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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Mother's Gift Check vs Our Honorable Judge Matthew McCoyd's Georgia Innocence Project

Subject:Mother's Gift Check
From:James Avery (;
Date:Saturday, January 14, 2017 3:55 PM

Hello Big Sister,

I'm sending this by email because it's far less frustrating reading and typing using my personal computer than trying to carry on a meaningful dialogue through texting;  especially when only one eye with decent vision when wearing glasses.

Anyway, I've finally decided what I'm wanting to do with the gift check mother sent recently, that is, if not too late depositing the check.  Haven't even opened it yet but assuming it's the thirteen thousand dollars allowed non-taxable under the gift law. 

GEORGIA INNOCENCE PROJECT (GIP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. The Project works to secure post-conviction DNA testing for Georgia and Alabama inmates where DNA analysis could prove guilt or innocence and adequate DNA testing was not available at trial.


We are the Georgia Innocence Project – a voice for the imprisoned innocent.

The Georgia Innocence Project is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to securing the release and exoneration of innocent men and women imprisoned in Georgia and Alabama for crimes they did not commit.

The mission of the Georgia Innocence Project is to

              FREE the imprisoned innocent through DNA testing,

              ADVANCE practices that minimize the chances of others suffering the same fate,

              EDUCATE the public that imprisoning the innocent is neither an isolated nor rare event, and

              HELP the exonerated rebuild their lives.


We are sustained through your continued generosity, view our Donors page.



The Georgia Innocence Project is a small, independent nonprofit that relies on grants and individual donations to raise its annual budget. The process of researching, investigating, and litigating our cases is often enormously costly and time-consuming. Exonerations take not weeks or months, but years, and sometimes even decades. Every contribution we receive, no matter how small, helps us in our mission to free the innocent imprisoned.

The American legal system functions based on the assumption that juries, judges, and prosecutors do not make mistakes. An indigent prisoner loses their right to a state-appointed attorney after their direct appeal. This means that the imprisoned innocent have precious few legal resources. If they cannot afford an attorney, they can either teach themselves the law and try to handle their own cases, or rely on small, independent nonprofits like the Georgia Innocence Project. The work that the Georgia Innocence Project does is essential, and we cannot undertake this work without your support.

The American legal system, as it currently functions, does not give a voice to the imprisoned innocent. You can.


LEARN. Learn about innocence issues. Learn about criminal justice reform organizations and prisoner advocacy groups that you can aid, both within your community and nationwide. If you want to help an innocence project but are unable to volunteer with GIP, see if there is one in your region.

TALK. Discuss innocence issues with your friends and family, and to turn disagreements into meaningful conversations. Loved Undisclosed and not sure where to turn next? Unite members of your community with a book club or movie night. 


VOTE. Every state allows voters to elect legal professionals and law enforcement officials, and learning about about these candidates’ policies can help you to advance the cause of criminal justice reform at a local level.


WRITE. Contact your elected officials. Tell them you care about innocence issues, and ask them what they’re doing to help exonerate the imprisoned innocent, and reform the criminal justice system. Go here to find out how to contact your elected officials and make your voice heard.

GIVE THOUGHT. You don’t have to be a lawyer or a politician to help reform the criminal justice system. The first change you make can be to the way you see the world.

When you read a headline or watch a news story about a criminal case, ask yourself whether you are maintaining the presumption of innocence when you think about the defendant. Ask yourself whether you have all the facts you need to understand the case. Ask yourself whether the story is being reported in a way that encourages you to assume the defendant is guilty, and ask yourself whether the real story might be more complicated than the one you see on the news.

If a story moves you, think about what larger issues it makes visible. If someone is found guilty of a crime they did not commit, then their conviction was made possible by problems that afflict the criminal justice system as a whole, and not just a single case.

Finishing a story is only the beginning. Every story you encounter gives you a chance to understand not just the society in which it took place, but that society’s problems. Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to the imprisoned innocent, whose stories can help us to understand not just one person’s experiences, but the most pressing problems in our criminal justice system. 

I've decided I'm wanting to sign mother's gift check over to The Georgia Innocence Project.  I'm sure you've heard mother laughing, same as I have many time, telling everyone how she cancelled out dad's votes every election year.   After giving it much thought, I've decided this is the best way to cancel out the check she wrote, with my approval, to First United Methodist Church of Prescott Arkansas shortly after dad died.

"I'm perfectly okay with this Mother.  I'm able seeing how the church was important helping you raise your children; most especially when two hearing impaired sons."

But I will let mother decide.  Otherwise I will be tearing the check up.

Sincerely yours,

Your Little Baby Brother


Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:Donna Devine (;
Date:Monday, January 16, 2017 12:02 AM

Dear little brother,

I talked to mother and she thought you probably needed the money to be able to stay in your house. Dad would never approve of your decision!! If you tear the check up, mom will hold the money for you. 

Sent from my iPhone


Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:James Avery (;
Date:Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:32 PM


Why are you thinking Mother waited until after Dad died before writing out a gift check to The First United Methodist Church of Prescott Arkansas we grew up with?  The checks are still the same checks even before Dad died?

An even better question:  Why would Mother be telling me that she was going to be making out a check to The First United Methodist Church of Prescott Arkansas in the amount of ten thousand dollars?  When knowing full well, even at the time, how I felt about our Christians?

"We could cremate the coffin..after the church service?"
~(Our Mother)~

~(My Big SIster)~

Remember now!  We went against Dad's wishes and honored Mother's instead when we'd buried him in a box..

Matthew 19:16-24

New International Version (NIV)

The Rich and the Kingdom of God

16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
18 “Which ones?” he inquired.
Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery,you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[a] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Here's the bottom line;  this money is no longer Dad's, it's ours.  Only problem... IS... that we, unless possible you and David colluding with Mother having the will changed, can't get our fricking hands on this money until Mother kicks the bucket!  Or writes us a gift check. 

Since I have absolute no source of incoming income except for these occasional gift checks from Mother, which is humiliating, plus yet to have anything happen giving me hope of a mid-life crisis career change to one more political/religious in nature as I really do believe I have a story needing told, Mother is correct; I do need money to be able staying in my house.  

Money equals time...period.  It also makes it more difficult, not only getting off the Crystal Meths, but staying off it as well.

So I  deposited the fourteen thousand dollar gift check from Mother; then went ahead and donated ten thousand dollars online to Georgia Innocence Project. 

Now we will just have to wait and see how much the fine will be at the end of my court hearing this upcoming Friday January 20th, 2017.  These Emory Methodist neighbors of mine seem pretty determined seeing to it this property changes ownership.  Thought it be fun spicing it up a bit.  Especially considering Georgia Innocence Project being so "essential".

Sincerely yours,

Your Little Baby Brother.


After having witnessed one evening as I sat at the kitchen table doing my homework, Mother and Dad colluding together as they went through a stack of announcements sorting out the graduating seniors...they...were supposed to know from the ones only trying to get a gift from Dad for no other reason than Dad having "BEN" the doctor who delivered them; don't be so sure of Dad never approving of his money being donated to Georgia Innocence Project.

WE...could at least pretend that we believe in purgatory. least I can.

Next time you visit Mother at Prescott,  could you  look through Dad's old medical books on the top shelf of the built in desk my bedroom.  If the gynecology book is still there, sent it to me please.  I may have developed far behind my peers socially, but at least I knew what every venereal disease looked like in black and white long before Mark Brown even knew what "grabbing them by the pussy" looked like in color.  Interesting.  Wasn't she the one driving the car behind his that night he got hit by a  train passing trough town?  He would have been the valedictorian. 

What a dumbass!

Tell Mother I said, "Donna...MOTHER SCARES ME TOO!"


However...I am able pretending Dad's in purgatory.   


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Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:Donna Devine (;
Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2017 12:45 PM

You better stop donating the checks to different causes because mom might stop sending them to you! She is sending them to help you stay in your house. Please let me know how your court date comes out!!

Sent from my iPhone

Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:James Avery (;
Date:Wednesday, January 18, 2017 1:25 PM


You're so funny Donna.  But they do help me stay in my house.  If only we could somehow get others doing the same; like a charitable trust fund the Protestant Churches do with endowments they receive from which I get to withdraw a modest amount for living free?  As big a fit I'm giving these culturally arrogant progressives elitist neighbors of mine, god knows the conservatives should at least be paying me for it; most especially Erin Mihelic, that Lipstick on a Pitbull neighbor of mined married to Snow White and the Two Min Pins.

"I guess he's not going to be getting in then!"

Boy was Mother right when I tried discussing my understanding of Purgatory using Dad as an example,

Your Little Baby Brother


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  • Mother, Donna, Stephanie, Dana Thanksgiving 2016.jpg (29.87KB)


Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:Donna Devine (;
Date:Saturday, January 21, 2017 9:57 AM

How did your court hearing  turn out! Please answer me!!!

Sent from my iPhone


Subject:Re: Mother's Gift Check
From:Donna Devine (;
Date:Tuesday, January 24, 2017 10:18 AM

Dear little brother, I am sitting in bed at the Hampton inn so upset that you wouldn't see us this morning! Mother needed and so wanted to see you one more time before she dies! Please let us come back and bring you home and  take care of you! We went by your house coming home from the jail and checked on tater tot! She was glad to see us! Check out time is 11:00 tomorrow! We all love you so much and wish you would let us help you! You need help!!!

Sent from my iPhone


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