James Avery ·
Bobby, I have a question for you and your partner: what do you think would happen if I built a fence along my stretch of sidewalk the same as you and Charlie have built along your stretch of sidewalk except I made the side of my fence facing the road look the same as the back of your fence separating our two properties I'm having to look at every day.
And you two did the same with the section of your fence separating your property from the rental property next door to you.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Nancy Sokolove from Mason Mill 26 Mar
I have noticed that in the last week or so, the signs are creeping down the hill little by little, against the wood fence of the house on the corner of Vistavia and Mason Mill. Although I certainly don't know the line between the properties, I'm assuming that since it's along the fence that he has gone over that property line. I was able to take a photo yesterday to document this.
Thank Flag
Patrick and Bobby thanked Nancy
Also I want to point out that you two only maintain the space between Mason Mill road and your fence running along the sidewalk halfway up the street. Point out that I'm the one who keeps the sidewalk blown off and the weeds under control the upper 1/3 of what is still your stretch of sidewalk.
Like I said during our court hearing before Judge Polk your failed attempt at a restraining issued against me, you two have your own ways of egging me on.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Ron Mihelic from Mason Mill 6d ago
Since we all believe in rule of law , let's look at the Code..Code states verbatim.. " However, left completely unregulated, the number, size, design charecteristics, and locations of signs in the county can become a threat to public safety as a traffic hazard and a detriment to property values and to the county's general public welfare as well as create an aesthetic nuisance. The county, further, finds that signs have become excessive and that many signs are distracting and dangerous to motorists and pedestrians, are confusing to the public and substantially detract from the beauty and appearance of the county. The county finds there is a substantial need directly related the public health, safety and welfare to comprehensively address these concerns through the following regulations.." So we do have grounds to bring this in front of a judge. Without neighborhood involvement any judge presiding over this case will not understand the scope of the problem. This is a person who is a known and self admitted meth addict. He has been arrested several times (once for exposing himself to traffic). Has been institutionalized more than once. Has several restraining orders against him. Has been videotaped taking his neighbors trash from the curb. The reason why he has a large fence next to his property is because he was caught trespassing in his neighbor's backyard. Surely someone who has all these things happen is not just a misunderstood law abiding citizen who is angry about some trees from 10 years ago.
Thank Flag
Patrick, Bobby, Nancy, and 2 others thanked Ron
And while on the subject of restraining orders, one of you should have corrected your friend, Ronald Mihelic the Nathan Deal supporter ( and maybe even a "TRUMP!" "TRUMP!" "TRUMP!" supporter), when he posted onNEXTDOOR.COM that I have multiple restraining orders against me when in fact, none, as the Gary's restraining order (which I did not get the opportunity contesting) had expired and your attempt failed.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Bobby Rasulnia from Mason Mill 26 Mar
One night a few years ago, he pointed a red laser light on our chests while we were sitting in our back yard from his bedroom window. Another time he came to our house banging on the front door holding three rubber ducks asking us to help him join the trinity with the elderly neighbors across the street. That elderly couple obtained a restraining order and eventually moved away due to his stalking behavior. The next time our neighbors defend his insanity with freedom of speech, we want them to talk with those who are most affected by it. This is not a freedom of speech issue people. It's a safety issue, an aesthetic nuisance, and a detriment to property values. U can not infringe upon another persons rights by exercising your rights. The explicit tone of his "message" and the use of profanity is obviously and clearly hate speech. As a society and a neighborhood we cannot tolerate his hate speech and asthetic nuisance any longer.
Thank Flag
Patrick, Nancy, and Staci thanked Bobby
And while on the subject of the red laser light, Bobby...AGAIN! We've already went through this during our court hearing before Judge Polk your...FAILED...attempt at a restraining order!
Give it a rest!
And you two did the same with the section of your fence separating your property from the rental property next door to you.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Nancy Sokolove from Mason Mill 26 Mar
I have noticed that in the last week or so, the signs are creeping down the hill little by little, against the wood fence of the house on the corner of Vistavia and Mason Mill. Although I certainly don't know the line between the properties, I'm assuming that since it's along the fence that he has gone over that property line. I was able to take a photo yesterday to document this.
Thank Flag
Patrick and Bobby thanked Nancy
Also I want to point out that you two only maintain the space between Mason Mill road and your fence running along the sidewalk halfway up the street. Point out that I'm the one who keeps the sidewalk blown off and the weeds under control the upper 1/3 of what is still your stretch of sidewalk.
Like I said during our court hearing before Judge Polk your failed attempt at a restraining issued against me, you two have your own ways of egging me on.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Ron Mihelic from Mason Mill 6d ago
Since we all believe in rule of law , let's look at the Code..Code states verbatim.. " However, left completely unregulated, the number, size, design charecteristics, and locations of signs in the county can become a threat to public safety as a traffic hazard and a detriment to property values and to the county's general public welfare as well as create an aesthetic nuisance. The county, further, finds that signs have become excessive and that many signs are distracting and dangerous to motorists and pedestrians, are confusing to the public and substantially detract from the beauty and appearance of the county. The county finds there is a substantial need directly related the public health, safety and welfare to comprehensively address these concerns through the following regulations.." So we do have grounds to bring this in front of a judge. Without neighborhood involvement any judge presiding over this case will not understand the scope of the problem. This is a person who is a known and self admitted meth addict. He has been arrested several times (once for exposing himself to traffic). Has been institutionalized more than once. Has several restraining orders against him. Has been videotaped taking his neighbors trash from the curb. The reason why he has a large fence next to his property is because he was caught trespassing in his neighbor's backyard. Surely someone who has all these things happen is not just a misunderstood law abiding citizen who is angry about some trees from 10 years ago.
Thank Flag
Patrick, Bobby, Nancy, and 2 others thanked Ron
And while on the subject of restraining orders, one of you should have corrected your friend, Ronald Mihelic the Nathan Deal supporter ( and maybe even a "TRUMP!" "TRUMP!" "TRUMP!" supporter), when he posted onNEXTDOOR.COM that I have multiple restraining orders against me when in fact, none, as the Gary's restraining order (which I did not get the opportunity contesting) had expired and your attempt failed.
Overheard on NEXTDOOR.COM
Bobby Rasulnia from Mason Mill 26 Mar
One night a few years ago, he pointed a red laser light on our chests while we were sitting in our back yard from his bedroom window. Another time he came to our house banging on the front door holding three rubber ducks asking us to help him join the trinity with the elderly neighbors across the street. That elderly couple obtained a restraining order and eventually moved away due to his stalking behavior. The next time our neighbors defend his insanity with freedom of speech, we want them to talk with those who are most affected by it. This is not a freedom of speech issue people. It's a safety issue, an aesthetic nuisance, and a detriment to property values. U can not infringe upon another persons rights by exercising your rights. The explicit tone of his "message" and the use of profanity is obviously and clearly hate speech. As a society and a neighborhood we cannot tolerate his hate speech and asthetic nuisance any longer.
Thank Flag
Patrick, Nancy, and Staci thanked Bobby
And while on the subject of the red laser light, Bobby...AGAIN! We've already went through this during our court hearing before Judge Polk your...FAILED...attempt at a restraining order!
Give it a rest!
James Avery ·
In the BBC documentary The Most Hated Family in America, filmmaker Louis Theroux questioned Shirley Phelps-Roper as to whether she had considered that Westboro's technique of protests were more likely to "put people off the Word of Jesus Christ and the Bible". In response, Phelps-Roper said, "You think our job is to win souls to Christ. All we do, by getting in their face and putting these signs in front of them and these plain words, is make what's already in their heart come out of their mouth."
I do believe my signs are doing a pretty good job showing exactly what this neighborhood is made of...
And it's not pretty!
I do believe my signs are doing a pretty good job showing exactly what this neighborhood is made of...
And it's not pretty!
James Avery ·
"Dr. Rivellese is Catholic. He's told us (two female technicians) to tell you, he's not going to discuss religion with you. If you talk religion, then he's not going to see you."
As I sat, fuming, waiting to be seen by Dr. Rivellese at Georgia Retina because of an acute (as well as permanent) vision loss my right eye, me and an older black lady started talking politics.
"It's all about the money," she summarized the Republican Party.
To which I replied, "The question is: Would you be any different if the shoe were on the other foot?"
Although this startled her somewhat, she continued talking politics with me. Eventually I volunteered to her, as well as all the others (also waiting to be seen) who were listening if for no other reason than they had been given no other choice, that I was gay.
Suddenly, this older black lady becomes irate.
"Why did you tell me that? I didn't need to know that! Why did you tell me that!"
Reminded of an incident having happened at work, toward the end not long before eventually coming to the conclusion that my unhappiness with the direction my veterinary medicine career was heading probably a major if not the major reason for my crystal meths addiction; couldn't help but laugh.
~(The People's Pets)~
And this young black male technician defends his position using the logic that they can't go anywhere, as opposed to gays and lesbians, without others knowing they are black.
"Alright! I''m getting close to using that "N" word!"
At the same time...REFUSING....allowing me the opportunity explaining just how they were the same. Not even going to bother telling the rest of this story.
After the camps were liberated at the end of the Second World War, many of the pink triangle prisoners were often simply re-imprisoned by the Allied-established Federal Republic of Germany. An openly gay man named Heinz Dörmer, for instance, served 20 years total, first in a Nazi concentration camp and then in the jails of the new Republic. In fact, the Nazi amendments to Paragraph 175, which turned homosexuality from a minor offense into a felony, remained intact in both East and West Germany after the war for a further 24 years. While suits seeking monetary compensation have failed, in 2002 the German government issued an official apology to the gay community.
Anyway, long story short, I plan on wearing a "PINK TRIANGLE" my next court date August 9, 2016 and ask that Bobby and Charlie join in with me. And if we are lucky, maybe Mary Hinkel will humor us by demonstrating for us what a "LITTLE BLACK DRESS" might look like on it's "EIGHTH" day?
As I sat, fuming, waiting to be seen by Dr. Rivellese at Georgia Retina because of an acute (as well as permanent) vision loss my right eye, me and an older black lady started talking politics.
"It's all about the money," she summarized the Republican Party.
To which I replied, "The question is: Would you be any different if the shoe were on the other foot?"
Although this startled her somewhat, she continued talking politics with me. Eventually I volunteered to her, as well as all the others (also waiting to be seen) who were listening if for no other reason than they had been given no other choice, that I was gay.
Suddenly, this older black lady becomes irate.
"Why did you tell me that? I didn't need to know that! Why did you tell me that!"
Reminded of an incident having happened at work, toward the end not long before eventually coming to the conclusion that my unhappiness with the direction my veterinary medicine career was heading probably a major if not the major reason for my crystal meths addiction; couldn't help but laugh.
~(The People's Pets)~
And this young black male technician defends his position using the logic that they can't go anywhere, as opposed to gays and lesbians, without others knowing they are black.
"Alright! I''m getting close to using that "N" word!"
At the same time...REFUSING....allowing me the opportunity explaining just how they were the same. Not even going to bother telling the rest of this story.
After the camps were liberated at the end of the Second World War, many of the pink triangle prisoners were often simply re-imprisoned by the Allied-established Federal Republic of Germany. An openly gay man named Heinz Dörmer, for instance, served 20 years total, first in a Nazi concentration camp and then in the jails of the new Republic. In fact, the Nazi amendments to Paragraph 175, which turned homosexuality from a minor offense into a felony, remained intact in both East and West Germany after the war for a further 24 years. While suits seeking monetary compensation have failed, in 2002 the German government issued an official apology to the gay community.
Anyway, long story short, I plan on wearing a "PINK TRIANGLE" my next court date August 9, 2016 and ask that Bobby and Charlie join in with me. And if we are lucky, maybe Mary Hinkel will humor us by demonstrating for us what a "LITTLE BLACK DRESS" might look like on it's "EIGHTH" day?
James Avery ·
~(Mr. Bliss: Bobby B. Rasulnia's Domestic Partner)~
"Well it's Charlie's money and he can spend it however he wants."
~(Bobby B. Rasulnia: Mr. Bliss's I.U.E.C.)~
I suppose Bobby and Mr. Bliss's Iranian kinfolks and In-Laws could say the same thing about their Uranium Enrichment Program: It's their money and they can spend it however they want.
Subject: Recorder's Court Hearing February 2013
From: James Avery (jeaverydvm87@att.net)
To: John Bugge (emoryedu)
Date: Friday, July 29, 2016 12:25 AM
Hello John,
This is James Avery.
I was hoping I would be able getting you to either verify or deny something I'm remembering Judge Nelly F. Withers saying during my court hearing regarding the signs I had nailed to my trees at the time.
When Bobby Rasulnia volunteered that I was angry with them over the trees, I jump in saying:
"Yeah. I jokingly like referring to myself as The Lorax Of Dekalb County."
Then I went right into quoting a line from the movie, The Lorax:
"Beware the intruder and their violent way. Shame on them. For shame."
I'm definitely remembering Chief Judge Nelly F. Withers saying,
Do you remember her saying this?
Sincerely yours,
James E. Avery, DVM
Nellie or Nelly
a female given name, form of Helen.
(often lowercase) Slang.
Offensive. a fussily effeminate male.
Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
(of a plant) become dry and shriveled.
"the grass had withered to an unappealing brown"
synonyms: shrivel (up), dry up; More
cause harm or damage to.
"a business that can wither the hardiest ego"
Personally, I DO consider our trees to be "F*G ENABLERS".
Except for the one having missed one.
~(Mr. Bliss: Bobby B. Rasulnia's Domestic Partner)~
"Well it's Charlie's money and he can spend it however he wants."
~(Bobby B. Rasulnia: Mr. Bliss's I.U.E.C.)~
I suppose Bobby and Mr. Bliss's Iranian kinfolks and In-Laws could say the same thing about their Uranium Enrichment Program: It's their money and they can spend it however they want.
Subject: Recorder's Court Hearing February 2013
From: James Avery (jeaverydvm87@att.net)
To: John Bugge (emoryedu)
Date: Friday, July 29, 2016 12:25 AM
Hello John,
This is James Avery.
I was hoping I would be able getting you to either verify or deny something I'm remembering Judge Nelly F. Withers saying during my court hearing regarding the signs I had nailed to my trees at the time.
When Bobby Rasulnia volunteered that I was angry with them over the trees, I jump in saying:
"Yeah. I jokingly like referring to myself as The Lorax Of Dekalb County."
Then I went right into quoting a line from the movie, The Lorax:
"Beware the intruder and their violent way. Shame on them. For shame."
I'm definitely remembering Chief Judge Nelly F. Withers saying,
Do you remember her saying this?
Sincerely yours,
James E. Avery, DVM
Nellie or Nelly
a female given name, form of Helen.
(often lowercase) Slang.
Offensive. a fussily effeminate male.
Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
(of a plant) become dry and shriveled.
"the grass had withered to an unappealing brown"
synonyms: shrivel (up), dry up; More
cause harm or damage to.
"a business that can wither the hardiest ego"
Personally, I DO consider our trees to be "F*G ENABLERS".
Except for the one having missed one.

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