"Sorry Baby, But You Will Not Taste Your Mother's Milk, Nor Be Naturally Cared & Nourished By Her. Your Mom's Milk And Meat Are Our Business.
You Are Nothing But A Portion Of Veal"
#cows #calfs #milk #milkindustry #meat
Disgusting - buy plant based milks not animals milk that belongs to their babies.
Tracey, we can't...we can buy plant juices, but not "milk", since plants don't have mammary glands..."soy milk" is just marketing. That said, there is nothing wrong with soy juice, but its not really milk.
Your mom did it to you at 6 months...what's the dif?
This is terrible I don't like this at all
That's horrible and sad :(
Disgusting, sick, and flat out wrong ...upsetting. .
+Richard McLaughlin I know it's not 'milk' as such and does not fit the anatomy of a plant 😉 That is obvious to me and yes it is part of the marketing ploy. Really doesn't matter matter which way you put it just don't consume animals milk is the basis to not supporting this industry.
@ Mary Ferguson, if a "human" mother stops lactating her baby is because she could make the choice, a Cow or her calf can't make that choice as you can see....that's the "dif" as you called it.
Wow!! That doesn't make sense if u deny them nutrition.. Would u want it to have nutrition so u could also sell also???
+Napeti Raketa Weaning at birth, never having the chance to be loved and be nursed by the mother. As it is supposed to be Naturally.
Livestock keeping in a business way
I don't know if there trying to change tactics, but typically they just throw the calves away alive, in big dumpers
Thats cruel to that poor calf its his/hers mother and that owner dose not have a heart!!!BITCH!!!
No they don't and it's actually worst than I can express. If u get a chance their a shows on PBS or other stations. Were talking about 20.000 cows on just one dairy farm
Ikr it's sad to break a mother baby bond 😞
Imagine that happening to u
I'm helping the cause... I'm lactose intolerant... from what I read... there's a lot of pissed off mothers... and yall probably eat cheese with your wine...
Really cruel dey hve rights too
Bastards why would they do such a thing
Sharon Sollfrank That is so sad. All animals have feelings. That baby longs for her or his mother
very cruel mentality--that is the difference between humans and animals.
That is horrible! No nature any more only chemicals n imitations n processed food...
Hmmmm my mommy!!!! So sad....
Folk, I hate to break it to you, but genetically you are omnivorous, " all eating" in simple terms. We have evolved to consume meat. Even our closest genetic relatives, like chimpanzees, will eat meat when the opportunity is presented, sometimes even the offspring from a rival tribe. Our large brain began developing once meat became part of our regular diet. Oh, and for reference, I hold no hypocrisy in my feeling on this matter, I've raised, slaughtered, butchered, and servered my own animals before. I have the utmost respect for my food for it provides me life. Although I do believe in humane farming techniques, not factory farming, which is too common these days.
I just can't believe all the animal cruelty that is done every day on this planet. When is it ever going to stop??
That's really mean. I can understand what they are doing bit it's still not fair! :-(
It is disgusting to do such a cruel thing to mother and child, when are we going to wake up to the fact that productivity in this form bring sadness and discontent among the animals that so generously provide for our human needs.
That is the most fu#&ed up thing I have seen so far. Shame on dairy farmers and cattle slaughters- damn murderers. Shame.
I don't like this i want to cry. I don't eat meat.
This is really sad that someone would post this and think this is
I don't think it's OK at all!!
I would LOVE to turn the tables on these farmers and sew their mouths shut...
When wil humans learn compassion ???
This is really sad & horribel
I hate to break it to u Richard McLaughlin bit I'm a vegetarian
Ive never seen this before? What countries are doing this sort of practice.
Omg you cant do that im nine and if got taken away from my mum i would kill myself a animal is still a living being
The famous Charlie Chaplin who was so emotional as we are who are against animal cruelity......once he saw am goat on slaughter .....he saw its eyes....he was little kid he came running to his mom with tears........and he asked told his mom about that animal. So they went and saved that little creature .......
He suffered all his life too
With the pain he smiled whole world even still his vedios
It was the perfect example of a human .....who was able to see inocent animals.... The biggest crime on earth is to do this between mother and kid
For what
For our needs we snatch the rights of a kid
It is terrible
And neither animal or nor human both kids shouldn't suffer with this
The most dangerous thing on earth is human who can do evwrything for his needs
+Michelle Wagner it is in every country where cows are use to give milk for humans need
NO... humans do not need milk from cows or any animal for need or survival .
It upsets the heck out of me and I can see it has the same effect on most of you, unfortunately, that doesn't change anything, as long as there's a market for it, it'll continue going , demand and supply . We can help by stop consuming the product, slow down the consumption , creating new laws, reinforce the existing. ..
This is nothing? Check out the videos at PETA ( people for the ethical treatment of animals), I saw many videos and learned many things, I'm now a vegetarian from over year now.
THIS is one of many reasons that I'm VEGAN!
This is real torture. My parents use to leave some milk for d calf while milking d cows n bufellows.
its sad to see the torture of better creatures by wicked animals
I m crying this is not good
This is so sad, this is the exact reason why I don't eat meat or drink/eat dairy products! Did you kno that humans are the only animals that drink other animals milk? If you really want to kno the full extent of their torture and suffering and what really goes into the milk (puss and antibiotics) then you guys should look it up and when you do, you will be horrified and will become vegan.
I like meat a lot but I want the animals treated well , I can't stand thinking I'm eating meat from an animal that was abused or kept from his mother. If even half of us demanded better treatment for these animals and stopped buying the industries would change.
Calf's need milk! WTH! : '(
Cruel nasy people there is evil in tnis world
+Ted Fogelstrom I wouldn't necessarily trust anything PETA says. They don't have a great track record when it comes to honesty.
that is wrong of them to do to that baby calf, how could they do that?! And to be called just a 'Veal' wtf not right at all. that goes right thro me. that baby calf should be with its mother! There is so much animal abuse going on in this world that its far from being funny! Us humans need to use our voice to help them in any way we can.
💔 we are such mean creatures sometimes 💔
In no way we are including the small milk farms run by families. The old fashioned is still alive, and many farms are run by humans with good hearts and compassion. They are not filthy rich, they work hard to provide for their families and animals.
Our aim is to inform all of you, about the Big Greedy Corporations who run "modern farms" where thousands of animals are farmed and killed daily. These corporations do not know the meaning of compassion. They mistreat animals in the most heinous ways.
If you eat meat that is your choice, our post is about animal abuse, not about your meat comsumption.
To those who bombard us with your comments on how you will cook your veal, do not bother to be trolling on our page. You will be blocked, we are dead serious about exposing & fighting off Animal Abuse.
That is soooo mean I can't not believe that someone would do that to their calf. And who ever did that they can go buy milk and meat at the store people are dumb these days
The only way to stop this injustice is to make consumer choices that support respectful and humane treatment of our brother animals and follow a Vegan lifestyle choosing to not support the horrors of the meat, dairy, fishing industries. Thank you.
So mean some people doing injustice n doing very wrong with animals just for a business very shamefull
Oh mio Dio! Che atrocità!
Maldition who hurts animais,onde day have a desfase with lots of pain
+Irena May ma cosa dici? Guardati dei video sugli allevamenti intensivi, sui vitellini e maschi e femmine, sulle mucche a terra...
please we are the most blessed creatures to be born as human... so, behave like a human not like animal
Motherhood denied......REALLY!
You know how Jesus is referred to as a shepherd looking after his flock?
If you think about it, in the end after all is said and done, still a predator. Once primitive man learned they stop running away if you stopped chasing them, you just keep the other predators away then sit back and watch your interest grow tax free.
Wrestling Jacob: TAO~g(6!9)d~OG
Currently I'm at odds, in a confrontation , with several pastors within the Metro-Atlanta area. Even a supposedly non-existing restraining order being held against me by the Emory Campus Police barring me from being on the grounds of Emory University; including Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church located on the campus of a secular Methodist liberal arts and sience institution.
And this is my defense:
As I must first be introduced to God, before even being aware of God; same as my father...
As I was practically born into the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas; same church as my father ...
As I was helped raised by the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas right up until graduating Prescott High School; same church and high school as my father...
As stuff put into our heads, when a child, never really goes away; same as my father...
It should not matter that I label myself a radical atheist as an adult!
"Where's Betty?!
I have always been, and forever always will be, Methodist; til the day I die same as my father.
As I am currently being told the story of the night my father died, he was completely alone at the hospital; his wife, my mother, having decided she just could not stay at the hospital with him that night and opting to drive the two hours back to Prescott, Arkansas from Little Rock.
who heard him?
This was the answer to the question I was trying asking of my sister when the two arrived here from Prescott, Arkansas; same visit those two conspired/deceive me into having me involuntarily committed to Georgia Regional Hospital.
mother kept interfering.
And I can't help but wonder why?
And as time goes on, believing I'm picking up on something not quiet right...?
A trend/pattern...?
Is this "learned" helplessness...?
A form of manipulation and/or deception eliminating the possibility of consent?
I even remember explaining my version of the trinity to Betty Jo Copeland, Glenn Memorial's United Methodist Church business administrator, how motherhood has to be the toughest job; being the one mostly having to compromise their interests in favor of their husband's interests and those of their children.
Shortly afterward,
I receive a restraining order from nationally known pastoral consultant George Robert Gary, Sr. ThD and his wife Janet Claire Segers Gary, both retired from Emory while Bob still working at Care and Counseling Center of Georgia, accusing me of having threatened members of Glenn Memorial; their church?
The only church members of Glenn, I knew at the time this restraining order served to me by three black plains-clothed policemen, could have been none other than Betty Jo (same name as my mother), Glenn Memorial' Finance Administrator Mary, and a young man (I was thinking probably a college student) named Joseph who did not tell me he was a pastor; only that his name was Joseph and that he knew Dr. Gary very well.
~(Betty Jo Copeland)~
Four years later I had an opportunity, by accident, running into Betty Jo and asking if I had threatened her in any way that day?
Upon hearing that I had not threatened her that day, I asked if she was even aware that Bob and Janet Gary were claiming that I had when requesting this restraining order against me. Even told her, although they were not mentioned by name, could only imply these three.
She just stood there.
Didn't react in any way at all.
Then I asked Betty Jo, "As I was only here (Glenn Memorial's administrative office) that day wanting a meeting with a pastor, why didn't someone tell me Joseph was a pastor?"
Betty Jo
shrugged her shoulders in a
"I don't know kinda way"
then again,
just stood their quietly.
So I tried moving on to the business at hand; a message was wanting her to pass on to their Associate Pastor Josh Amerson explaining why I was dropping off two hula hoops to be used at our upcoming meeting with him and their Senior Pastor Alice Rogers.
~(Betty Jo Copeland)~
Didn't get very far,
so I just leaned these two hula hoops up against the wall and said I would send an email explaining them.
As I left,
she just stood there in the entrance foyer to Glenn's educational building quietly staring down at these two hula hoops.
And it bothers me,
why it wasn't Betty Jo answering this question, as to why no one telling me this young man Joseph was a pastor as the two of us debated the difference between believing in one God as opposed to believing in "ZERO" gods?
I can still see Betty Jo sitting at her desk that day almost four years ago, as she's listening in on me and Joseph standing just inside the doorway to her office, having an expression on her face I can only describe as "puzzled" as she stares at this young man named Joseph who had interrupted my confessional to Betty Jo about the night my father died; me telling Betty Jo how I went out dancing that same evening before flying back home to Arkansas the following morning.
Two Betty Jo's...?
The synchronicity of it all!?
It was my mother,
Betty Jo,
setting me off that save visit I was asking questions of my sister about the night our father died.
It was my mother,
Betty Jo,
having had me involuntarily committed to Georgia Regional hospital that same visit;
causing me missing my hearing before a judge contesting this restraining order.
Betty Jo was the only one who knew the reason I was at Glenn Memorial UMC that day almost four years ago; wanting a meeting with a pastor.
It bothers me that Betty Jo didn't answer this question of mine: as to why no one telling me this young man, named Joseph who kept telling me he knew "Doctor" Gary very well, was a pastor.
She was the only one who knew...?
They treat humans the same way. No being deserves bad treatment, animals asked us for nothing.
Very, very sad if humans, us won't drink milk other matter will be. The milk were for they own calves!!!!!!
We are the resposables of that; milk cheeses, yuoghurt, butter, creams, so?
Don't be surprised,all the food that we eat has all kind of unnatural ingredient in it.Not only cow milk.That's why people get cancer and all other decease
That's really so sad of that
What's with the thing on the calfs nose
+Hailey Dewey A shield to prevent the calf from drinking his/her mother's milk. That is cruel because they are babies, they are supposed to be nourished by their mom.
That's just wrong, they need to be bonding. I DON'T approve of this.
+Ted Fogelstrom i agree I have been seeing some of the videos on PETA it's horrific, all this cruelty towards animals. I astill eat meat, but this will change I've eating meat all my life 50's. Now a good time to start. Wish me luck
You can do it girl it was a year for me in November
Thanks for the encouragement
As a 53 year old avowed practicing homosexual half his lifetime, I'm beginning to notice a trend that disturbs me greatly.
Although still true that it's safe to assume someone gay is also a Democrat until proven otherwise, there is a noticeable (only if one willing to notice) drift toward more and more gays becoming outright nationalist Republicans (at best Libertarians) as we are gaining our civil rights and becoming more comfortable with our surrounding environment. And this is failing to recognize/credit this change/improvement in our lives to their proper source; the progressive activism of those before us and not due to any actions benefiting only theirs and/or our own immediate concerns without regards for the future of all those coming after us. For example, the rights for gays to marry while women still owning less than 1% of property worldwide could be a potential problem...for women.
Although I do not see a flood of straight men getting married to each other instead because of the cost efficiency, it still needs to be considered.
So... what's right about gays given their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about African-Americans given their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights?
What's right about women gaining their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about animal and pets gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about trees gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining their rights? What's right about gold and pearls gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining their rights? And so you see we have a problem...?
Before there can be a conflict, there must first be a common interest; before there is an advantage, there must first be something different. We all share the same common We all (animals, vegetables, and minerals) compete for the same space we have no choice but to share. And I can't help but be concerned how it seems, definitely with our people of faith, something missing from this equation seriously fucking it up.
Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is characterized by a low fallow ratio and generally the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers relative to land area.
This is in contrast to many sorts of traditional agriculture in which the inputs per unit land are lower. With intensification, energy use typically goes up, either provided by humans, or supplemented with animals, or replaced with machines.
Intensive animal husbandry involves either large numbers of animals raised on limited land, usually confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) often referred to as factory farms, or managed intensive rotational grazing (MIRG). Both increase the yields of food and fiber per acre as compared to traditional animal husbandry, but in a CAFO the animal feed is brought to the animals which are seldom moved, and in MIRG the animals are bunched up and constantly moved to fresh forage.
Well, our population has exploded beyond the capacity of our "Pale Blue Dot's" ability to sustain this growth due to this progressive activism by all; and all these people have to be fed as well as jobs created in order for them (and even charity) paying for it. Simply becoming a vegetarian is not going to solve this problem of animal abuse. Might as well go ahead and upload them veal recipes.
From what I'm reading in response to this sad picture certainly giving me no hope for our future. Personally... I rather go with the miserable but brief existence.
Children's ability to endure stems from their ignorance of other alternatives.
Plus my mother said I REFUSED to breast fed.
And it irritates me how she said it; as if it automatically implied something was wrong with me.
Could this also be motherhood denied?
Jim Ed Avery9:28 PM
As a 53 year old avowed practicing homosexual half his lifetime, I'm beginning to notice a trend that disturbs me greatly.
Although still true that it's safe to assume someone gay is also a Democrat until proven otherwise, there is a noticeable (only if one willing to notice) drift toward more and more gays becoming outright nationalist Republicans (at best Libertarians) as we are gaining our civil rights and becoming more comfortable with our surrounding environment. And this is failing to recognize/credit this change/improvement in our lives to their proper source; the progressive activism of those before us and not due to any actions benefiting only theirs and/or our own immediate concerns without regards for the future of all those coming after us. For example, the rights for gays to marry while women still owning less than 1% of property worldwide could be a potential problem...for women.
Although I do not see a flood of straight men getting married to each other instead because of the cost efficiency, it still needs to be considered.
So... what's right about gays given their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about African-Americans given their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights?
What's right about women gaining their rights only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about animal and pets gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining these rights? What's right about trees gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining their rights? What's right about gold and pearls gaining their rights if only to drift to the right once gaining their rights? And so you see we have a problem...?
Before there can be a conflict, there must first be a common interest; before there is an advantage, there must first be something different. We all share the same common We all (animals, vegetables, and minerals) compete for the same space we have no choice but to share. And I can't help but be concerned how it seems, definitely with our people of faith, something missing from this equation seriously fucking it up.
Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is characterized by a low fallow ratio and generally the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers relative to land area.
This is in contrast to many sorts of traditional agriculture in which the inputs per unit land are lower. With intensification, energy use typically goes up, either provided by humans, or supplemented with animals, or replaced with machines.
Intensive animal husbandry involves either large numbers of animals raised on limited land, usually confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) often referred to as factory farms, or managed intensive rotational grazing (MIRG). Both increase the yields of food and fiber per acre as compared to traditional animal husbandry, but in a CAFO the animal feed is brought to the animals which are seldom moved, and in MIRG the animals are bunched up and constantly moved to fresh forage.
Well, our population has exploded beyond the capacity of our "Pale Blue Dot's" ability to sustain this growth due to this progressive activism by all; and all these people have to be fed as well as jobs created in order for them (and even charity) paying for it. Simply becoming a vegetarian is not going to solve this problem of animal abuse. Might as well go ahead and upload them veal recipes.
From what I'm reading in response to this sad picture certainly giving me no hope for our future. Personally... I rather go with the miserable but brief existence.
Children's ability to endure stems from their ignorance of other alternatives.
Plus my mother said I REFUSED to breast fed.
And it irritates me how she said it; as if it automatically implied something was wrong with me.
Could this also be motherhood denied? ?
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Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is characterized by a low fallow ratio and generally the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers relative to land area.
This is in contrast to many sorts of traditional agriculture in which the inputs per unit land are lower. With intensification, energy use typically goes up, either provided by humans, or supplemented with animals, or replaced with machines.
Intensive animal husbandry involves either large numbers of animals raised on limited land, usually confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) often referred to as factory farms, or managed intensive rotational grazing (MIRG). Both increase the yields of food and fiber per acre as compared to traditional animal husbandry, but in a CAFO the animal feed is brought to the animals which are seldom moved, and in MIRG the animals are bunched up and constantly moved to fresh forage.
Before there can be a conflict, there must first be a common interest; before there is an advantage, there must first be something different. We all share the same common We all (animals, vegetables, and minerals) compete for the same space we have no choice but to share. And I can't help but be concerned how it seems there is something seriously wrong missing from this equation.
Well, our population has exploded beyond the capacity of our "Pale Blue Dot's" ability to sustain this growth; even maintain it at it's current level. Due to progress, all these people have to be fed as well as jobs created in order for them (and even charity) paying for it. Simply becoming a vegetarian, or feeling sorry for these animals, not going to solve this problem of animal abuse.
As a species, there are limitations, flaws in the way we think. And until we take these limitations into consideration, and act on them collectively, we are doomed to failure.
This will definitely solve our animal abuse problem for good if we do not.
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+Jim Ed Avery For the last time! this is about cows and calf abuse. Post all your personal thoughts on your page. If you want to comment on our postings, let it be only about the mentioned animal. Your comments about your personal life, has nothing to do with our theme. Then you post about sex and now God?
Snap out of it! Our next option is to block you . Stop it!
+Stop Animal Abuse Something tells me you have a lot of kids that need feeding, milk. Lol Alright. I will leave you alone.
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Though veal can be produced from a calf of either sex and any breed, most veal comes from male calves (bull calves) of dairy cattle breeds. Generally, veal is more expensive than beef from older cattle.
The modern veal industry has strong connections with the dairy industry. To produce milk, cows must be lactating, and to be lactating, they must get pregnant and give birth. Since only female calves are used to produce milk, use of male dairy calves is limited, outside of breeding.
The veal industry's integration with the dairy industry goes beyond the purchase of surplus calves. It also buys large amounts of milk byproducts. Almost 70% of veal feeds (by weight) are milk products. Most popular are whey and whey protein concentrate (WPC), byproducts of the manufacture of cheese. Milk byproducts are sources of protein and lactose. Skimmed milk powder, casein, buttermilk powder and other forms of milk byproducts are used from time to time.
You can do it girl it was a year for me in November
Thanks for the encouragement
+Jim Ed Avery For the last time! this is about cows and calf abuse. Post all your personal thoughts on your page. If you want to comment on our postings, let it be only about the mentioned animal. Your comments about your personal life, has nothing to do with our theme. Then you post about sex and now God?
Snap out of it! Our next option is to block you . Stop it!
Though veal can be produced from a calf of either sex and any breed, most veal comes from male calves (bull calves) of dairy cattle breeds. Generally, veal is more expensive than beef from older cattle.
The modern veal industry has strong connections with the dairy industry. To produce milk, cows must be lactating, and to be lactating, they must get pregnant and give birth. Since only female calves are used to produce milk, use of male dairy calves is limited, outside of breeding.
The veal industry's integration with the dairy industry goes beyond the purchase of surplus calves. It also buys large amounts of milk byproducts. Almost 70% of veal feeds (by weight) are milk products. Most popular are whey and whey protein concentrate (WPC), byproducts of the manufacture of cheese. Milk byproducts are sources of protein and lactose. Skimmed milk powder, casein, buttermilk powder and other forms of milk byproducts are used from time to time.
+Stop Animal Abuse Did you or do you still not get the connection between my earlier postings (which you deleted) about me refusing to breast feed and about children's ability to endure stemming from their ignorance of the other alternatives and the posting of mine you finally approved? Apparently as a baby I was aware of an alternative...
milk re-placers.
With more women not breast feeding these days, this increases the demand for dairy products even more; an even bigger surplus of male dairy calves ending up in the veal market as they are useless in the dairy industry.
And compared to older beef cattle, the public does not like their steaks from older dairy cows.
Drinking less milk and buying less milk re-placers such as formula for human babies will help with our abuse of diary calves in the veal market by reducing the demand for dairy products (overall of which a good portion went back to feeding these male dairy calves before turning them into veal); thereby shrinking down the size of our dairy farms and veal factories.
Or simply stop reproducing ourselves.
I'm just assuming, if I liked the milk replacer better than breast feeding, why not the calves too?
And I'm so sorry if you are finding this offensive to motherhood.
+Jim Ed Avery we don't drink milk, never needed it, never wanted it. And look at us, we survived! And by the way .. we look very healthy.
But what about ice cream? We love it! Cream made of ice and fruits. What is your need? to harp so much about milk? Move on, aren’t you busy with holiday staff?
We have no power to change the milk industry but we can expose their mishandling and cruelty towards animals. So they can change their rules, believe us it happens. Many corporate farms are changing some.
Happy holidays!
PS :Remember we warned you before, stop it! Your chain of long comments are getting tiresome.

They are tiresome because you keep deleting them. You are the only one who's getting to read them...? Nothing wrong with the veal recipes in themselves as long as there is veal to buy. No point in them going to waste just for us to eat something else instead. When there is an appearance of confirmation bias (deleting); it give credibility to the other side's arguments.
I've been blocked.
Somewhere within all this,
I also posted...
this comment:
Be more specific? The population part was important. You are going to have to be more serious than just posting upsetting pictures.
Get the bible out and read very carefully the part about Wrestling Jacob. What do you think happened between the time he sent the different waves of livestock
(vast majority of them females along with a few studs each herds)
and the servants ahead of him and the point where the two brothers
meet face to face?
Something tells me the servants got slaughtered along with the animals.
By the time the two brothers meet up, these 300 men with Esau were well fed
Esau had vented his anger enough to spare Jacob life.
This is around the time when cities were beginning to form;
the iron age.
They have to be fed.
Just a conjecture.
Stop Animal AbuseYesterday 10:00 PM
+Jim Ed Avery Please stop.?
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