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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


From:Janet Gary (jgary@LearnLink.Emory.Edu);
Date:Saturday, January 30, 2010 9:33 AM

Jim Ed, you honor me to share yourself and your writing in this way.  I feel a bit daunted by your trust in me.  We really don't know each other that well. Salty language doesn't bother me in the least. I'm sorry you are feeling depressed.  I have experienced that a lot of my life, but am better thanks to some good meds and good therapy!  I have learned to accept myself more, "fleas and all."

I have read your blogs and found them quite interesting, a bit diaturbing, and mysterious.  At the risk of being one of those "fools (who) rush in where angels fear to tread" I am going to respond to several parts of your writing, blog by blog.

I'm not sure I understand this one completely except  maybe to say the humans can evolve in reverse as well as forward from our ape beginnings  Just my humble opinion!

You gave an example of how painful it is to share yourself with people at work who don't share your political views.  The question is, does it really change anyone's mind when people have such opposite views?  Isn't there something in the Bible about not casting one's pearls among swine?

It has been my experience that some people can hear my deepest musings and others cannot.  I try to be selective, but I often find my mouth preceding my head!  That does not usually turn out well.  Only when I find someone who is open to differences can I really hear and be heard.

Carl Sagan is a wise man.

Is that culte little boy you?  

We mothers have to be taught by our sons and daughters who they really are, since we often see our children as projections of ourselves and try to make them into who we wish we could be.  This is not fair to either one.  I am trying now to really show my grown  children who I am and get to know who they really are.  It is a daunting task, but very rewarding!

In the alphabet, G comes before H--


...and F comes before G

Forgiving (oneself and others)  

HUMILITY is, indeed hard to come by.


It is my belief that although each of us is unique--different from anyone else in the world--we are, as human beings, more alike that different--we all bleed, cry, laugh, hate, love, and need other people to hear and understand us.  It is my life-long mission to try to see myself and others as God the Creator intended us to be, to judge less and to love more.  I fall short more than not, but maintain hope.

Subject:Re: Your blog
From:Janet Gary (jgary@LearnLink.Emory.Edu);
Date:Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:45 PM

James Avery <> writes:

1) I can't answer the question you asked about God with "yes" or "no."

2) I suppose you know your yard and blog will either bring you negative response or no response at all, with the exception of your close friends.
3) What kind of response do you expect from me?

Subject:Re: Your blog
From:James Avery (
Date:Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:57 PM

was not really expecting a response. 
but it was nice of you to do so.
jim ed.

Subject:Re: Your blog
From:James Avery (
Date:Thursday, October 21, 2010 10:00 PM

after giving it more thought. 
like to add:
"A truly virtuous man would come to the aid of a complete stranger equally as he would a "close friend."
Then again, a truly virtuous man would have no friends."
Not claiming to be anywhere close to virtuous; nor is my intent making friends. 
"Doing the right thing for the wrong reason has no moral worth."
Negative response not always a bad thing.  Where would Christianity be without Jesus Crucifixion.
Would call that a "negative response"  to his message.
Truly, I have nothing against the man.  Stripped of all the divinity stuff,  nothing really unique about his teachings.

Subject:Re: Your blog
From:Janet Gary (jgary@LearnLink.Emory.Edu);
Date:Friday, October 22, 2010 4:50 AM

Confirmation or rebuttal is futile to one who asks for none.

Subject:Re: Your blog
From:James Avery (
Date:Friday, October 22, 2010 4:24 PM

"There is a need to maintain a kind of balance of intellectual power. If no atheist philosophers engaged with the issue of God's existence, then the field would be left to the believers. We would then have the impression that only the religious deal with these issues with intelligence and sophistication. That would give succour to the legions of believers who have no interest in theology, but like to know others are taking care of it for them. We need books like this, therefore, not to win the battle–-for it can't be won-–but simply to show the enemy isn't off the hook."
The word "enemy" bit strong of a word.   I do not consider people of faith my enemy; nor do I believe it was "Muslim who killed us on 9/11,"  as O'Reilly said it on much talked about episode of  The View.
From a homosexual's point of view, the Bible or the Quran, same as "six and half a dozen."
If right is right, and wrong is wrong; then anything not quite right nor completely wrong has to fall somewhere in between.  Believe most would agree a non-believer, who's also a homosexual, automatically gets placed the closest to wrong. But where does one view themselves on that line in relation with people like Rev. Phelps, Bishop Long, Brother Ted?  Oh what  the hell; let's put The Cheney Family on there, as well?
The only way I can relate to this question is the fact, that out of three children, two sons who were hearing impaired that did not have a good relationship with, much respect for their father; the daughter, in every sense normal, who right up to his death, despite his seeming indifferent,  wanted her father proud, always seeking his approval.
Probably should add, my brother , 5 years older than me,  an alcoholic who until very recently, lived at home.
Yet in the end, in the Will,  everything was split evenly three ways.  And my sister gave him 2 granddaughters as well.
Whatever it was in the's neutral. 
No one is going anywhere without anybody.
Simply Jim

Subject:Contact and Boundaries (;;
Date:Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:33 PM

Hello Jim Ed,
You must know that in the future, there will be clear boundaries for  
making contact with Janet and me, especially Janet.  This is not to  
say there will be no further contacts with us, but it must be under a  
number of conditions.

Janet wanted to add her word before we set the conditions together.  
Here is her note to you:

Jim Ed,

I was more than a little disturbed by your visit on Wednesday.  In the  
spirit of neighborliness and the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I  
opened our house to you, even though I felt s bit uncomfortable doing  
so, especially in Bob?s absence.

We ironed out what you perceived to be a rejection on my part.

When you wanted to share the symbols that are meaningful to you, I was  
interested, although having a hard time ?getting it? in the way you  
told it to me.  No input from me seemed to even get through to you, or  
matter at all.

I was very disturbed when you talked of your depression, thinking  
about getting your gun, and when you told me you are the ?Anti-Christ?  
and a  ?crack-head? I began to be somewhat afraid of you and wished I  
had not opened my door to you.

When I told you I needed medications and even that didn?t stop your  
monologue, I said it again and began to leave the room.  At that point  
you did thank me for listening and left, saying you would leave your  
stuff so you could come back. You either didn?t hear me or didn?t pay  
attention when I said, ?No, take them with you.?

Bob and I both feel we and our space were violated, and Bob has drawn  
up some conditions under which we may all co-exist  as neighbors. I  
concur with what he has written below.  Janet

The Conditions:
1. There can be no further non-negotiated visits on your part with  
either or both of us.
2. We are not available to participte in your theological doctrines
which you presented to Janet for more than one hour and fifteen  
minutes. You failed to leave our house until the second time Janet  
indicated she needed a break for medicines. You may not know that  
Janet has Parkinson's and extended stressful events activate her  
symptoms. Furthermore, Janet needed to take her
medicines and tried to bring your theological discourse to a close,
but you continued. Furthermore, you left your basket of possessions in
our house in order that you would have assurance of returning to our
house. That is far too presumptuous for us.
3. You do not have permission to enter our property or phone our house
unless you can abide by these limits.
4. We do not listen to religious talk from anyone, let alone invite
them into our home. We do not do that with you. We share our faith
with people who ask questions of us and our religious convictions. You
had no questions for Janet, only pressing her to agree with your

G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD

Subject:Re: Contact and Boundaries
From:James Avery (;
Date:Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:08 PM

I'm sorry for the pain I caused you.  It was not my intention.  I do not deny having personal problems.  Was actually reaching out for some help. 
Again, I apologize for barging into your home and upsetting Janet.  I do not own a gun or plan to.
jim ed
''The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist,'' he said. ''I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me.''
I grew up in the house across the street. My parents moved from the house in part because they were tired of dealing with Mr. Ed's signs, blow-up decorations, and his harassing nature both on a personal level as well as with my parents' prior employer and with their church. My parents and others have had to seek restraining orders to keep Mr. Ed from harassing them with his vulgar language and threatening comments. Unfortunately, this has not really slowed Mr. Ed down. I helped my parents rent the property after they moved. The property was impossible to rent to families. One family admitted they were concerned with Mr. Ed and his front yard antics (especially some of the vulgar language on some of the signs). We ended up renting to a company from out of state that needed a place in the area for its subcontractors to live temporarily. These guys were experienced gun owners and thus were not scared by Mr. Ed thankfully. Mr. Ed also distracts drivers with signs, waiving flags, costumes, and this is quite distracting to drivers and pedestrians rounding this known dangerous curve in the neighborhood.Mr. Ed has admitted in emails and postings on the internet to having used or presently using illegal drugs. His actions and behavior are, to be blunt, nothing less than scary. In this day and age where we see unstable people turning violent, his ongoing presence in the neighborhood I grew up in is quite concerning and needs to be aggressively fought by the county and/or state authorities.
Bill Gary, Decatur, GA
5 hours ago

I lived across from this address growing up, and witnessed and/or heard many frightening accidents on that dangerous curve over the years. The addition of bizarre and inappropriate signs and displays, and often obscene behavior, right at that dangerous curve, tips the scales significantly.
Michael Gary, Bogart, GA
2 months ago
My family owns 1841 Mason Mill Rd. directly across the street from 1840. The owner of 1840 has harassed my family personally and online for years without provocation. My parents moved out as a result. We may never be able to sell property with the psychotic, drug-induced behaviors and outrageous, profane displays in the front yard of 1840. Be advised that he is a relentless, sadistic provocateur who enjoys notoriety and confrontation. Thank you for your prompt action.
Bert Gary, Atlanta, GA
2 months ago

The signage is heightened significantly at afternoon traffic times, and then reduced again. It is a very dangerous situation--we have seen people nearly run off the road as the orange flags were being waved.
Susan Landry, Decatur, GA
2 months ago

Subject:[No Subject]
From:James Avery (;
Date:Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:26 PM

Dr. Gary,
I just got back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical records as well as those from Dekalb Crisis Center.  While I was there, I spoke to my doctor, Dr. Parker, a small black women.  I had just received another pathetic letter from my mother, whom I stopped all communication with, still believing her son has a mental illness.  What I wanted to know from  Dr. Parker, was my diagnosis which not told to me on release, as well as, what was told to my mother.
Bipolar being the diagnosis, I tried to show her copies from my blog which came to creation, from my anger at both you and Janet concurring against me from right across the street.  You may or not be aware, but over the cellphone with my family in Arkansas, you've concurred with my mother against me as well; being all it took sending my life into a tail spin.  It does not have to be intentional to fit the definition of "conspiracy."
Dr. Parker refused and began to get nervous, anxious, in a hurry to rush me out of the facility.  Very calmly and professionally, I told her:
"Dr. Parker,  hate to inform you; not only have you have failed in your responsibility to me as your patient, it's ..not.. bipolar if good reasons."
She could not even explain to me what happens  when I start thinking ...clearer... on medication that takes months to see any results? How would we know when it's working?  Not even what made her think I wasn't thinking  Making it worth risking serious effect associated with those medicines?
Last thing she said as she pushed me out the door:
"If you yell at your neighbors across the street again, you will be brought back here."
That was all I needed to know.
As my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable; believe I have accumulated enough evidence to justify my end, the reason being:
Those with a surplus are better able to control their circumstances; those without are control by them.  One is not always able to exercise good judgment.
"Those" and "them" being the day Janet started concurring with you against me, a simple honest man with a hearing impairment keeping distance between him and his dysfunction family in Arkansas.
I'm getting ready to find a civil lawyer to represent me here in Atlanta; one in Arkansas representing both my financial interest here and there in Prescott.
There will be no more yelling and screaming.  You will be amazed how much I've learned just living across the street from George Robert Gary, Thb. just know his wife; the resources available to him I did not. All I wanted that day I scared Janet was some grandfatherly advice at that time.
My problem being then: how does one go ask for help if not sure where to begin? 
Wanted some advise on where to go; not able to understand some returns with personalized search engine on my computer as well as an opportunity/opening for a mid-life crisis career change.   
James Edward Avery, DVM is not unemployed; just retired from clinical practice of veterinary medicine wanting into the political arena. 
Until you two stop concurring against me and remove that restraining order; you are neither liberal  or mature Christian inside or outside a church.  I do understand conflict of interest, and why resistent to women as ordained ministers;  do not have to respect yours,  Emory University, even that of my family if not fair, reasonable with me. 
Why can't Phil (Bert) be a writer as well as a preacher, Bob?
Just call it fiction.
All he has to do is make sense.
Next move is your's and Janet.
Only then will I be able to forgive and forget.
Total Grace; not Christian Grace.


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