Overdose Awareness and Prevention Night
May 31, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Ward Hall
All youth and parents
invited to this program.
Drug overdoses
have overtaken automobile accidents as the leading cause of accidental death in the United States.
Georgia Overdose Prevention,
a group of parents, health care professionals and friends
have been personally affected by drug addiction and overdose
discuss their experiences
with the loss of their loved one, the new GA Medical Amnesty Law, recovery and hope.
Dinner is provided.
Dear Rev. Josh,
Since our one hour meeting January 5th at Ink and Elm,
If we were to turn Atlanta's clock back 22 years to June 23, 1991, we'd find thousands of people participating in the 20th annual Gay Pride March.
We'd also be witness to what became known as the 'Miracle of Peachtree'--where several midtown churches actively supported the marchers as they made their way along the route to Piedmont Park.
This Day in History: The 'Miracle on Peachtree'
been mostly keeping myself busy with church services held at St. Mark "United" Methodist Church and participating in some their bible study classes. Well... not exactly... busy; distracted more likely
Even I didn't know much about the Senior Pastor at St. Mark "United" Methodist Church except for what I've read off the Internets. How could she possibly have been an authority about my needs when having declined, and still continuing to do so, a meeting with me.
Even the Presbyterian Elder President of Emory, during our time in need of a courageous university, a member of neither one. Or ever, a member of the First "United" Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas I grew up with the first eighteen years of my life. And still I'm continuing to be affected by that church as my mother still a member.
Now back to Bob Gary where it all gets very interesting. Oh the irony here!
Plus G. Robert Gary, Sr.ThD is a different kind of Reverne Doctor than both The Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Alice Rogers of Glenn Memorial "United" Methodist Church located on the campus of a secular Methodist institution and The Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca-Pitts of downtown Atlanta's St. Mark "United" Methodist Church which takes me almost an hour getting to The Rev. Dr. Beth's Wednesday afternoon Bible Study 101 Class. Bob thinks he's a real doctor! And one still listed, on their website, as still working just down the street from both of us at (Pastoral) Care and Counseling Center of Georgia; where they are supposed to be offering counseling for drug addictions and anger managements.
HO ~(6!9)~SEA
As marauders lie in ambush for a victim, so do bands of priests; they murder on the road to Shechem, carrying out their wicked schemes.
And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.
All of this, the way you tag team off each other, a form manipulation and deception of a bible scripture having become nothing more than a dope on a rope played on a loop:
For God so loved the world
(past tense)
that he gave his one and only Son
(past tense),
that whoever believes in him (within context still past tense) shall not perish but have eternal life.
(past tense)
that he gave his one and only Son
(past tense),
that whoever believes in him (within context still past tense) shall not perish but have eternal life.
JOHN 3:16
After members of St. Mark had been served their Wednesday evening dinner, I've also attended two of Rev. Dr. Beth's archaeological presentations afterwards; another one where Rev. Dr. Beth tries answering any questions we had about the bible.
"I would like your help in getting copies of a file I'm having with the Emory Police."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
"Absolutely not! Uh-huh! No way!"
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice )~
"I'm willing to pay you for your service through this outside business of yours."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"It's even listed in your profile on St. Mark's website that you serve as a member of the volunteer Chaplain Corps for the Atlanta Police Department..?"
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"Do you realize that every second that a church space is sitting empty it's nothing but a symbol of gold hoarding..?"
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"What does God's silence in the penultimancy mean and do for you would do the same for me should I choose to allow letting one doing so?
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
How does one sell a drug to an audience that has already bought it; you might as well just call yourself a drug dealer."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"Beth is nothing but a Catholic Fag Hag."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
"I must be going now."
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"Did you hear about the teacher in California who hung herself just for her students to find first thing this morning in their classroom?"
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"I'll send you the link."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
Even join them for four of their Wednesday evening catered dinners. Poor Rev. Joshua Noblitt. After choking on his hamburger that first evening I sat down with them for dinner, him and me alone at our table, only saw him again one other time when excluding his participation with Sunday Worship services.
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! You should have seen that smile on his face as he quickly breezed in and out the second time I ate with them. Talk about forced! Maybe even set a record!? Guinness Book of World Records perhaps!?!
"I've since gotten a letter from the Emory Police two months ago. Haven't opened it yet. Believe it's time I open it and I would like for you to be there when I do."
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
"I want no part of it."
~(Rev. Joshua Noblitt: Minister of Social Justice)~
"But you are already part of it. You're Methodist, remember?"
~(Simply Jim: Methodist Fag the Political Catalyst)~
Well Beth has given her last class, until they start back up again in the Fall, this past Wednesday; that very small group of us wrapping up with readings from Book of Hebrews. Don't understand why this class is so small with the numbers of member this 'Miracle on Peachtree' now has? She's extremely smart, and for the most part, pretty frank with her answers to our questions even mine. Not only have I've learned a lot from our Rev. Dr. Beth about our bible, also learning a lot about them; by extension all of us.
But she's pretty hard to pin down afterward, or anytime in between these church services, for the more serious conversations/discussions needing to have with her. All of you are like this.
So, I'm being made to behave like a "lion fish"; sucking out little bits of information out of all of you here and there where I'm able. Later, gradually piecing them together when nothing better to do all alone inside my home with a cat named Tater Tot; the 'Lady of the House'.
And St. Mark's First Gentleman The Rev. Dr. Mark LaRocca-Pitts has given four lectures, so far, out of a five lecture series to St. Mark's Faith Seekers about what the bible has to say about healing. I'm observing both to be wonderfully nice people as well as an extremely intelligent couple; when they want to be.
Glad for the gay community [at(?)large] having them as allies.
Finding both apparently to be quite adaptable/flexible with their personal beliefs. A bit too malleable for spiritual leaders I'm understanding should be fearing God and nothing else.
Having learned a lot from Beth during our study of the Book of Ruth, Book of Jonah (my favorite), and Ecclesiastes (her?favorite):
"I don't understand
we can't just get rid of 'Son of Man' and all become,
At least this gets our Darwin Fish back into the picture."
This I volunteered to some laughter as we were wrapping up with the Book of Hebrews. And as usual, they don't laugh long; if at all.
"I really do believe...
every day someone is dying for our sins so that we may live.
But the way it's worded, technically then, you only need one.
You do realize this don't you?
I don't like the way it's becoming nothing more than a blank signed check;
the gift that keeps on giving."
Rev. Dr. Beth wasn't even able answering my question about the difference between someone a good Christian, someone a bad Christian, and someone not a Christian? Because I had forgotten to bring the hula hoops with me, told her to pretend there were three of them on the floor before her. Then I asked her which rings she would place us in..? every day someone is dying for our sins so that we may live.
But the way it's worded, technically then, you only need one.
You do realize this don't you?
I don't like the way it's becoming nothing more than a blank signed check;
the gift that keeps on giving."
Didn't even try.
Which, by the way, is not the same as saying she didn't have an answer to this question..?
And yes, I went back to Target just to buy two more hula hoops to replace the two Glenn Memorial wouldn't return back to me after the three of you (you, Alice, and Beth) concurring together and FAKING out of a meeting with me end of last year and still continuing to be a bunch of RELIGIFAKES.
"Not my place to say who is a Christian and who is not a Christian."
~(Brother Fish)~
She could have just given the very same answer given to my mother by the current pastor of the very same First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas growing up with first eighteen years of my life.
Remember the question I had asked of you at Ink an Elm, "Why believe in God?" I've asked this same question of Rev. Dr. Mark; at the end of his first lecture series about Biblical Healing. He said he needed some time to think about his answer to this question. Wonder what's taking him so long..? This Sunday will have been three weeks. Although I did not bring up the question again anytime during his following two lectures, intuition is telling me Mark hasn't forgotten.
So...this past Wednesday I asked his wife, Rev. Dr. Beth, to remind him I'm still waiting for an answer. She said she would be sure and tell him.
Well, he didn't volunteer an answer this morning either. Then again, in a way, he did.
"Faith in what?"
I asked when he ties Jesus healing to those having shown faith first.
"In God! Jesus!"
Rev. Dr. Mark was definitely irritated by this question.
"But that's confirmation bias. It would not have worked for Jesus healing someone who didn't display faith first? He was being selective. Working the same, as you just mentioned earlier, about it being wrong claiming misfortune by those Pro-Gay as being God's punishment
~Simply Jim
Said Rev. Dr. Mark as he pierced the air with his index finger; or maybe it was...ME...he was pointing at?
And I even brought KRISPYCREME donuts again!
"Sometimes one has to die before they can heal. That dying...CAN... also be a form of healing,"
he even claimed earlier during his lecture.
"Yeah right!"
I'm thinking.
"When God tells you to kill; YOU KILL!"
Even attended couple of Sunday services at Clairmont Presbyterian Church just right around the corner from where I live. That sign out front, Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying, just could not pass up hearing what our Rev. Owen having to say.
And he wraps up his sermon quoting this line from the movie Shawshank Redemption; but not until after volunteering, first, Morgan Freeman being a favorite of his!
What makes this even funnier; how he starts off his sermon telling us it's not your job as pastors giving advice; at least he's not here to give advice... twelves steps to a more successful ...whatever. That it's your jobs as pastors "just pointing" us in the "direction" of Jesus!
Should someone maybe be "pointing" out to our Rev. Owen Stepp...
Even Janet Gary, replying back to an email I sent her with a link to my first blog when only four articles posted at the time:
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.-- Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994
~(Janet Claire Segers Gary)~
It's all becoming just too funny really. And I'm actually starting to enjoy this.
As far as my crystal meths addiction goes, all you need to know:
An hour here, an hour there, an hour anywhere...
is a hour we know for a fact,
I'm not
alone at "HOME" inside with "TINA".
is a hour we know for a fact,
I'm not
alone at "HOME" inside with "TINA".
It's not the
Vf = Vi + at
that kills you, it's the
F = mass x change in Velocity/change in Time
Within the gay community,
of course,
crystal meths would be given a female name; not meant to be a compliment.
And our Glenn Memorial "United" Methodist Church, who's purpose is
"Loving God/Loving Neighbor"
has been oh so very kind these past five years in helping me with the addiction.
The purpose of this email,
I'm definitely wanting to attend this event Sunday evening May 31st at Glenn Memorial.
Please do not hold it against me that I am no longer youth or a parent..?
Do I need to make dinner reservations?
Or are we going to continue praying for an
I'm definitely wanting to attend this event Sunday evening May 31st at Glenn Memorial.
Please do not hold it against me that I am no longer youth or a parent..?
Do I need to make dinner reservations?
Or are we going to continue praying for an
Sincerely yours,
James E. Avery, DVM
- From:
- "Josh Amerson" <JoshA@glennumc.org>
- To:
- "James Avery" <jeaverydvm87@att.net>
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office on family vacation until May 31st and will respond when I return. If you need immediate assistance, please call 404-634-3936 and dial '0' for the on-call pastor. God be with you.
- "Beverley Elliott" <bev@stbartsatlanta.org>
- To:
- "James Avery" <jeaverydvm87@att.net>
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