CK*R OF THEM ALL~(!?!)~ which is just a diffferent way of describing "GOD" as having ominipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent qualities which most people of faith do not even understand. Well I joined Nextdoor only because of a neighbor informing me of a thread started by one of our leads allowing neighbor to complain about my signs. And I should have evey right calling out the many who did take advantage of this thread complaining about my signs for their prevarications and pernisciousness using whatever language I"m feeling necessary as I had given the lead herself an opportunity discussing my signs with me before she starting this thread without giving me the opportunity being a part of this discussion herself. This is manipulation and deception eliminating consent. A form of censoring! 

Subject:Confirmation of your Nextdoor help request
From:Nextdoor Support (;
Date:Friday, April 22, 2016 11:05 AM

This email is to confirm that we've received your Nextdoor help request. We will be sure to respond as quickly as possible. We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests, and it may take up to 48 hours to respond.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to working with you.

- The Nextdoor Team

Nextdoor  |  APR 22, 2016  |  03:05PM UTC
Case #566087

Your message:

APR 22, 2016  |  08:05AM PDT
Original message
Browsers reproduced in: Chrome
Physical Address (including unit number, city, state, zip): 1840 Mason Mill Road
Description of issue:

Currently believing I have been banned from by Neighborhood Lead Patrick Noonon? Did get an email informing me content has been removed; but nothing about no longer being able to log onto Although I'm am aware of violating posting etiquettes repeatedly, it's important that you understand that I only joined in the first place after it having been brought to my attention by two of your members becoming concerned, even alarmed, at what they were seeing within a flurry of postings by other neighbors of ours also members of your website to a discussion started about me by one of your neighborhood leads against someone yet still to have been invited joining in on these neighborly discussions. PLease keep in mind that I'm living in a neighborhood having many residence associated one way or another with our near-by Emory University. Although not going so far as claiming these neighbors of mine to be bad people, or claiming any of them void of actions able proving them active wise, they are still a cliquich bunch who can be both wise and elitist pricks/cunts!

Anyway, whether you agree to my rights using whatever language I'm feeling appropriate with these neighbors of mine, calling them out on their use of perniciousness and prevarications, just needing to know whether I'm still a member or not; unable logging on for some other reason having nothing to do with your congeniality biased loaded Leads having ?selfless? intentions/plans of their own.. ?

10 And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” 12 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” 13 He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides.[c] And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” 15 But Peter said to him, “Explain the parable to us.” 16 And he said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled?[d] 18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”

Having gotten all I'm needing, this little posse your Mason Mill Neighborhood Leads having whipped into a frenzy can now have your site back all to themselves.

It's begining to appear that I've learned how to loop God into a circle and hanging him from around our necks, or maybe it's just mine, like an albatross.

Just another way of saying, "You hypocrites."

email address :

This message was sent to in reference to Case #566087.

From:Nextdoor Support (;
Date:Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:04 AM

James Avery

APR 26, 2016  |  11:04PM PDT
Garrett replied:
Hi James,
Your access was taken away for one reason and that was because you violated theNeighborhood Guidelines multiple times.

There was a comment of yours that was removed more than once and you continued to post it. You used profanity in a few comments that were removed. And many of your comments were also not on topic or about the neighborhood altogether. All of those are violations of the guidelines.

It’s quite possible that Nextdoor isn’t the right place for you.
Please let me know if you need help with anything else.