Conversation between you and David Marier
David MarierJim, I spoke with Rev. LaRocca Pitts and she believes the conversation between the two of you is complete. Also, we drove by on Sunday and saw many signs up. I thought you had agreed to keep the amount to the code enforcement limit of 4? I'll defend your right to put the signs out, but if you exceed the limit....7 hours ago
James AveryDon't remember agreeing to anything; just informing you that I could be fined $1000.00 over four signs. I do remember telling you that if I don't get fined over four signs this time around, that I would be going downtown Decatur and filing another complaint against myself. And sure enough, as I was getting ready to put even more signs out in my yard than had been in my yard all morning, Code Enforcers drove right by me while five signs in my yard. There's nothing to defend about my rights having four signs in my yard...DAVID! As far as our Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca Pitts... The real truth is that my conversations with members of St. Mark UMC were never complete conversations. Not even close. what our Rev. Dr. Beth being paid $90,000.00 salary plus $24,000.00 housing allowance to do. The greater the secrets needing kept, the greater the salary able demanding. I've already accused her of "INDIFFERENCE" directly to her face the second time she declined a meeting with me; the same evening I later told Rev. Josh Noblitt that she was nothing but a "Catholic Fag Hag." "SHE's METHODIST NOW!!!" ~(St. Mark's Minister of Social Justice Meths Addition)~ Get rid of her. She's just another fish bowl jumper. Apparently you heard nothing I said that day.5 hours ago
James AveryAnother option would be for St. Mark having this letter informing me of criminal trespassing withdrawn so I can complete these unfinished person. Certainly would reduce the number of signs...WANTING...PUTTING...IN...MY...FRONT...YARD...HAVEN'T...MADE...YET... such as ...NOBLITT DISTRICT 59..?5 hours ago
David MarierWhen Leigh and I were at your house, you had 5 signs up. You agreed to that limit as not to be fined. There seems to be a difficulty communicating. I've tried my best to be a good neighbor, I thought you were going to make at least an effort. Apparently, I was hour ago
James AveryI think we have a communication problem as to what defines a "good" neighbor. The neighborhood I like envisioning myself living in extends halfway around the world all four directions to the the same point in the "Indian" Ocean. Everyone needs a church...LET'S CARPOOL!an hour ago
James AveryThat's a $1000.00 for each sign over four signs. Where would this money be going instead if I put it in one of St. Mark's offering plates. So far I haven't put any in their offering plates but I have put money in the baskets St. Mark has out along with their communions after everyone else is done with their bread and wine (and whatever shit it is Rev. Noblitt is doing off to the side with some members from his congregation) after having confirmed, once, with Don Clarke (you don't won't to get me started on him) that 100% of this money went to feeding the homeless one Sunday Worship service; another time with Rev. Jill that 100% of this money was going to The Chris Home for Children. But here's the odd thing about the second time I gave money during one of St. Mark's Sunday worship service. After confirming with Rev. Jill that 100% of this money would be going to Chris Home for Children, none of it to St. Mark's expenses, they had already taken up the baskets and disappeared with the money. So I tried offering the $60.00 to Rev. Jill. She wouldn't accept it. Instead, she motioned for me to give it to St. Mark's organist, Susan Wilson, who had no problem accepting the money from me. Susan Wilson! St. Mark's $70,000.00 organist! An expense! The same as Rev. Josh Noblitt's $30,000.00 expense! Jill's $30,000.00 expense! Plus more, right now I'm thinking $20,000.00, for children in general under expenses. St. Mark's 80% mostly white gay males spends more on their organist than they do on it's children's ministry. If that doesn't tell you something is wrong, I don't know what will? Are you getting any of this money working with St. Mark's children? I used to be blissfully okay with a percentage of my property taxes going to the schooling of our community's children; public schooling that is!4 minutes ago
James AveryThere is absolutely no wrong in me being...a you put it in one of your defenses of me as a good neighbor of mine.
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