Mary Hinkel from Mason Mill
If anyone is disturbed by the aesthetic nuisance, danger to motorists and pedestrians, and potential devaluing of surrounding property caused by the signage at 1840 Mason Mill Rd, please contact Officer Gordon (desk: 404/687-3753; cell: 404/456-7325) of DeKalb Code Enforcement.
Shared with Mason Mill in General
I have to assume that you are referring to the man dressed as a mouse twirling flags like he's performing for the commuters. Every night between ~5-7:30. Who knows how long he'll stay out now with daylights saving time. Bizarre. I've seen cops talking with him several times
You thanked Amy
I have wondered why nothing could done about this person, who appears to be mentally disturbed. I find his signs to be horribly offensive, as do many visitors to our home. It has grown worse and worse with each passing year since he first started this public meltdown. One of our repair people actually tried to talk to him to understand what his display was all about and he came up with some jumbled thing about a grievance against an Emory official. My repair guy said it made no sense to him and appeared completely unrelated to many of the political signs in his yard.
You thanked M Ayres
My house is on the market, and several potential buyers cancelled showings due to the "crazy neighbor". He is more than a public nuisance, he is affecting our property values. I urge neighbors to complain to Dekalb County Code Enforcement.
I used to take Mason Mill to get home every evening when I picked up the kids from school. A few times, due to traffic, we had the unfortunate opportunity to be stopped in front of his house. My children started reading out loud the offensive gibberish on his signs. Many of his signs are vulgar and use totally inappropriate launguage. Now I take an alternate, much longer route home to avoid my kids being subject to his lunacy. I understand he's on his own property but his language is ridiculous. And his signs and messages make absolutely no sense. I remember years ago a house on North Druid Hills Rd with a naked manakin on the roof with some offensive writing on the house and something about freedom of speech. I believe they took him to court and he ended up having to remove the manakin and paint over the writings. I will be definitely be making a call.
The "Sign Guy" obviously seems to be a troubled person. However the Constitution of the United States does allow individuals to express themselves within broad limits even if it bothers other people. Yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater is not protected speech. I examined his "sign collection" this morning and one of the signs had the phrase "MOTHER FU (star star) ER" plainly visible from the street. I am glad that I do not have to explain the signs to my grandchildren, but the legality of this and other signs is unclear. Sign Guy's behavior needs to be brought to the attention to Dekalb County to at least determine if he is crossing the legal line with his displays. And ... there is the very scary argument that while he is playing with his signs and waving his flags at least we know where he is and what he is doing. If his current behavior is curtailed, it is unlikely that the underlying problem will disappear and who knows how it will manifest itself.
Has anyone ever talked to him about his signs. Does anyone know his story ? His signs make no sense at all.
You thanked Chris
Jon, I hear and understand what you're saying (and I know many of us have had this conversation before.) But, my 7 year old is just (finally!) beginning to learn how to read and since we live on McConnell, and come home at the height of the Mason Mill back up, I'm just waiting for that magic moment when he asks "What does F*ck You mean?". :-( Also a while back, at an off-peak moment I was driving by and an African American guy stopped his car in the middle of the road - right there - and got out to try to figure out why there were monkeys hanging from the tree. So, yeah. Of course that guy shouldn't have stopped his car where he did...But also, do we want our neighborhood to look like we are some racist enclave even though allegedly wackadoodle guy is "protesting" the treatment of monkeys at Emory?
He came to my yard sale a few yrs ago and just started talking. I asked him a few questions about the monkeys and the Easter chick on the swing wearing pearls... He started "trying" to explain and it made no sense to me. He did tell me something about a disagreement with Emory and there being a lawsuit. None of it had anything to do with the biblical quotes. He told me he used to be a vet and he also told me a few personal things about himself that were shocking, because it's everything he seems to be protesting against. The dressing up like Mickey mouse waving flags are probably harmless but the monkeys hung by the neck and the cutouts of dead bodies on the ground are disturbing
If you want to read his bio and view his signs, go to his blog at
Jim Ed, as he likes to be called is a non-threatening individual who does have some personal issues. He attended St Mark UMC for a while, he was somewhat of a nuisance there and eventually we had a letter prepared and presented to him; asking him to not attend church services, Sunday School or other church activities. He has obliged. Regarding his signs in his yard, this has been going on for several years now, in fact this is the second (that I know of) thread regarding this topic. Have you all forgotten the constitution and bill of rights? First Amendment???? With the exception of profanity, he has every right to post any sign he wants. Several of you have started using alternate routes, good choice. In all reality, I think Jim Ed just likes to talk to people, granted he has a strange way of getting attention, but he does as he sees fit. I may not agree with what he has to say, but I defend his right to say whatever he wants to.
I think it is the whole spectacle that is disturbing. He's had signs and blow up figures up for quite some time but this " nightly show" is relatively new.
No, it isn't. I live on Vistavia Circle and have seen him for many months now doing the same thing.
You thanked David
Ok. When I said new, I meant 6-7 months. I've lived on the area for 20+ yrs.
You thanked Amy
I now think of the spectacle as performance art. Bad performance art, but certainly speech protected by the Bill of Rights. If he is really trying to "epater la bourgeousie," he is succeeding. It may be consoling to know that he takes off his masks and stops whirling his flags if people walk their dogs on the sidewalk so that he does not frighten the dogs.
Not that I am inviting him home for tea . . .
If he lived next door to you, i doubt you would be so glib to call it performance art. He is a neighborhood nuisance.
I can't see anyone defending this guy with the constitution for free speech. His foul language is just wrong. Families with young children live and travel through here there is no defense for subjecting them to obscene displays. Mental issues does not excuse bad behavior either.
I have noticed that in the last week or so, the signs are creeping down the hill little by little, against the wood fence of the house on the corner of Vistavia and Mason Mill. Although I certainly don't know the line between the properties, I'm assuming that since it's along the fence that he has gone over that property line. I was able to take a photo yesterday to document this.
One night a few years ago, he pointed a red laser light on our chests while we were sitting in our back yard from his bedroom window. Another time he came to our house banging on the front door holding three rubber ducks asking us to help him join the trinity with the elderly neighbors across the street. That elderly couple obtained a restraining order and eventually moved away due to his stalking behavior. The next time our neighbors defend his insanity with freedom of speech, we want them to talk with those who are most affected by it. This is not a freedom of speech issue people. It's a safety issue, an aesthetic nuisance, and a detriment to property values. U can not infringe upon another persons rights by exercising your rights. The explicit tone of his "message" and the use of profanity is obviously and clearly hate speech. As a society and a neighborhood we cannot tolerate his hate speech and asthetic nuisance any longer.
If it wasn't a right to free speech, why hasn't anything been done before?
You thanked David
Good question David. Bottom line, the neighborhood has been complicit around this issue by perpetuating the idea that this is freedom of speech and performance art issue. We have tried since 2011 to galvanize the neighborhood with minimal results.
In 2012, our household, the elderly couple forced to leave due to his stalking behavior, and the former president of the mason mill civic association (John Bugge) took him to court. He was fined $1500 for code violations and later charged with violation to a restraining order.
In addition he has been banned from the church on Emory campus, your church, banned from going on to the Emory campus due to hate speech toward the Emory president, DEA agents have swarmed his house, and homeland security paid a visit.
Jim Ed has continued to push limits with his illegal behavior and hate speech to the point where the community and neighborhood now accepts it as his legal right to freedom of speech and "performance art". We have an opportunity to work with the county to end it. It's time to take our neighborhood back by stopping this nuisance.
I think a petition is appropriate. I think between everyone who is concerned about this we probably have some resources to help us word it appropriately. I believe the code enforcement officers would offer help. As for those crying "free speech" as property owners we also have rights. If he is bringing down property values and causing a hazerdous driving situation ( I have almost run into people stopping to read his signs) then we should be able to curtail this.
Bobby, I take issue with your comment that the neighborhood has been complicit around this issue. Neighborhood associations have no legal standing in Georgia; they can only support those who do - the property owners surrounding Jim Ed. As you state, the civic association appeared with you in court, and that is, until now, the last time that I know of that we were asked to be involved. Unfortunately, that did not stop Jim Ed's behavior.
I also spent an hour and a half talking to Jim Ed in January 2015 to try and understand how we could resolve this matter. And, we have welcomed him to neighborhood picnics, hoping that it would help for him to get to know us and we to know him, thereby leading to changes in his behavior.
As many of you know, it is hard to follow his logic and even harder to persuade him to consider the community's concerns. He told me he considers himself the Lorax (character out of Dr. Seuss) responding to all the trees being cut down on your property. (While the tree removal may have been done in compliance with DeKalb regulations (?), he was/is angry about this.) That may have sparked his public displays, but I'm sure there other reasons he continues to make them. For example, his anger toward St. Mark's and Emory. (They seem able to obtain restraining orders against him, something our neighborhood as a whole cannot do, since he lives here.)
Anyway, it is my understanding that code enforcement can't "make" a property owner change his behavior; code enforcement can only continue to cite and fine the property owner to "motivate" him to change behavior.
Speaking for the civic association, I would say we don't know how to help here, other than to facilitate the communication process and support property owners in any court hearings that occur.
Could you ask the code enforcement officer, and I'll follow up with Comm. Rader and Gannon's offices, to determine what other steps we can/should be taking here? I do think at this hearing we can raise the issues of his use of vulgar, obscene words; the large number of signs cluttering his property; and the placement of signs beyond his property lines on the sidewalk along Mason Mill. And, anyone wishing to take on drafting a petition is welcomed to do that. And/or if there are any lawyers in our midst who have thoughts about what to do here, we'd appreciate hearing from you. It is a complex matter, and I think most of our residents appreciate our difficult, and how unfortunate, this particular situation is. I also know we are all grateful we don't live next door to him, and with that in mind that is one reason I personally want to support Bobby and Charlie and those other residents who do.
Thank you Mary. We have absolutely valued your support and that of the civic association in this matter. Our reference to complicit is directed towards those in the neighborhood who view his behavior as a non-issue. We look forward to working with concerned neighbors and the civic association to further elevate this issue. This includes county commissioners office, code enforcement, district attorney, and the legislative representatives you mentioned.
I am not thrilled with his latest batch of signs which include thinly disguised vulgarities. I wish he would take those down. Next time I see him, I'll ask him to his face to take down those particular signs.
Code enforcement may have been to see him yesterday morning. Does anyone know what the results were?
Meanwhile, so long as he doesn't trespass on my property, or swear at me or my children, I ignore him.
I would be glad to be part of a group meeting with DeKalb police and/or a petition. I like to walk to Toco Hills and used to walk around the huge block that is Mason Mill, Houston Mill, LaVista and N. Druid Hills. But I won't walk past his house when he is outside. I also drive by every day during rush hour and am subjected to the spectacle. He is not easy to ignore.
Good luck with all your efforts to shut down Jim Ed. He may be an extreme case, but that is what protects all our rights. As a relatively new member to the neighborhood (8 years) I've heard several rumors. One happens to be how the neighborhood disliked Bobby and Charlie cutting down their trees. Apparently, they did it according to "code" and there was nothing the community could do about it. Jim Ed being particularly upset apparently has held onto a grudge. It was Bobby and Charlie's decision and right to do what they pleased, on their property. Does anyone see a parallel here? With all of the law enforcement, code enforcement, SWAT team and Homeland Security visits that have been to his house, he must not be doing anything illegal or he would be gone by now. As for causing a driving nuisance, he's out there generally during rush hour or 2 or 3. Mason Mill is notorious for getting backed up, if we live here we should all know what to expect. Anybody who slams into a car in front of them deserves the ticket they get.
You thanked David
Since we all believe in rule of law , let's look at the Code..Code states verbatim.. " However, left completely unregulated, the number, size, design charecteristics, and locations of signs in the county can become a threat to public safety as a traffic hazard and a detriment to property values and to the county's general public welfare as well as create an aesthetic nuisance. The county, further, finds that signs have become excessive and that many signs are distracting and dangerous to motorists and pedestrians, are confusing to the public and substantially detract from the beauty and appearance of the county. The county finds there is a substantial need directly related the public health, safety and welfare to comprehensively address these concerns through the following regulations.." So we do have grounds to bring this in front of a judge. Without neighborhood involvement any judge presiding over this case will not understand the scope of the problem. This is a person who is a known and self admitted meth addict. He has been arrested several times (once for exposing himself to traffic). Has been institutionalized more than once. Has several restraining orders against him. Has been videotaped taking his neighbors trash from the curb. The reason why he has a large fence next to his property is because he was caught trespassing in his neighbor's backyard. Surely someone who has all these things happen is not just a misunderstood law abiding citizen who is angry about some trees from 10 years ago.
All - I distinctly recall this going before the courts a few years ago. The ruling went something like, he has to be outside with his props in order to have 1st Amendment protections and put up whatever he likes. If he is not out there, he has to have a more limited display that conforms to sign ordinances.
The issue you may want to press is that lately it seems the gallery of imagery has been left out unattended. But if our neighbor is out with his props, he is within his rights.
Comments posted in red are the comments of mine deleted before eventually being banned from entirely.
Comments posted in red are the comments of mine deleted before eventually being banned from entirely.

James Avery from Mason Mill
Ronald, I would love very much to see this video of me taking neighbors trash from the curb. Should someone maybe videotape the county picking up garbage from the curb and showing it to you.
"It's Charlie's money and he can spend it however he want."
~(Bobby B. Rasulnia)~
And the neigbors between us having cut down all the trees. They had received permission from the county cutting down fourteen tree from this property. The day I made my second call to the county reporting Mr. Bliss had gone beyond fourteen trees and still cutting down more, the county claimed helpless to stop them in spite of the green laws. Before they were done, they had cut down twenty-four trees. Then I just happened to be home that last day they stopped mid-afternoon, then seeing, the foreman getting into the bobcat, driving it up against a tree and spinning the treads out. Backing it up against another tree and then spinning the treads out again. He kept doing this over and over until he had done all the remainig trees left.
~(Charles W. Bliss)~
~(Charles W. BLiss)~
Ronald, use your brain. Why do you think the foreman was doing this?
And sure enough they continued cutting down trees after moving in. And since then, top half of three different trees three different storms have broken off onto my property disfiguring my trees and even onto my house crashing the master bedroom ceiling onto my bed.
Ronald, use your brain. Are you thinking that I'm no longer being affected by a decision made ten years ago?
I don't know about the rest of you, I personally consider our trees to be "FAG ENABLERS' maybe even enabling that mutt of Ronald and Erin.
Such a shame a tree missed one.
"This is a person who is a known and self admitted meth addict."
Ronald, I am a known meth addict because I'm the one who self admitted it. Do I not get any points at all for this. You know what Ronald, I wouldn't mind once, just once, fucking you stupid. Certainly wouldn't take long. You're such a "DOUBLETHINK."
Oh btw...Supervisor Silver with a crew of Code Emforcers showed up Saturday morning before I had a chance putting my signs up for the day. Sorry! No citation this time around. And also learned that Officer Gordon is no longer assigned this case? Both him and Officer Lorena (the one writing me up first time around) were no longer assigned to this area...?
Are you guys aware I had gone downtown Decatur December 8th and file a complaint against myself. Personally letting them know that I was in violation of county code ordinances. That I even insisted they make it "high priority" the same as James Wagner's "high priority" complaint.
When I didn't hear from them, I went back again December 22nd trying to get a copy of my file. Was told by a Supervisor Adams that they couldn't let me have a copy or even inspect this file until after the case had been closed; but was told a Officer Gordon had been assigned the case. I even explained to Supervisor Adams the reason why I filed the complaint against myself was because I was wanting them to come out and write me up for a citation for having five signs out in my yard (one sign over the four I'm allowed).
Why are they waiting several months later as well as responding to someone else complaint.
First they ignore my complaint about Mr. Bliss violation of the green laws. Now they have even ignored my complaint against myself.
And the fact this action took place right after President James Wagner of Emory University just happened to be taking his vintage automobile for a dirve through our neighborhood one Saturday afternoon as I'm doing my flagging dance and cluelessly stopped and talked with me. Well as usual, I did all the talking. He mostly just tried to get away. LOL
Was not even aware that the Emory Police had an active file against me they won't let me inspect either; FOR STALKING JAMES WAGNER!
We talked some about how the crime scene figures James Wagner having parked his vintage automobile on top of represented the nine black Methodists killed recently in Charleston, S.C. by a twenty-one year old Confederate flag waving youth. Talked some about how we agreed that we were against the death penalty. Then I brought up the one exception with me; the recent execution of Kelly Gissendaner who was the only woman Georgia had on deathrow. How with her, it was "FRY BABY, FRY!." How it was important to me that the preachers didn't get their confirmation bias.
You should have seen James run after I showed him the [SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO PICK THE GUN UP BEFORE YOU CAN PUT THE GUN DOWN] sign next, pointing out to him that standing in front of the [WHITE METHODIST "GOD SPECIALIZES IN HAPPY ENDINGS] sign where two pastors of Glenn Memorial UMC.
How he bolted!
Edited on 29 Mar
There are important facts relevant to the issues being discussed about me within this posting. Don't delete it again!!
Ronald, I would love very much to see this video of me taking neighbors trash from the curb. Should someone maybe videotape the county picking up garbage from the curb and showing it to you.
"It's Charlie's money and he can spend it however he want."
~(Bobby B. Rasulnia)~
And the neigbors between us having cut down all the trees. They had received permission from the county cutting down fourteen tree from this property. The day I made my second call to the county reporting Mr. Bliss had gone beyond fourteen trees and still cutting down more, the county claimed helpless to stop them in spite of the green laws. Before they were done, they had cut down twenty-four trees. Then I just happened to be home that last day they stopped mid-afternoon, then seeing, the foreman getting into the bobcat, driving it up against a tree and spinning the treads out. Backing it up against another tree and then spinning the treads out again. He kept doing this over and over until he had done all the remainig trees left.
~(Charles W. Bliss)~
~(Charles W. BLiss)~
Ronald, use your brain. Why do you think the foreman was doing this?
And sure enough they continued cutting down trees after moving in. And since then, top half of three different trees three different storms have broken off onto my property disfiguring my trees and even onto my house crashing the master bedroom ceiling onto my bed.
Ronald, use your brain. Are you thinking that I'm no longer being affected by a decision made ten years ago?
I don't know about the rest of you, I personally consider our trees to be "FAG ENABLERS' maybe even enabling that mutt of Ronald and Erin.
Such a shame a tree missed one.
"This is a person who is a known and self admitted meth addict."
Ronald, I am a known meth addict because I'm the one who self admitted it. Do I not get any points at all for this. You know what Ronald, I wouldn't mind once, just once, fucking you stupid. Certainly wouldn't take long. You're such a "DOUBLETHINK."
I'm telling you guys now, you are not going to be able resolving these issues you are having with me until you are able including me in on the conversations. How about we just have a meeting at the park where each one of you can confront me in person in front of everyone at the same time. At the moment, all you guys are doing is triangulating your congeniality bias off each other. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
I consider myself a progressive and thought I was living in a progressive neighborhood. I'm beginning to see now that I lean so far left in my political views that I make even the progressives and liberals nervous. I'm beginning to feel assured the rare ones driving by giving me big thumbs up along with big smiles yet not stopping and chatting with me are probably conservatives thinking they are the ones encouraging me to keep doing exactly what I'm doing as they sit back and enjoy a show in which they see as a bunch of progressives and liberals going at each others throat. And one thing they have proven to me is that our so called liberals and progressives, at heart, are just as much so hypocrites as they are if not more so.
And Ronald, you should really be ashamed of yourself. If that had been one of your dogs I saw having gotten loose that night I rang your doorbell, I would have still tried catching it and returning that dog back to you regardless how I feel about you. I'm certainly not going to hold the dogs responsible for your behavior. However, II will hold your African Grey responsible for your language(thoughts). As repetition is the correct way teaching a parrot to talk, don't be surprised you hear of me screaming at the traffic driving by our homes and not just at you...
along with any other conservative doublethink I can come up with...
as I pretend being your African Grey from my stretch of sidewalk.
Hopefully some of our neighbors will be able finding a way laughing with me at our conservatives and not just at you.
I mean it now. Don't delete this posting. To do so would be manipulation and deception eliminating consent!
Ronald, I'm going to use this posting to address some of your other perniciouness and prevarications.
"He has been arrested several times (once for exposing himself to traffic)."
I have been arrested only once and that was for violating Bob and Janet Gary's restraining order with an email not only nothing but words but words to be true.
Subject: [No Subject]
Cc: jgary@LearnLink.Emory.Edu;
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:26 PM
Dr. Gary,
I just got back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical records as well as those from Dekalb Crisis Center. While I was there, I spoke to my doctor, Dr. Parker, a small black women. I had just received another pathetic letter from my mother, whom I stopped all communication with, still believing her son has a mental illness. What I wanted to know from Dr. Parker, was my diagnosis which not told to me on release, as well as, what was told to my mother.
Bipolar being the diagnosis, I tried to show her copies from my which came to creation, from my anger at both you and Janet concurring against me from right across the street. You may or not be aware, but over the cellphone with my family in Arkansas, you've concurred with my mother against me as well; being all it took sending my life into a tail spin. It does not have to be intentional to fit the definition of "conspiracy."
Dr. Parker refused and began to get nervous, anxious, in a hurry to rush me out of the facility. Very calmly and professionally, I told her:
"Dr. Parker, hate to inform you; not only have you have failed in your responsibility to me as your patient, it's ..not.. bipolar if good reasons."
She could not even explain to me what happens when I start thinking ...clearer... on medication that takes months to see any results? How would we know when it's working? Not even what made her think I wasn't thinking Making it worth riskng serious effect associated with those medicines?
Last thing she said as she pushed me out the door:
"If you yell at your neighbors across the street again, you will be brought back here."
That was all I needed to know.
As my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable; believe I have accummulated enought evidence to justify my end,
the reason being:
Those with a supplus are better able to control their circumstances; those without are control by them. One is not always able to excercise good judgment.
"Those" and "them" being the day Janet started concurring with you against me, a simple honest man with a hearing impairment keeping distance between him and his dysfunction family in Arkansas.
I'm getting ready to find a civil lawyer to represent me here in Atlanta; one in Arkansas representing both my finacial interest here and there in Prescott.
There will be no more yelling and screaming. You will be amazed how much I've learned just living across the street from George Robert Gary, Thb. just knowing his wife; the resourses available to him I do not. All I wanted that day I scared Janet was some grandfatherly advice at that time.
My problem being then: how does one go ask for help if not sure where to begin?
Wanted some advise on where to go; not able to understand some returns with personilized search engine on my computer as well as an opportunity/opening for a mid-life crisis career change.
James Edward Avery, DVM is not unempolyed; just retired from clinical practice of veterinary medicine wanting into the political arena.
Until you two stop concurring against me and remove that restraining order; you are neither liberal nor mature Christian inside or outside a church. I do understand confict of interest, and why resistent to women as ordained ministers; do not have to respect yours, Emory University, even that of my family if not fair, reasonable with me.
Why can't Phil be a writer as well as a preacher, Bob?
Just call it fiction.
All he has to do is make sense.
Next move is your's and Janet.
Only then will I be able to forgive and forget.
Total Grace; not Christian Grace.
Ronald, I spent 2 1/2 weeks on the fifth floor (the felony floor) of DeKalb county jail because of this email, waiting on my mother to decided whether or not bailing me out as they would not let me bail myself out and my mother's phone number was the only one I had memorized. I had even given her the name of two vets I had worked with whom I'm pretty sure would have bailed me out sooner and she didn't even try reaching out to them on my behalf.
Then, once out on bail, three court appearances spread out over a three year period before statue of limitations running out along with the addition of a clause of the Gary's expressing their wishes that maybe I would be less confrontational if this were resolved without formal adjudication.
Ronald, I sent this email, a "confessional" you could call it, to a George Robert Gary, Sr. MDiv ThD letting him and his wife(who I wrongly thought had been my only friendly neighbor at the time) know that I had given up on them doing right by me; informing them of my intentions moving on to formal adjudication. Then three years later after this arrest, I had not only been denied the opportunity pleading "Not Guilty" to these charges of stalking neighbors living directly across the street from me; we were now right back where we started.
This email, having had me arrested, to a supposedly "retired" Rev. Dr. Gary who's still working even today as a counselor just down the street at "Pastoral" Care and Counseling Center of Georgia where they have program for addictions and anger management. And the irony of all this, the restraining order required that I stay away from both his place of business and school...EMORY HEALTHCARE..
James Avery from Mason Mill
Although I still have a lot ahead of me I'm wanting to say in response to these posting by others, I thought I would upload this grouping of signs for you guys to try..."getting your heads around" as my mother would say the meantime. The hint is to follow the arrows when reading these signs as a collection.
James Avery from Mason Mill
Mary Hinkel, I'm going to address this posting to you.
Why are you encouraging Susie Scarr taking the lead on behalf of our neighborhood regarding my signs and behavior? Acting as if you didn'talready know all she's going to be able findiing out? I told you that first day we met as I was blowing off the sidewalks and you were passing out survey forms, that, I was allowed only four signs at most. To which you replied, "Well as long as you are aware."
In addition to some questions I had about an upcoming MMCA picnic, we even spoke some, or at least I did in my usual monologue rant way, about that large cross once having the words "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND"
To: Marcus Kellum, Code Compliance Manager
From: Jerry Silver, Jr., Code Compliance supervisor
On September 24,2012, resident, Bobby Rasulina, entered a compliant through our dynamic portal stating "The resident at 1840 Mason Mill Rd (Mr. Avery) has posted over 8 signs (spray painted on black plastic bags, 15 blowup holiday balloons, monkeys hanging by the neck on ropes, a larger than life cross with non-sensical writings, and other items, in his front yard. Mr. Avery has a history of arrests and mental health and/or drug abuse issues and these items in his yard are scaring the neighborhood. People are afraid to walk past his property. DeKalb commissioner's office is aware of his issues and the police are repeatedly out there due to his harassment towards neighbors. His balloons are also causing financial harm to property owners
trying to sell or rent homes in the neighborhood. He was putting signs up on Saturday with his face painted white. The cross sign is offensive to Christian believers in the area. His is hearing impaired. Please proceed with caution he can be verbally aggressive. We as a neighborhood need your assistance in protecting our property values, integrity of our personal believes, and safety of the families in the neighborhood."
About how flummoxed I was by Bobby's referring to the cross as "larger than life cross with non-sensical writings." About how that cross had been up for months before Bobby' entering this complaint with code enforcement.
[In 2010 a new rule for the next NCAA football season banned messages on eye paint. This rule was dubbed "The Tebow Rule" by media because it would have affected him.
During his college football career, he frequently wore references to biblical verses on his eye black. In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, he wore John 3:16 on his eye black; the verse was the highest-ranked Google search term over the next 24 hours, generating over 90 million searches. Tebow stated of the searches "It just goes to show you the influence and the platform that you have as a student-athlete and as a quarterback at Florida".]
Then I ranted about how our "Miracle Baby" Tebow having our Christians believing 90 million couch potatoe Christians exposed to the gosspel for the first time because of him when in actuallity it was nothing but one big collective yarn once they read it and realized they already heard it before.
Did Bobby and Charlie not once think to google this non-sensical writing first during all those months?
Then I attended my first MMCA picnic soon after this encounter of ours on Mr. Bliss's stretch of sidewalk I just happened to be blowing off when you coming along.
Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
Monday, November 24, 2014 12:13 AM
Hello Mary,
This is James "Jim Ed" Avery, the mentally disturbed resident at 1840 Mason Mill Road.
Just wanting to let you know that I enjoyed finally getting to meet you, having a chance chatting some with you that day we crossed path as you were passing out survey forms.
My first impression has me believing you to be a fair minded person.
Was hoping I could meet with you in person, anywhere of your choosing, asking a few questions about some of my observations during MMCA Fall Picnic. Would love to invite you into my home for this meeting; but understand if this would make you uncomfortable.
Also wanting to discuss my signs some and the DeKalb Recorders Court hearings over my signs; as well as, try explaining the reasons behind some of the even more so odd behavior of mine lately.
Well...hoping we can meet... discussing some of these concerns of mine. Would like both John Bugge and Patrick Noonan involved with this meeting; however expecting their association and/or loyalties with the Garys and Emory University more likely "discouraging" them from joining us.
But doing so... would probably be the first and only time I've been able witnessing so far... since this all started four years ago...a baby the direction of "balanced vision" as opposed to "tragic vision of humankind."
If you haven't Googled it already, please do so. No point in me volunteering to you the meaning behind this phrase when...still... coming back around to me... that the three monkeys hanging by their neck off one arm of this cross... "racially"... motivated?
Absolutely not!
And I've explained them to enough people... already.
Going to end here with two quotes as an explaination to my "negative" behavior:
"30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear(?)sense, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."
John 5:30 King James Version (KJV)
"His is hearing impaired. Be careful. He can be verbally aggressive."
~Bobby B. Rasulnia in complaint to DeKalb County Code Enforcers~"
Then we go from here.
James Edward Avery, DVM
1840 Mason Mill Road
Decatur, Ga 30033
Barrel of Monkeys: Genesis in Reverse
Re: Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
Monday, November 24, 2014 1:27 PM
Jim Ed: I appreciate your reaching out to me. If you don't mind, can we schedule something after the first week of December? I recently had surgery to remove a skin cancer on the top of my head and I'm having my stitches removed Dec 3rd. I'm keeping a low profile over the next few weeks, but I think I'll feel - and look - better after that. So, let me contact you in December about a meeting.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Mary Hinkel
Re: Questions About MMCA's Fall Picnic
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 7:42 PM
Thank you for answering my email.
Most certainly do not mind waiting until December, discussing a possible meeting.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jim Ed
p.s. Attached a few pics of wildlife taken from my backyard. I had been visited several times this summer by two eight point bucks. Wasn't aware there were two of them until both showed up the same day. One has a smaller rack of horns than the other.
Meeting Request
Thursday, December 11, 2014 4:08 PM
Jim Ed: Could we meet during the day next Thursday, Dec 18, at Einstein Bagel's? (I like their coffee better than a lot of places.) And, if you don't mind, just list a few of the things you want to talk about with regards to the neighborhood. I have about 30-45 minutes available and would be happy to meet you to discuss your concerns. Thanks, Mary Hinkel
Re: Meeting Request
Thursday, December 11, 2014 11:04 PM
Thank you for getting back to me.
Next Thursday is fine. My schedule is completely open, so anytime that is convenient for you. Meeting at Einstein Bagel's is fine with me as well. I can be kinda loud when I speak. Might want to keep this in mind.
Mostly just want to talk about my signs and the weird behavior; some of the reasons behind them.
Wanting to express my concerns how Mason Mill Civic Association made no attempt discussing the issue of these signs with me before both Patrick Noonan and John Bugge writing in complaints to DeKalb County code enforcers; these complaints appearing to have been coordinated efforts along with both Janet and Bob Gary's emailed complaints.
Was really hoping Patrick and John, most especially Patrick, joining us as I was wanting to hear their perspective on this court hearing; hear how Patrick was retelling his version of our story? Who were these people making up our audience we had that day? Why they did not look anything like your average stereotypical African-American criminals being herded into these other packed courtrooms as if they were nothing more than cattle?
Why it had to be Judge Nelly "FUCK THE LORAX" Withers hearing our case? Did you know she is DeKalb County Recorders Court first Hispanic judge as well as claiming a proud American believing she an inspiration to all first generation "legal" immigrants? That she received her law degree from Mercer University; same university from which General Robert E. Lee received a honorary degree?
Why not Judge Weintraub the Methodist who dismissed himself both of my two appearances? Why did he get so angry when I asked for the reason he was dismissing himself from hearing this case the first time I met the infamous Mrs. Withers soon after? etc. etc. etc...
Also, wanting to find out more as to how Charles Bliss got away with violating DeKalb County's Green laws. You seemed to know a good bit about it that day we first met and talked. Even about the property behind me. Why I was never contacted by anyone in the neighborhood about the uproar over these trees being removed? Wanting to tell you how I first found out what was going on with this property actually bordering mine (as opposed to these four neighbors Bobby confessed before even moving into this house they were considering restraining orders against) and the two phone conversations I had with the county agency when calling in my complaints and what I witness since those calls to the county.
Also curious if the picnic disbanded so quickly because of me having made an appearance this time?
Even Ann Hudson behavior was peculiar?
Genuinely hope we are able having this meeting,
Jim Ed
Re: Meeting Request
Friday, December 12, 2014 8:46 AM
Jim Ed, I can't answer these questions, except for the picnic one. The picnic was from 4-6, and I believe you came a little after 5, so, no the picnic did not disband b/c of your presence. I appreciate that you did not wear your scary hat (one with knife through it), that you brought a dessert, that you seemed genuinely interested in meeting people, and that you did not use the picnic as a forum to express your views. In other words, you were a good neighbor there. I would venture to say most people did not know who you were, and those that did were probably just surprised to see you.
As to the other questions, they are in the past and I have no knowledge of the how's and why's, only that they happened. I am not aware of anyone "retelling" the story of what happened. Our lives are all busy and there are a number of issues facing our neighborhood (cityhood, annexation, park work, development), so you are not an item of discussion. No one has brought your signs or inflatables to my attention so far.
I believe you did tell me some of what is behind your "weird behavior" (your words, not mine) when we talked in the fall, so there's no need to discuss this again.
If you would like to talk about how you can better connect to our community and be a better neighbor, I'm happy to talk with you.
You may want to keep in mind that I am a timid soul who does not like foul language or loud behavior, so if I feel embarrassed in public I will leave.
Shall we meet at 9:30 next Thursday?
Re: Meeting Request
Saturday, December 13, 2014 12:21 AM
Einstein Bagel Thursday Dec. 18th at 9:30 A.M. is fine.
Looking forward to this meeting.
Thank you,
Jim Ed
Re: Meeting Request
Saturday, December 13, 2014 8:24 AM
Ok, see you then.
Then we had our meeting at Einstein Bagel. Not in my home like I was hoping, Not with Patrick Noonan joining us like I was hoping. Not with John Bugge joining us like I was hoping. But you did bring along your next door neighbor Hilliary without informing me you would be bringing someone else with you.
We chatted some. Hilliary bristled some at me asking her if anyone ever called her "Hitlery?" You brisled some at me commenting how you "dressed" like a Liberal." Told you some about my family in Arkansas. Then I asked if you had looked up "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND?" To which you replied that you had not. Then I told you that I had brought it along with me and was going to read, from off the Internet, the meaing of "TRAGIC VISION OF HUMANKIND" to both you and Hilliary.
"I'm not going to hear it."
~(Mary Hinkel)~
After hearing you say this Mary, I shut down. I was done with that meeting.
I was able seeing nothing worthwhile resulting from this meeting with you helping me with my crystal meths addiction among other things.
Attended three more MMCA picnics I believe since this meeting of our at Einstein Bagel that morning. At the beginning of the picnic that eventually flooded while Elena Parent was there, I informed you I was there in case others may have questions about my signs and behavior. You took that opportunity telling me that one of my more recent sign, the "FUCK YOU!" sign, was inappropriate for the kids in the neighborhood.
I defended my sign by telling you to trust me that the kids already knew this word/phrase, most certainly were not going to be learning this word/phrase because of my sign, and that the word/phrase was only a word/phrase arbitrarily chosen to be slang; In other words, that the word/phrase did not have to be slang. Then I started to tell you the reason behind me making that sign?
"I'm not going to hear it."
~(Mary Hinkel: Emory Master of Librarianship)~
"Well then I'm just going to keep putting the sign out."
~(Simply Jim: Crack?head/Mental?Illness)~
"Jim. Look at this face."
~(Mary Hinkel: Sweet Approachable Cunt Face Elitist!)~
"Nope. Won't do it."
~(Simply Jim: Mark 1:25)~
"Alright then."
~(Mary Hinkel: ???)~
Mary, and I even told you that day we first met on the sidewalk:
"What's right about gays getting their civil rights if they are going to just drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about African-Americans getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about women getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about animals getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights? What's right about trees getting their civil rights if they are just going to drift to the right once getting these rights?
"I'm not going to hear it."
Mary! That's drifting to the right.
Sign Placement
Thursday, March 17, 2016 3:23 PM
Hey Jim Ed:
Hope you're enjoying this great spring weather. I know it makes it easier on you when you're out there during rush hour.
I wanted to point out that some of your signs are going beyond your property line. You may want to rethink where you place them.
Thanks, Mary Hinkel
Three signs Mary. Just three signs. One sign for each tree that has fallen onto my property, so far, since our "USELESS GREEN ACRE FAGGOT and HIS IRANIAN URANIUM ENRICHMENT CONCUBINE" moving next door to me!
The damage would have been much more had the Beech tree next to my house not caught the base of the much larger half broken off onto my house.
Barely! Almost didn't stop it!
Are we at least discussing a possible meeting at the park with all of us present; including me?
They say it's hard to do the right thing? It's not hard to do the right thing, it's just hard knowing what..IS...the right thing to do? Once you do know, it's...HARD...not to do the right thing? A good man (I WOULD LIKE TO ADD A GOOD WOMAN TO THIS AS WELL) is not without sin. He (they) admits; then expiates.
I'm going to throw you guys another bone. What follows is a conversation between me and my mother (whom I'm now refusing any contact with since a confirmation service we attended at Glenn Memorial UMC March 2014 ) that took place a good while back:
"Mother, you should have been here to see this. By the time I was done killing that snake (a copperhead), that shovel was...SMOKING!."
~(Simply Jim)~
"I'm surprised you killed it."
~(My Mother)~
"I have cats now...MOTHER! That's like having children. NOW...I understand Lady MacBeth."
~(Simply Jim)~
"Jim, you ever talk to yourself?"
~(My Mother)~
"Talk to my cats..?"
~(Simply Jim)~
It's even gotten around back to me that I'm actually "hitting" Janet Gary that day alone inside Janet Claire Segers Gary's house with Rev. George Robert Gary, Sr. ThD's wife unwelcomed the whole one hour and fifteen minutes Thanksgiving 2010.
And I can't help but wonder just what it was their daughter's (Senior Pastor Mt. Zion UMC) husband (with whom she is now co-owner of this house directly across the street from my house) was talking about with our Code Enforcers the morning of Holy Saturday after Supervisor Jerry Silvers and his men having just missed an opportunity writing me up for code violations which I'm understanding could be like $1000.00 per sign over four signs.
What is the right thing to do? I'm having to admit...
that's a tough one.
As one of the neighborhood "Leads" for Mason Mill, I have removed (and will continue to remove) any posts that include copies or transcripts of private communications (i.e. emails) with individual neighbors without their permission. I also will remove posts that include the email or phone information of other parties without their consent.
Edited 2d ago
You thanked Patrick
Oh how convenient of you Patrick to delete the ones questioning your morales when It my understanding that Mary is also a lead and could have deleted her own private communications. At least these private communications were facts as opposed to as well as exposing some the perniciousness and prevarications I'm reading on this site about me; that is, to any that care to see them.
Let me ask you this questions since you are so involved with this tree planting project at Thompson Park; how do you feel about this property next to mine, this Hollywood House, being referred to as an "oasis"?
It's my thinking that it was already an "oasis" long before any of us even born!
Oh! One other thing! Be sure to take the virtual tour of this Hollywood House. I especially like picture number twenty-two. You can see Norman Bates window from here!
Jim Ed: I have been out of town and not checking emails, so I appreciate that the other lead for nextdoormasonmill acted to remove my private communication with you.
You thanked Mary
Mary, in your own "Though Artful Dodger Ways" you have been complicit around this issue.
Now since you've aready mentioned our meeting within this forum, please, show me how you would rewrite my deleted posting which was calling you out for your own perniciousess and prevarications regarding this meeting between us about my signs for it to be acceptable without it being dismissed by others as my own perniciousness and prevarications.
Then re-post it yourself.
You know how much trouple I went to typing that posting deleted. Good thing I'd saved it.
If only you guys knew how lucky you are to be having me as your neighbor instead of someone else. That's a major "trigger" no-no!!
Said another way, the same as saying, "FUCK YOU." There are many ways to say, "FUCK YOU!," Mary. Did you know that?
PLEASE....humor me.
M Ayres Gardner
Occupation: Attorney, retired Magistrate Judge
My favorite thing about living in Mason Mill is: the forest in W. D. Thompson Park
Your house backs up to the forest in W.D.Thompson doesn't it, Your Honor.
Oh how I would love for the two of us sitting down together for a talk. Hearing your take on some of my observations during my court hearings and non-hearings.
Mrs. Gardner, why were you quoting a repair man when you were best situated asking me yourself? Over and over and over agains, if needed, understanding my behavior?
Now I worry about some of your rulings..?
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.
I want to, first, thank Diane Benjamin for being the one introducing me to this phrase "Épater la bourgeoisie" :
[Épater la bourgeoisie or épater le (or les) bourgeois is a French phrase that became a rallying cry for the French Decadent poets of the late 19th century including Charles Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud. It means to shock the bourgeoisie.
The Decadents, fascinated as they were with hashish, opium and absinthe, found, in Joris-Karl Huysmans' novel À rebours (1884), a sexually perverse hero who secludes himself in his house, basking in life-weariness or ennui, far from the bourgeois society that he despises.
The Aesthetes in England, such as Oscar Wilde, shared these same fascinations. This celebration of "unhealthy" and "unnatural" devotion to life, art and excess has been a continuing cultural theme.]
The above is everything Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, has to say about this fitting phrase, so fitting, it must have been made for me to be in it; Douglas Noel Adams (11 March 1952 – 11 May 2001) May he rest in peace.
[In Marxist philosophy the bourgeoisie is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital, to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society. Joseph Schumpeter saw the creation of new bourgeoisie as the driving force behind the capitalist engine, particularly entrepreneurs who took risks to bring innovation to industries and the economy through the process of creative destruction.]
Wikipedia had a lot more say about the bourgeoisie, but I stopped here; it was fittingly perfect enough!
Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
Second, assuming Diane's words speaks for all as I've yet to have been nvited to tea anywhere, you might as well go ahead and kill the children yourself. Certainly would save someone else their own generations the trouble of being villified having done it for you instead.
~(DeKalb Crisis Center)~
~(James E. Avery, D.V.M.)~
"Name of this jail?"
~(DeKalb Crisis Center)~
"Pale Blue Dot."
~(Jim Ed!Avery, Charles D.)~
~(DeKalb Crisis Center)~
"Yeah that's correct. Once here you can never get off."
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