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Hearing impaired (tendency to appear dumb, dense, and/or aloof), orthodox atheist (believe faith more harmful than doubt), self depreciating sense of humor (confident/not to be confused with low self esteem), ribald sense of humor (satorical/mocking when sensing Condescension), confirmed bachelor (my fate if not my choosing), freakish inclination (unpredictable non-traditionalist opinions), free spirit (nor conformist bohemian) Believe others have said it better...... "Jim! You can be SO SMART, but you can be SO DUMB!" "Jim! You make such a MARTYR of yourself." "He's a nice guy, but...." "You must be from up NORTH!" "You're such a DICK!" "You CRAZY!" "Where the HELL you from?" "Don't QUITE know how to take your personality." My favorite, "You have this... NEED... to be....HONEST!"

Thursday, December 4, 2014

INFINITY NOW: Rapture Interrupted

INFINITY NOW: Rapture Interrupted: That is not all, however. The rapture crowd seems thoroughly convinced that this is good news! Can you imagine? If they believe that this doomsday scenario is scriptural good news, then they cannot know what the real New Testament good news is at all. Rapture offers bad news and calls it good news. Rapture says exactly the opposite of what 1 Thessalonians 4:17 is saying. This false interpretation of a single Bible verse is peddled like it is the central gospel (good news) truth. And it is filling pews and selling an enormous amount of books.

Sadly, the rapture people threaten you with utter abandonment by the Lord, with ruin or injury or death from the collapse of society after the “good people” (them!) get beamed up. Is that not ironic? The rapture proponents who threaten you and assume superiority over you in the eyes of God are the “good people!”

Rapturites are asking you to believe the “good news” that Jesus will soon swing his U-turn by planet earth to beam a bunch of people away with him and abandon the rest to destruction. And they base this on Paul’s words of comfort about Grandma? I thought Jesus commanded us to love one another, not scare one another.

Some of these rapture believers are merely innocent and ignorant. Some of them, however, are fooling the innocent and ignorant because fear works to motivate church attendance and tithing. They are using people by abusing Scripture. And they are judging anyone who disagrees with them as being rejected forever by God, terrorized in a period of tribulation, and tortured forever in hell. Their ignorance and arrogance is staggering.

And people are believing them.


Harold Egbert Camping
(July 19, 1921 – December 15, 2013)
was an American Christian radio broadcaster, author and evangelist.[1] Beginning in 1958, he served as president of Family Radio, a California-based radio station group that broadcasts to more than 150 markets in the United States. In October 2011, he retired from active broadcasting following a stroke, but still maintained a role at Family Radio until his death.[2] Camping is notable for issuing multiple failed predictions of dates for the End Times, which temporarily gained him a global following and millions of dollars of donations.[4]

Camping predicted that Jesus Christ would return to Earth on May 21, 2011, whereupon the saved would be taken up to heaven in the rapture, and that there would follow five months of fire, brimstone and plagues on Earth, with millions of people dying each day, culminating on October 21, 2011, with the final destruction of the world.[7][8]

His prediction for May 21, 2011, was widely reported, in part because of a large-scale publicity campaign by Family Radio, and it prompted ridicule from atheist organizations[12] and rebuttals from Christian organizations.[13] After May 21 passed without the predicted incidents, Camping said he believed that a "spiritual" judgment had occurred on that date, and that the physical Rapture would occur on October 21, 2011, simultaneously with the final destruction of the universe by God.[14]


Subject:[No Subject]
From:James Avery (;
Date:Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:26 PM 

Dr. Gary,

I just got back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical records as well as those from Dekalb Crisis Center. While I was there, I spoke to my doctor, Dr. Parker, a small black women. I had just received another pathetic letter from my mother, whom I stopped all communication with, still believing her son has a mental illness. What I wanted to know from Dr. Parker, was my diagnosis which not told to me on release, as well as, what was told to my mother.

Bipolar being the diagnosis, I tried to show her copies from my blog which came to creation, from my anger at both you and Janet concurring against me from right across the street. You may or not be aware, but over the cellphone with my family in Arkansas, you've concurred with my mother against me as well; being all it took sending my life into a tail spin. It does not have to be intentional to fit the definition of "conspiracy.
Dr. Parker refused and began to get nervous, anxious, in a hurry to rush me out of the facility. Very calmly and professionally, I told her:

"Dr. Parker, hate to inform you; not only have you have failed in your responsibility to me as your patient, it's ..not.. bipolar if good reasons."

She could not even explain to me what happens when I start thinking ...clearer... on medication that takes months to see any results? How would we know when it's working? Not even what made her think I wasn't thinking Making it worth riskng serious effect associated with those medicines?

Last thing she said as she pushed me out the door:

"If you yell at your neighbors across the street again, you will be brought back here."

That was all I needed to know.

As my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable; believe I have accumulated enough evidence to justify my end, the reason being:

Those with a surplus are better able to control their circumstances; those without are controlled by them. One is not always able to exercise good judgment.

"Those" and "them" being the day Janet started concurring with you against me, a simple honest man with a hearing impairment keeping distance between him and his dysfunctional family in Arkansas.

I'm getting ready to find a civil lawyer to represent me here in Atlanta; one in Arkansas representing both my financial interest here and there in Prescott.

There will be no more yelling and screaming. You will be amazed how much I've learned just living across the street from George Robert Gary, Thb. just know his wife; the resources available to him I did not. All I wanted that day I scared Janet was some grandfatherly advice at that time.

My problem being then: how does one go ask for help if not sure where to begin?

Wanted some advise on where to go; not able to understand some returns with personalized search engine on my computer as well as an opportunity/opening for a mid-life crisis career change.

James Edward Avery, DVM is not unemployed; just retired from clinical practice of veterinary medicine wanting into the political arena.

Until you two stop concurring against me and remove that restraining order; you are neither liberal or mature Christian inside or outside a church. I do understand conflict of interest, and why resistant to women as ordained ministers; do not have to respect yours, Emory University, even that of my family if not fair, reasonable with me.

Why can't Phil be a writer as well as a preacher, Bob?
Just call it fiction.

All he has to do is make sense.

Next move is your's and Janet.

Only then will I be able to forgive and forget.

Total Grace; not Christian Grace.

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