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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Thursday, July 20, 2017


People living in a DeKalb County neighborhood say they have been terrorized for years.
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James Avery Subject: Inappropriate Signage 1840 Mason Mill Road.
From: James Avery (

Date: Monday, February 6, 2017 12:51 AM

Hello Dante,

Are you even aware the "FAG" word was never an issue brought up during the Snyder vs Phelps hearings before SCOTUS ruling 8-1 in favor of the Phelps family. As an self avowed practicing homosexual, it offended me seeing you had blotted out the "FAG" word on one of my signs. By having that sign out in my yard, every time someone drives by my house yelling "FAGGOT," I can't help but laugh. When you beat them to it, it's just another word for homosexual. In other words, I'm outing them, the hostile elements within this neighborhood that otherwise flies below the radar until too late. 

How about doing a follow-up to this trial, but do it right this time. Actually interviewing me this time around; in the present of these others you interviewed. 

Sincerely yours,

James E. Avery, D.V.M.

FYI The graphic signs with the monkeys hanging by their necks: They generally mean being of sound mind and body. They also can mean, looking the other way, refusing to acknowledge, feigning ignorance. When spinning both perspective into a single narrative, they end up cancelling each other out being most unhelpful; might as well hang them. Six years later, when more than happy explaining the meaning of these monkeys to anyone willing asking/listening; there's just no good excuse for anyone my neighborhood not already knowing this.

So what should this be telling us about you?
James Avery - "What you do with those other people, I do not care. That's your business. But why drag the Jews into this?! What do the Jews have to do with any of this?!" - An old man refusing to pull his car into my driveway but determined I hear something he was needing to say to me, I had walked out into the street and stood in the median as close to his car as I could... only to hear this!? - "Those signs are their opinions. Those signs are my attempts trying to show my neighbors the difference between their signs and my signs. It's possible to be know," i said to him. - He immediately begins driving off while at the same time yelling something (vulgar ? I suspose ) through the opened window of his car I was not able making out. And this made me mad as there had been no need for hurry as there was yet a car to be seen coming up behind him heading in the direction of Clairmont. - "IT'S NOT YOUR LAND! YOU CAN JUST SHOVE THAT THOUGHT UP YOUR CHOSEN ASS," I yelled after him.
Reply46 mins
James Avery "Only thing stopping a ... BAD ... GUY ... WITH ... GUN ... is ... GOOD ... GUY ... WITH ... GUN! When having two of the same thing you only need but one; THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS and MASON MILL'S SUSIE SCARR GOOD SHOOTING FOR LEFTOVERS!" - "As a father thought his son died protecting our first amendment rights to freedom of speech/freedom of expression while don't ask / don't tell was still in effect, how do we even know that dead soldier wasn't well? When having two of the same thing you only need but one; I suppose only thing stopping a ... BAD ... FAGGOT ... with a bunch of signs would have to be a ... TOKEN ... FAGGOT ... with a petition!" - Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court ruled that speech on a matter of public concern, on a public street, cannot be the basis of liability for a tort of emotional distress, even in the circumstances that the speech is viewed or interpreted as "offensive" or "outrageous".

The case brought up the issue of whether or not the First Amendment was capable of protecting public protestors at a funeral against emotional distress, better known as tort liability. It involved a claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress by Albert Snyder, a gay man whose son Matthew Snyder, a Marine, was killed during the Iraq War. The claim was made in response to the actions of the Phelps family as well as the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) who were also present at the picketing of the funeral. The Court ruled in favor of Phelps in an 8-1 decision, determining that their speech related to a public issue was completely protected, and could not be prevented as it was on public property. - - ALITO DISSENT - In this case, respondents brutally attacked Matthew Snyder, and this attack, which was almost certain to inflict injury, was central to respondents’ well-practiced strategy for attracting public attention.

On the morning of Matthew Snyder’s funeral, respondents could have chosen to stage their protest at countless locations. They could have picketed the United States Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, or any of the more than 5,600 military recruiting stations in this country. They could have returned to the Maryland State House or the United States Naval Academy, where they had been the day before. They could have selected any public road where pedestrians are allowed. (There are more than 4,000,000 miles of public roads in the United States. 2 ) They could have staged their protest in a public park. (There are more than 20,000 public parks in this country. 3 ) They could have chosen any Catholic church where no funeral was taking place. (There are nearly 19,000 Catholic churches in the United States. 4 ) But of course, a small group picketing at any of these locations would have probably gone unnoticed.

The Westboro Baptist Church, however, has devised a strategy that remedies this problem. As the Court notes, church members have protested at nearly 600 military funerals. Ante , at 1. They have also picketed the funerals of police officers, 5 firefighters, 6 and the victims of natural disasters, 7 accidents, 8 and shocking crimes. 9 And in advance of these protests, they issue press releases to ensure that their protests will attract public attention. 10 

This strategy works because it is expected that respondents’ verbal assaults will wound the family and friends of the deceased and because the media is irresistibly drawn to the sight of persons who are visibly in grief. The more outrageous the funeral protest, the more publicity the Westboro Baptist Church is able to obtain. Thus, when the church recently announced its intention to picket the funeral of a 9-year-old girl killed in the shooting spree in Tucson—proclaiming that she was “better off dead” 11 —their announcement was national news, 12 and the church was able to obtain free air time on the radio in exchange for canceling its protest. 13 Similarly, in 2006, the church got air time on a talk radio show in exchange for canceling its threatened protest at the funeral of five Amish girls killed by a crazed gunman. 14

In this case, respondents implemented the Westboro Baptist Church’s publicity-seeking strategy. Their press release stated that they were going “to picket the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder” because “God Almighty killed Lance Cpl. Snyder. He died in shame, not honor—for a fag nation cursed by God … . Now in Hell—sine die.” Supp. App. in No. 08–1026 (CA4), p. 158a. This announcement guaranteed that Matthew’s funeral would be transformed into a raucous media event and began the wounding process. It is well known that anticipation may heighten the effect of a painful event.

On the day of the funeral, respondents, true to their word, displayed placards that conveyed the message promised in their press release. Signs stating “God Hates You” and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” reiterated the message that God had caused Matthew’s death in retribution for his sins. App. to Brief for Appellants in No. 08–1026 (CA4), pp. 3787, 3788 (hereinafter App.). Others, stating “You’re Going to Hell” and “Not Blessed Just Cursed,” conveyed the message that Matthew was “in Hell—sine die.” Id., at 3783.

Even if those who attended the funeral were not alerted in advance about respondents’ intentions, the meaning of these signs would not have been missed. Since respondents chose to stage their protest at Matthew Snyder’s funeral and not at any of the other countless available venues, a reasonable person would have assumed that there was a connection between the messages on the placards and the deceased. Moreover, since a church funeral is an event that naturally brings to mind thoughts about the afterlife, some of respondents’ signs— e.g ., “God Hates You,” “Not Blessed Just Cursed,” and “You’re Going to Hell”—would have likely been interpreted as referring to God’s judgment of the deceased.
Reply11 mins
James Avery Subject: Atten: Shirly Phelps-Roper
From: James Avery (
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2015 11:48 PM

"You think our job is to win souls to Christ. All we do, by getting in their face and putting these signs in front of them and these plain words, is make what's already in their heart come out of their mouth."

Dear Shirley,

I am unable disagreeing with anything you have said within this quote I came across just recently being credited to you. And for some reason since, I'm wanting to meet you. I had already told myself before the Supreme Court issued their ruling with the Synder vs. Phelps case, that I was going to be completely okay with a ruling in your favor; although a FAG myself. Just another word for homosexual. Having eleven children yourself, can just as easily label you a SOW. That's still a pig ain't it? Even a SWINE. 

If right is right, wrong is wrong; then something not quite right, nor completely wrong, has to fall somewhere in between..? And something is telling me when looping into a circle what I thought was a line orignially, there is a chance, although more likely not than so, you and me might have a lot more in common than we both are wanting to believe; at least the way we are seen from the perspective of others. 
I am an avowed fifty-three year old self-avowed practicing homosexual currently living within the shadows of near-by Emory University. And during the course of my gay lifetime, which would be half my lifetime, I have had sex with over more than a thousand men.

Do not get me wrong. I am not bragging. 

Just Simply Jim simply stating a fact as to how his life happened. But I do get a kick out of watching people predictably reacting to me telling them this. Even a crystal meths dealer of mine was appalled upon hearing me telling him this.

"I thought you had a boyfriend...?"
~(Simply Jim: Mature Methodist Crackhead)~

~(Drug Dealer)~

"Then you just count that one every day; wasn't bragging here."
~(Simply Jim: With Each Day I Love You More..?)~

Nor am I ashamed of my past.

You learn as you go. And I've learned a lot about the true nature of people, even about my very own family and tribe I thought I's at least knew, the hard way that could not have been learned any other way. The same as you have. Through Constructive Confrontations as I like calling it. 

I'm not expecting us finding much we agree upon; just thinking a chance the outcome might be somewhat surprising/amusing to the both of us.
Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper (born Shirley Lynn Phelps, October 31, 1957) is an American lawyer and political activist. She is best known as the former spokesperson of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, an organization known for its highly publicized homophobic public protests conducted under the slogan "God Hates Fags." Phelps has been highly criticized and taunted by the media for her perceived religious fanaticism and poor parenting.
Phelps-Roper practices law for Phelps-Chartered Co., the Phelps family's law firm established by her father in 1964, and is currently licensed to practice before all Kansas courts up through the United States Supreme Court.
Besides her father Fred, Shirley Phelps-Roper has been the most active spokesperson of the Westboro Baptist Church and answers many of the e-mails sent to the church in a column called "Dear Shirley."
Phelps-Roper and the church have received media coverage for the group's aggressive preaching and controversial campaigns such as the picketing the funerals of AIDS victims with signs such as "God hates fags" and funeral processions for American soldiers killed in combat.
In 2014 it was reported that Phelps-Roper's duties as spokesperson for the Westboro Church had been reduced, and her authority transferred to an all-male board of elders.

Although I label myself a radical atheist as an adult, I'm okay with being labeled a Methodist Fag due to my first eighteen years raised with the help of First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas. As we must first be introduced to God before being aware of God, I have only recently realized that I have always been and forever always will be Methodist til the day I die; no less than Jesus ever stopped being a Jew.

Absolutely refuse being labeled a Christian as it tells you absolutely nothing about anyone.
Though the main purpose of the Priests Rape Boys website is to criticize Catholicism, the WBC also criticizes several mainline Protestant churches on the website, including Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Baptists. The WBC states that
...their preachers have shirked their responsibility to tell people the truth about sin, and instead lie to them about what the Lord their God doth require of them. If these lying, false prophets told people the truth about what God says regarding those who suffer sin upon their neighbor (Lev. 19:17–18), there wouldn't be any butts in the seats when the plate got passed. These preachers are not preachers of righteousness, they are teachers having itching ears (2Tim 4:3), and they absolutely count on the abysmal bible illiteracy of their parishioners ... "Priests rape boys" is indeed an air-tight, three word case against all of the mainline "christian" churches – their preachers and members, without exception. They are all going to Hell!
Although I do not completely agree with the over generalization with the above statement by your church, you did hit it on the nose with our Methodist. They do have "itching ears."

Because of a feud between me and members of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church located on Emory Campus, I have recently conceptualized my suicide based on my theological orientation. Was wondering, would you and your church be interested in pre-emptively picketing the funeral of TAO~g(SIMPLY JIM: METHODIST FAG THE POLITICAL CATALYST)d~OG at his home.

I do own my home outright.

And there is a sidewalk running down my side of the street as well.

And you are most welcome to picket my home from this sidewalk passing through my property while your van parked in my driveway.

Or you could turn you attention elsewhere?

As the faculty and students are leaving Emory University during later part of the afternoons; can be a good bit of traffic passing by in front of my home. Sometimes backing up on Mason Mill Road down the hill in front of my home due to stoplight at the Clairmont intersection just up the hill.

Sincerely yours,

James E. Avery, DVM

p.s. Could you at least let me know that you have received this email. I'm a bit suspicious my emails are being tampered with. Just too quite out there..? Feel free using what every language you like. Will not offend.
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