DeKalb County: Enforce Code of Ordinances at 1840 Mason Mill Road.
by Bobby Rasulnia · 324 supporters
Reasons for Signing
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Haven't flipped anyone off since "THE TRIAL!"
Although I still continue to use
words; not in the sense as these two are proclaiming.
I swear...
This petition is actually turning out to be working similar to sticky tape fly trap.
I just cannot be offended or insulted by any of the comments I've seen posted to this petition so far.
September 24,2012,
Bobby Rasulnia,
entered a complaint through our dynamic portal
"The resident at 1840 Mason Mill Rd (Mr. Avery) has posted over 8 signs (spray
painted on black plastic bags, 15 blowup holiday balloons, monkeys hanging by the neck on
ropes, a larger than life cross with non-sensical writings, and other items, in his front yard. Mr.
Avery has a history of arrests and mental health and/or drug abuse issues and these items in his
yard are scaring the neighborhood. People are afraid to walk past his property. DeKalb
commissioner's office is aware of his issues and the police are repeatedly out there due to his
harassment towards neighbors. His balloons are also causing financial harm to property owners
trying to sell or rent homes in the neighborhood. He was putting signs up on Saturday with his
face painted white. The cross sign is offensive to Christian believers in the area. His is hearing
impaired. Please proceed with caution he can be verbally aggressive. We as a neighborhood
need your assistance in protecting our property values, integrity of our personal believes, and
safety of the families in the neighborhood."
Bobby's in good company!